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Number of Articles: 76Number of Proceeding pages: 83
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The 7th International International Pain Congress, the 9th Annual Congress of the Local Anesthesia and Pain Society of Iran
The 7th International International Pain Congress, the 9th Annual Congress of the Local Anesthesia and Pain Society of Iran In date 2023-02-14 by ,Iranain Societely of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Mwdivine in City Tehran was held. please refer to the following link to download all the papers of conference proceedings: Proceedings The 7th International International Pain Congress, the 9th Annual Congress of the Local Anesthesia and Pain Society of Iran
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Accepted papers in The 7th International International Pain Congress, the 9th Annual Congress of the Local Anesthesia and Pain Society of Iran
Comparison of the three methods of Valsalva maneuver,lidocaine,andValsalva maneuvers along with administration of lidocaine to reduce thepain associated with administration of Propofol
Evaluation of the effect of dilute lidocaine solution on pain control during dressingchange in patients with burn injuries admitted to Shahid Zare Hospital in Sari in ۱۴۰۰
The academic course of medical ethics fromancient Iran to the present time
Real world evidence on the efficacy and safety of CGRP monoclonal Abs inmigraine
A Comparison between Low-Level Laser Therapy and Intra-articular Ozone Injectionin Knee Osteoarthritis Treatment: A Randomized Clinical Trial
Percutaneous radiofrequency ۰f T۷ thoracic sympathotomy in a young manfollowing post-surgical T۲ sympathotomy for compensatory hyperhidrosis.
Comparison of the effectiveness of tourniquet and Valsalva maneuver inrelieving pain caused by Propofol injection to induce general anesthesia :ADouble-Blind Randomized Clinical Trial
Comparison of the effects of analgesia and complications of subcutaneous andintravenous ketamine in closed reduction of nasal fracture
Minimally invasive interventions for headaches
Effects of ondansetron ۴ mg versus ۸ mg in reducing injection pain ofEtomidate
Comparing of the analgesic effect of pericapsular ultrasound-guided nervegroup block and fascia iliaca block in patients with femoral head fracture forneuraxial block
Peripheral Neuromodulation for the Management of Headache
Evaluation of the effect of nasal fentanyl in comparison with intravenousfentanyl in cataract surgery by phacoemulsification method
Acute Pain Management
The effect of sublingual fentanyl in comparison with intravenous ketamine onpain control and hemodynamic parameters during and after cataract surgeryby phacoemulsification method
New Medications In Pain Management
Acute pain procedures
Evaluation of the effectiveness of using pulse dose radiofrequency for thetreatment of trigeminal
Acupuncture and pain control new horizon
Evaluation of Knowledge and Attitude of Nurses about Evaluation andManagement of Postoperative Pain and its Relationship with PatientsSatisfaction with Pain Control
The prevalence of chronic pain and neuropathy in patients recovering fromcovid ۱۹ infection at Razi Hospital
The effect of virtual reality on low back pain
Erector spinae block in FBSS
Botulinum Toxin Treatment of Pain Disorders
Comparing the effectiveness of ultrasound-guided versus fluoroscopyguidedsacroiliac joint intra-articular injection in patients with sacroiliac jointdisorders: a pilot study
A Survey on Cancer Pain Management Based on WHO and Iran ministry ofhealth and medical education Guidelines
Multimodal analgesia in paediatric palliative care
Refractory Complex Regional Pain Syndrome: Case Report and Review ofLiterature
Synthetic cannabis for non cancer pediatric pain : a solution?
Evaluation of Serum Cortisol Levels and Response to Cosyntropin Test inMethadone-Treated Opium Addicts
The chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy treatment with novelsystemic ozone therapy method: a case report
Superior hypogastric plexu block as an effective treatment method forendometriosis - related chronic pelvic pain
Treatment of migraine and cluster headache with Psilocybin and MDMA
Radiofrequency in shoulder pain
Analgesic and Anti-anxiety Effects of the "Direct Lidocaine Spraying"Method on Acute Burn Wound Edges
Efficacy of Intra Articular and Genicular Nerve Radiofrequency Ablation in longTerm pain relief among patient with chronic knee osteoarthritis
Comparison of Ultrasound-Guided Superior Laryngeal Nerve Block with theTraditional Method for Direct Laryngoscopic Biopsy of Supraglottic Masses:A Clinical Trial
The effect of pregabalin on preventing fasciculation and myalgia caused bysuccinylcholine in laparoscopic cholecystectomy candidates
Radiofrequency of hip joint, pros and cons
Do Regenerative Medicine Therapies Provide Long-Term Relief in ChronicLow Back Pain?
Epidural Blood Patch in Subdural Hematoma Due to SpontaneousIntracranial Hypotention: A Case Report
Efficacy and Safety of intranasal fentanyl vs intranasal ketamine in cataractsurgery
Disc regeneration: A glimpse of the novel interventional approaches
Is ozone helpful in FBSS?Fail
Treatment of Intractable Hiccups Using Phrenic Nerve Block: A Case Report
Comparative clinical study of single-dose of pregabalin andcoadministration of celecoxib for postoperative analgesia in laparoscopiccholecystectomy; A double-blind randomized clinical trial
Spinal Cord Stimulation: Technical Implantation, Update and Challenges
Minimal Invasive Spinal Endoscopic Procedures: Evidence and Techniques
New Stimulation Techniques: Differential Target Multiplexed (DTM) Spinal CordStimulation (SCS)
US-Guided Truncal Regional Nerve BlocksIn Abdominal Surgery
Ultrasound Guided Trigeminal Nerve Block
Ultrasound-guided glossopharyngeal nerve block
Ultrasound-guided genicular nerves block a new treatment in rheumatology forknee osteoarthritis pain
Chronic Sacroiliitis
Clavipectoral fascial plane block
Fluoroscopy and Safety
Role of MRI in spine pathologied including back pain
Percutaneous Laser Disc Decompression (PLDD)
Intradiscal Ozon therapy
Intra-discal Radiofrequency for Discogenic Back Pain
Pain management in spinal cord injury
Treatment of chronic pain with chemical neurolysis
Spinal cord stimulation, Indications & Patientselection
spinal discs injectable gel a new treatment concept
Anesthesia and pain Mangment in thorasic surgery
Nurodestructive Intervention for Cancer Pain
postoperative analgesia for hip surgery
Ultrasound Guided Lumbar Facet Block
Role of Biobofeedback in Chronic Pain Syndromes
Prophylactic Effects of Intravenous Dexamethasoneand Lidocaine on Attenuating Hemodynamic-Respiratory and Pain Complications in ChildrenUndergoing Cleft Palate Repair Surgery WithGeneral Anesthesia
Effect of fentanyl on the success of inferioralveolar nerve block for teeth withsymptomatic irreversible pulpitis: Arandomized clinical trial
Effects of ondansetron ۴ mg versus ۸ mg in reducing injection pain of Etomidate
A Comparison Between Low-Level Laser Therapyand Intra-articular Ozone Injection in KneeOsteoarthritis Treatment: A Randomized ClinicalTrial
مقایسه اثرات بیدردی و عوارض کتامین زیر جلدی و داخل وریدی در بیماران جهتجا اندازی بسته شکستگی بینی