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The 6th International Congress on Intolerance of Pain and the 8th Annual Congress of the Iranian Association of Anesthesiology and Pain
The 6th International Congress on Intolerance of Pain and the 8th Annual Congress of the Iranian Association of Anesthesiology and Pain In date 2018-07-25 by ,Iranain Societely of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Mwdivineانجمن بيهوشي موضعي و درد ايران in City Tehran was held. please refer to the following link to download all the papers of conference proceedings: Proceedings The 6th International Congress on Intolerance of Pain and the 8th Annual Congress of the Iranian Association of Anesthesiology and Pain
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Accepted papers in The 6th International Congress on Intolerance of Pain and the 8th Annual Congress of the Iranian Association of Anesthesiology and Pain
Home-based cardiac rehabilitation and relaxation therapy to manage symptoms in women with cardiac syndrome X: shortterm results of a randomized clinical trial
Effective corneal analgesia by aspirin nanopreparation as an ocular antinociceptive drug-delivery system
Intraoperative and Postoperative Methods to Reduce Shoulder Pain Following Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy
Effectiveness of percutaneous neuromuscular electrical stimulation for neck pain relief in patients with cervical spondylosis
Spinal Cord Stimulation; Indications and Challenges
The role of Virtual Reality in pain management
Intradiscal ozone injection
Percutaneous Laser Disc
Intrathecal Baclofen Pump for Spasticity
Painful Conditions with HIV
Radiofrequency Ablation
Depression and Anxiety in Chronic Pain Introduction
Centeral pain control and inhibitory pain pathways pharmacology
A Review of Guidelines for Pain Research in Humans and animals
Endocannabinoid System and Its Therapeutic Effects in Pain Management
Kyphoplasty, Patient Selection and Potential Complications
Kyphoplasty, Patient Selection and Potential Complications
The Origins of Medical Ethics in Persia
Sympathetically maintained pain
Prevention of radiation injury from fluoroscopy imaging
Informed consent before the nerve block
Failed Back Surgery Syndrome Pitfalls Surrounding Evaluation and Treatment
Indications and Risks in Interventional Pain Management
Pain Management in ICU Seting
Pain management in spinal cord injury
Pain control for pancreatic cancer patients
Peripheral Nerve Blocks for Outpatient Surgery
Ortokine therapy
New Ozone Therapy in pain
Kyphoplasty, Patient Selection and Potential Complications
Effect of stellate-ganglion block in reduction of menopausal hot flushes in women
Fibromyalgia, genetics and psychological factors
Prospective Concept in Chronic Pain Control by Neuromodulation
Percutaneous treatment of degenerative disc disease with radiopaque gelified ethanol (Discogel); Initial experience in Shiraz, Southern Iran
Radiofrequency in vertebral fracture pain management
Acupuncture for Pain Management in Evidence-based Medicine
Management of chronic pain: Psychotherapeutic perspective
Rotator cuff lesions
Chronic Sacroiliac Pain
Pain Management in Emergency Department
UPPER extremity ultrasound regional block technique
lower extremity ultrasound regional block technique
Deep Brain Stimulation Surgery (DBS) in refractory Chronic Pain
Herpes Zoster and Post-Herpetic Neuralgia
Regenerative Medicine in Pain Treatment
Fibromyalgia Syndrome, A big problem in pain management
Imaging of spinal column degenerative disease
Low Level laser Therapy in pain management
Introduction to EMG for Anesthesiologists and Pain Control Physicians
Muscle recovery, pain reduction and improved movement strategies in patients with lumbar discopathy after intradiscal injection of Discogel
Effect of Extracted Platelets on Pain Reduction
Acute pain management with ketamine
Analgesic effects of ketorolac/lidocaine compared to dexmedetomidine/lidocaine in intravenous regional anesthesia