The 6th National Conference on Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) in English Language Teaching: Technology Meets ELT
The 6th National Conference on Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) in English Language Teaching: Technology Meets ELT In date 2025-02-26 by Farhangian University, in City Bushehr will be held.Since the conference held officially, all of this Conference paper and proceedings will be indexed in the Civilica database and Iranian Consortium of National Content (ICNC) and you can have full confidence.
Important Information
- Conference Date: 2025-02-26 Abstract deadling: 2024-12-20
- Holder:
- City Conferences of : City Bushehr
- Province Conferences of : Province Bousher
Fulltext deadling: 2025-01-19
Full Text Review Date: 2025-02-03
Scientific Organization: Farhangian University
- Language and Linguistics
Conference contact information
Conference tel: تلفن: 91099223-077Mobile Phone: 09357923585
Postall Address: بوشهر-خیابان عاشوری-کوچه شهید قناعت زاده-جنب پردیس بنت الهدی صدر-مدیریت امور پردیس های استان بوشهر
Website: Conference website