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15th Iranian Physical Chemistry Conference
15th Iranian Physical Chemistry Conference In date 2012-09-03 by University of Tehran,Iranian Chemical Society in City Tehran was held. please refer to the following link to download all the papers of conference proceedings: Proceedings 15th Iranian Physical Chemistry Conference
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Accepted papers in 15th Iranian Physical Chemistry Conference
Tautomerism and Dichroism in Anisotropic Media
Nanoporous Materials and Its Applications
Dynamics and Diffusion of N۲ and O۲ in Zeolite Li-LSX Studied by Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Vapor-liquid interfacial properties of ionic liquids
Molecular Dynamics Simulation of an Amine-Functionalized Imidazolium-Based Ionic Liquid
Molecular Dynamics Simulations Studies of surfactant -Wrapped Single -Walled Carbon Nanotubes surface
Study of the Imidazolium-Based [Tf۲N–] Ionic Liquids by Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Interaction of Neutral and Ionic Metal Clusters with Noble Gas Atoms;Theoretical Investigation
Theoretical investigation of the effects of solvent on the ۱۱Bu ۲۱Ag internal conversion decay in octatetraene
Interaction of Highly Reactive Molecules C۴H۴, C(CH۲)۳ and (C۳H۳)- with Ƞ۵-Cyclopentadienyl Metal Complexes (Ƞ۵-C۵H۵)M. A Theoretical Study
Calculation of Absorption and Fluorescence Spectra of Large Polyatomic Molecules
Potential Energy Surfaces of He-CS۲, Ne-CS۲ and Ar-CS۲ Dimers : Second Virial Coefficient and Vibrational Energy Levels
Effect of copper oxide formation on the kinetics and mechanism of oxygen reduction reaction on copper
Electrochemical conversion of carbon dioxide to valuable products
Study of Platinum loading effect on performance of GDE for Glucose Oxidation
Effect of Activation Procedures on the Performance of H۲/ Air Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell (PEMFC)
Catalytic Decomposition of Natural Gas into the Carbon and Hydrogen
Rapid Photogeneration of Silver Nanoparticles in Ethanolic Solution Using a Triblock Copolymer: A Kinetic Study
The Aggregation Behavior of Dodecyl Betainate Gemini Surfactant using Viscosimetry and Dynamic Light Scattering
Ruthenium Nanoparticles Supported on the Periodic MesoporousOrganosilica as Highly Effective and Recyclable Catalyst for the Aerobic Oxidation of Alcohols
Scratch Resistant Sol-Gel based Nanocomposite Films on Polycarbonate: DMTA, Small Angle X-ray Scattering and FTIR Studies
Nanoemulsion and Microemulsion Formulation for the Solubility Enhancement of valsartan
Nonequilibrium electronic transport properties of Diphenyl ethynylene: Effect of anchoring groups
Phosphonate monoesters as carboxylate-like linkers for metal organic frameworks
Local Depolarization in Hydrophobic and Hydrophilic Ionic Liquids/Water Mixtures: Car-Parrinello and Classical Molecular Dynamics Simulation
Recovery of formic acid from an aqueous solution by ۱- decanol at ۳۲۳.۱۵K
Osmotic and activity coefficient of L –Serine in aqueous solutions of ionic liquid[cmmim][Cl] at T=۲۹۸.۱۵K
Kinetic study of removal Tylosin from contaminated water by persulfate in the presence of immobilized silver nanoparticle
Calculation of Transport Properties of Fluids Using MET and Appropriate Equations of State
Kinetic study of uracil tautomerization in the gas phase
High Solar Photocatalytic Degradation of Azo Dye Reactive Black ۵ (RB۵)by Bismuth Ferrite Synthesized via Ultrasound Method
Twinkling star: A simple chemical oscillator
A novel method for prediction of thermal decomposition kinetics in different temperature profiles
Kinetic study ofreaction of ethane with radical of thrichloromethane
Time-dependent charge reorganization of nonstationary π systems
PARAMATICA: A MATHEMATICA Package for Biomolecular Force Field Development
QTAIM ۶-center Delocalization Effect of Components of Electron Density on Local Aromaticity of Boron Nitride Sheets
Mapping electron dynamics in molecular H۲ using HHG time profiles
Computational investigation on the regioselective Sonogashira synthesis of ۶-(۴-nitrobenzyl)-۲-phenylthiazolo[۳,۲-b]۱,۲,۴ triazole
Interactions of Coinage Metal Clusters with Histidine and Their Effects on Histidine Acidity; Theoretical Investigation
Protonated Phenol :Electronic Properties
Physical chemistry: from theory to application, from laboratory to industry
Corrosion and scale inhibition of admiralty brass in cooling water system by aminotris-(methylenphosphonic) acid
Electrochemical Investigation to Evaluate the Inhibition Effect of Schiff Base (Salpr) Against Magnesium Corrosion in Acidic Media
Non-isothermal degradation kinetics of Un-irradiated and High Energy Protons Irradiated Polyvinyl Butyral
Cylindrical DBD Plasma Reactor: Cracking of Petroleum Fuel Oil into Light Olefins
Methane conversion to Hydrogen and Higher Hydrocarbons by Kilohertz pulsed plasma
Conversion of Methanol to Light Olefins over Nanostructured Ce-MnSAPO-۳۴ Catalyst Synthesized via Ultrasound Method
Energetic of single-walled armchair, zigzag, and chiral silicon nanotube and investigate of the effect of stress on melting point with use molecular dynamic (MD) simulation
Experimental investigation on thermophysical properties of functionalized TiO۲-water nanofluids
Chemical Oxidative Cutting of Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes Arrays with Electromagnetic Waves
Thermal conductivity investigation for CNT based polymer nanocomposites with effective structural parameters
Formation of Hydroxyapatite-Titania Nanostructured Bio-Ceramic Films by Plasma Electrolyte Oxidation
Preparation and Characterization of Micro/Nanocapsulescontaining TungOil and its Use in Self-Healing Coatings
Structuraland magnetic properties of CoFe۲-xAlxO۴ nanoparticles
Synthesis of NiMo Based Nanocatalysts over Al۲O۳ and ZrO۲ via Impregnation Method Used in Hydrodesulphurization Process
Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Inhibition of Orotidine ۵’-Monophosphate Decarboxylase Protein by ۶-Hydroxy-UMP (BMP) Drug
Partial molar entropy in nonextensive thermodynamics framework
Experimental Investigation on the Solubility of CO۲ and H۲S in Some imidazolium-based Ionic Liquids
Ionic association and solvation of the ionic liquid ۱-hexyl-۳ methylimidazolium chloride in molecular solvents revealed by volumetry and acoustic measurements
Calculation of radial distribution functions for methane by wavelets in different temperatures and comparison with computer simulation results
Dyeing equilibrium parameters of polypropylene/Clay composite fibers with disperse dyes
Complexity of Density Dependencies of Thermal- and Internal- Pressure Compared to that of Total Pressure
Modeling and experimental verification of the curing kinetics of an Epoxy/Polyaminoamide/Nano-glassflake systemby DSC
First-principles study of Li adsorption in functionalized carbon nanotubes
Viscometric study on the compatibility of poly(vinyl acetate)-poly(vinyl pyrrolidone) in solution
Mass Calibration of Time of Flight Mass Spectrometer Using Alkali Salts
Electron ( Spin & Charge ) and Nanoelectronics
Quantum chemical studies on molecular structural conformations,energetic of methyl (methylene) silane
A new method for exploring alien life
Evolution of the free electron wavepacket near a nucleus
Electrostatic Properties of Halogen Bonds
Calculation of Rovibronic Transition Intensities for Diatomic Molecules
An accurate CHARMM compatible force field for bisphosphonate pharmaceuticals
Sum of Products Potential Energies Via Higher Order Singular Value Decomposition
Theoretical studies of decomposition and reactivity of the C۳F۷OCH۲O radical
Ab initio study of the effect of the cluster size on the chemisorptions of NTCDA on the Ag(۱۱۰) surface
Calculation the structural parameters and DOS of TaB۲ compound with p۶/mmm space group using pseudopotential method
systems up to high temperature and high pressure conditions
An electrochemical investigation of the effect of nano sized TiO۲particales on cathodicdisbonding of epoxy-polyaniline coated mild steel
Er۳+-PVC Membrane Sensor Based on ۳-hydroxy-N'-((pyridin-۲-yl)methylene)naphthalene-۲-carbohydrazide
Modeling of Methane and Ethane mixture Gas Hydrate Formation kinetics based on Non-equilibrium Thermodynamics
Experimental Study of theEffect of Hydrophilic Silica Nanoparticles on Foam Performance in Alkaline-Surfactant-Gas flooding
A Comparative Synthesis of Ni-Cu Oxides over Al۲O۳-ZrO۲ Nanocomposite via Impregnation and Sol-Gel Methods Used for CH۴/CO۲ Reforming
Co and Cu Doped Ni/Al۲O۳-ZrO۲ Nanocatalysts Treated by Non-Thermal Plasma and Used for Dry Reforming of Methane
Surface tension prediction of binary mixtures by using scaled particle theory coupled with one fluid theory
UV/Vis Spectral & Viscosity Investigation of Interaction Bis ۵-Phenyl Azo Salicyl aldehyde Ethylene di imin Cobalt (II) With Calf Thymus Deoxy Ribonucleic Acid
Prediction of the rmodynamic prope rties of et hers and glycol ethers using a group contr ibution m ethod
Inv estigation of thermodynamic properties of hydro carbons using an ext ended LJ potential-based Eo S at high temperature-high pressure con ditions
Extrac tion of aro matic co mpounds from hydr ocarbon fuels by ionic liquids: a quantum chemical study
Complexat ion of tri oxide tung sten and p-sulfonat ocalix[۴]a rene In aqueous solution
A New Equation of State f or Alcohols
viscometric st udies of b inary mix tures of formamid e with alkan-۲-ols
Thermodynamic study of molec ularinter actions in binary s ystems
Kineti c Studies for Adsor ption of Azure B Dy e over Synthesized Fe-ZSM-۵ and Co-ZSM -۵ Nanoz eolites
Mixed ionic surfactant system for stable susp ension of multiwall ed carbon nanotubes
N,N'-bis(۲-hydr oxy-۴-methoxysalic ylidene)- e thylenediamin by reflectance an d transmittance spectra.
Determinatio n of the optical con stants Pd(II)complex of Schiff base ۶,۶ƍ-dimethoxy-۲,۲ƍ-[hexa ne-۱,۶-di ylbis(nitrilodimethy lidyne)]diphenolby reflectanceand transmitta ncespectra.
Visc ometery and Spectral Investigation on Interaction of Cu(II)Salen Co mplex and Bovine Serum Alb umin: A Thermod ynamic ap proach
T he study of electronic structu re of some organic nanoconductors
Activity coef ficients o f major ions in Lake Urmia b rine at different temp eratures
The apparent heat capacity and enthalpy of lake Urmia brine in different temperatures by using Pitzer equations
Decolorization and deg radation of Reactiv e Orange۷ pollutan t by using oz onation method
Liq uid + Liquid) Equilibria for (Water + Acetic aci d + Xylen e or M-xyle ne or O- xylene or P- xylene ): Experim ental Da ta and Pr ediction
Using artificial neural net work top redict the specific v olume of polymeri c High temperat ure and h igh pressu re densit y predicti on of hydr ocarbons using artificial neural network method
Physicoch emical evaluation of Microemulsion fo rmulations for Water+Ipm+Tween ۸۰+Isobutanol Pseudo-ternary System
Investigation of Protein Albumin Partition ing in Aqueous Two- Phase Systems Containi ng Polyetylene Glycol and Ino rganic Salts
Solubility product of salts in Lake Urmia brine at different temperatures
Synergism/antag onism stu dies between antifo am-antihydrate us ing surface tension technique
Investigation of surface p roperties of ionic liq uid/alcohol binary systems at various temperature
Non-isothermal Cry stallizatio n Kinetics Study of Biodegradable Polyethylene Azelate/SiO۲ Nanocompo site
Compariso n of H۲, C H۴ and C O۲ gas adsorption o n Boron N itride Nanoscrolls
Effect of surfac tant solutions on m ethanol s ynthesis c atalyst preparation
Surf ace protec tion of copper using organic compoun ds in acid ic media
Corrosion inhibition of brass by two synthesi zed compo unds in F ormic acid
The i nvestigati on of ۳-m ethyl ۴-[۱- (۴- meth oxy phenyl) methylidene] -۵-iso oxazolone and ۳- acidi c media.methyl ۴-[۱- (۴- dimethyl. ami no) phenyl] -۵- iso ox azolone as inhibitors on Mil d steel in a cidic med ia.
The i nvestigati on of ۳-m ethyl ۴-[۱- (۴- meth oxy phenyl) methylidene] -۵-iso oxazolone and ۳-m ethyl ۴-[۱- (۴- dimet hyl amin o) phenyl ] -۵- iso oxazo lone as in hibitors o n Mild st eel in acidic media.
DFT and Experimental vibrartion al analys is of Ofloxacin by Quantum liquid DFT calculation
An investiga tion of Langmuir, F rendlich, and Tem kin isothe rms for neodymium rem oval by modificati on of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) fibers from environment al samples
Viscosity dev iationof b inary mix tures of Dimethyl Carbonate and a homologous series of ۲- Al kanols at different temperatures
Investigating th e impact of the onion change on the interaction p otential of ۱-buty l-۳-meth ylimidazol ium ionic liquids b y using the experimental pVT data
Stud ies on cor rosion of copper-aluminum alloys in artificial s ea water
Characteriz ation of Į- amylase in Ardabil honey
Kinetic and Isothermal S tudies of Cadmium Sorption onto Poly (Ethylene Terephthalate) Fibers Grafted w ith ۲-Hyd roxy Propyl Metha crylate
Adsor ption pro perties of ۲-hydroxy propyl methacryla te grafted onto poly ethylen eterephth alate fibers for removal of Cd (II) ions.
Degr adation of Acid Blue ۱۱۳ as organic pollutants in aqueous media by ozonation.
Harm onic balance method and the nonlinear ion trap
Investigation of the rem oval of Basic Violet ۲ by the walnut sh ell from aqueous solutions: study of the experimental parameters
ab initio Study of the Intr amolecular Proton Transfer Reaction in Imine - En amine Equilibrium : Effect of the electron dono rs and acceptors Substitutions on their Kinetics
Intra molecular proton transfer re action in E nol- Keto ne equili brium: ab initio Study of the electron donors a nd accept ors substi tution effe ct on their kinetics and thermodynamics
Fluor escence spectroscopic investig ation of interaction between DNP and hemoglobin
Iran Hydroge n Economy: Proble ms and C hallenges
Investigation of Bio–Na no Interaction betw een Sing le-Walled Carbon Nanotube and some of a mino acids
Liquid-Liquid Equilibria for Ternary Mixtu re of (Wa ter + Acetic Acid + Meth yl Isobuthyl Ketone) at Diffe rent Tempereture
A M ining Waste as a Catalyst fo r the Upg rading of a Hardwood Chip D erived Py rolysis Bio-Oil
Experimental Study of theEffect o f Hydrophilic Silic a Nanopa rticles on Foam Performa nce in Alkaline-Surfactant-Gas flooding
Conversion of CH۴ and CO۲ Mixture to Syngas over Ni/Al۲O۳-CeO۲ Nanocatalyst Synthes ized via Impregnation and Sol-Gel Me thods
Utilization of greenhouse gases thr ough methane dry reforming over Fe-V۲O۵/ZrO۲ catalysts
Sol-Gel vs. Imp regnation Synthesis of Ni-Cu /Al۲O۳ N anocataly st Used in Reforming of Meth ane
Molecular Dynamics stady of diffusion of Haloca rbons in FAU zeolite
A Co mputational Analysis of Interaction o f Different isomers of Curcu min with Protein Kinase Cį (PKCį )
DFT study of the electr onic structures and energetic s of different isome rs of curcumin
Computational investigation o n copper-a ssisted radioiodine exhange of Meta-iodobenzylguanid ine in ammonium sulfate matrix
A Theoretical Study on the Structural Features of Bisphosphonate Pharmaceuti cals
Direct Ab Initio Dynamics Study on the Reaction of CF۳CHFCF۳ with Cl Atom
Quantum Chemic al Modeling on Active Rutile TiO۲ Cat alyst in Oxidative Couplin g of Meth ane (OCM ) Process
Adsorption of CO Molecules on Fulleren e: A Densi ty Functional Theory Study
Capacitive effect of C۲BN Bilaye r Nanosheet by co mputational chemistry method
Ele ctrostatic Forces effects on aggregation behavior of CTA B surfacta nt around carbon nanotubes
Theoretical study of the Substituent effe cts on O–H bond dissociatio n enthal pies of trans-resver atrol deriv atives
DF T/B۳LYP study of the Antioxidant Properties of IRFI in t he Gas Phase and DMSO solvent
Molecular dy namics studies on the intera ction of an ionic surf actants with adenosine deaminase
Computational st udy of aza-adaman tanes as multivalen t bases
Free ene rgy Calculations of the Mutation in a Membrane Protein
Calculation of Water-E thanol Mixtures Autoprotoly sis Constants using ab initio methods
N-H…S and S -H…N intramolec ular hydr ogen bond in ۴-ami ne-۳-pente ne-۲-thial
Theoretical study of solvent effe cts on the conformational preference in E-Aminoacrolein and E-Thioaminoacrolein using PCM , IPCM and SCI-PCM methods.
Stud y of H۲ a nd CO۲ adsorption on bare a nd functionalized d ouble-walled ca rbon nano tubes by molecular dynamics simulation
Investigation of therm odynamic properties of Ni nanoclusters based o n Molecular D ynamics Simulations
S ublimatio n Enthal py of Nano-Sized Crystals of HMX: A Molecular Dynamic s Simulation Study
Predicting the effects o f basepai r mutatio ns in proline-rich h omeodomain (PRH)-DNA complex by thermodynamic integration
The effect of electric fie ld on interaction of glycine w ith (۶, ۰) single-walled boron nitride nanotube
T he computational study on t he effect of azobenzen linker on the dye
Diameter effect on the adsorption of aqueous cetyltrimethylammonium brom ide surfactant on carbon nanotube: A molecular dynamics simulations
Theoretical study of some aromatic compounds
The oretical Study, Kinetics and Mechanis m Investigation Of The Reactions Between Triph enylphosphite, Dialkylacetylenedicarb oxylates And N-H Acid For G enerationOf Phos phonate Esters
Mo lecular dynamic si mulation of dication ic ionic liquid: Eff ects of anion and cati on type on the liquid structure and tra nsport pr operties
Molecu lar structure and i ntramolecular hydrogen bon ding of O rto Fetaleic Acid. A DFT stud y
A DFT Study on Intra molecular Hydrogen Bond in Orto Hydroxy Ben zoic Acid
Natural bond orbital (NBO) investigation of phase transition of confined water molec ules inside carbon n anotubes: a multis cale meth od from M D simulation to DFT calculation
DFT calculations o f IR and NMR properties of ۴-(dim ethyl ami no)-۱-(trimethylsil yl) pyridin -۱-ium ch loride
Barriers t o permeation of ions through nanotubes
Computational Studie s of Fullerene Nan o Structures C۲۰( Ih ), C۲۴ (D۶d) , C۲۶(D۳h) , as H۲ Adsorbent
Theoretical stu dy of Oxy gen Adsorption on Ni(۱۱۱) Su rface
Investigation of solvation energ y and intramolecular hydro gen bond of ۱,۳,۴ -Oxadiazole-۲-thiol derivati ves in diff erent solvents
Computational Study of ۱-silaa llene and ۲-silaallene
SO۳-۲ ion adsorption on (۸, ۰) zigz ag Carbon Nano tu bes
A dsorptio properties of biato mic gases on (۸,۰) zigzag Single-walled carbon n anotubes: a densit y functional study
Quantum mecha nical study of intera ction bet ween ۳-m ethyl-۲-thioxoimid azolidin-۴-one and I۲ in the gas phase
DFT, AIM and NBO analysis of ۴-methyl-۲-thioxoimidazolidin-۴-one tautomers and th eir complexes with iodine
New grafte d zigzag ( ۱۰,۰) carbon nanotu bes with two phosp horamide s
NQR study of two f unctionalized carbon nanotu bes with phosphoric triamides
A DFT Study on Orga nic–Inorg anic Hybrid Compound by NMR in Gasa nd Solven ts
Resonance at Intramolecular Cyclization i s Proven by Electr on Densit y of Atom
A navel nan o Boron Nitrogen Carbon co mpound as an antibiotic carr ier and DFT Study
B۵N۵C۸H۱۸ nano cluster as a novel material fo r drug de livery
Theoretical studies on tautomerism of ۴-H ydroxyco umarin derivatives in gas phase and solution
Calculation of Cl- -Ar Potential Energy and Mobility of Cl- Through Ar
Stereoelectronic interaction effects on the conforma tional pr operties o f ۲-halo-۲-o xo-۱, ۳, ۲- dioxaphosphorinanes and the ir S, Se a nalogues
A study of t he exchange and correlation energy of thiocyanate ion: DFT calculations within the symmetrized Kohn-Sham formalism
Comparison of theoretic al metho ds for ab initio and DFT calc ulations of the frequencies of normal vibrations of thio cyanate ion
An analytical potential energy surface for P۲-He dimer from ab initi oc alculations
Adsorptio n of parent nitrosamine on the nanocrystalline M–zeolite
Theoretical investigation of Nitrogen mustards using quantu m chemic al c alculation and neural network
Cy totoxic ac tivity pred iction of ۲-chloroethylnitros oureas using quant um chemical study and sensitivity ana lysis
Ev aluation t he Anti-Bacterial Activity of Some ۱,۲,۴-Triazole Derivatives through a Quantitative Structure Activity Relationship approach
Relative pKb calcula tions of aniline derivatives in aqueous solution
I nteraction of Oxazepam drug and sin gle-wall ca rbon nanotubes: A theoretical study
A computational study of the behavior b ulk ionic liquid ۱-n -propyl-۴-a mino-۱,۲,۴ -triazolium bromide
Molecular dy namic si mulation of Water confined in side carbon nanotube
Density functional theory investi gation of interaction between single-walled car bon nanotube and amino acids
Com parison of Hydro gen Bond interaction between Acetic a nd Propan oic acid Dimer with Density Functional theor y calculation
Effects of electronegative group s F,Cl,Br on Hydro gen Bond intraction in Propanoic A cid Dime r using Q M.
Study of ionic liquid and a single- wall carbon nanotube mixtures using molecula r dynam ic simulations
Cal culation of diffusion and transport coefficient fo r ۱-n-prop yl- ۴- amino-۱, ۲, ۴- triazoli um bromide ionic liquid
Mobility of gaseous io ns in noble gases: comparison of poten tial models
Study Stability Com plex Mes o-tetra Arylporphy rinato Zinc & BF۳ With DFT Calculation results
Study quantum me chanical calculations comple x HABA– and Li+ With a b initio & Thermo dynamic r esults
Many-Body effects in some thermodynamic properties of CO۲, CO۲-Ar, and CO۲-CH۴ from molecular dynamics simulation
The effect of Mercapto acetic acid adsorp tion on Si۱ ۴ silicon q uantum dot.
Hybrid density functional t heory stud y and na tural bon d orbital interpr etation of conform ational b ehavior of methanedithiol
Ab initio study of intr amolecular fluorine transfer in perfluoroguanidine
A DFT stu dy of hyd rogen ads orption on Ln@B۱۶N۱۶ fullerene-like nanocluster (Ln: La, Gd and Lu)
Dynamic Beh avior of Boron Nit ride Nanotube and Surfactant Complexes Mediated Molecular Dynamic Stimulation
Molecular D ynamics Simulations Studies of surfactant -Wra pped Single - Wa lled Carbon Nanotubes surface
Molecular modeling of ۱-ethyl-۳-methylim idazolium -based io nic liquids + H۲ S complex es
Assignment of Absolu te Configuration of Fischeri n by Com puted NMR Ch emical Shifts
Configuratio n Assignm ent of ۸Į-hydroxy-۱۳-hydro peroxylabd-۱۴,۱۷-dien-۱۹,۱۶;۲۳,۶ Į-diolide by Computed Chem ical Shifts
A dsorption properties study thiazole att ached (۶,۰) zigzag single-wall ed boron ph osphide n anotube
A DFT study of imidazole adsorption pro perties on (۶,۰) boro n phosphide nanotube
Ab initio s tudies on the reactivity and thermal d ecomposition of the CF۳O CH۲O radical
Theoretical studies o f decompo sition an d reactivity of the C۳F۷OCH۲O radical
Covalent hy bridizati ons of car bon nanotubes – Graphene nanoribbo nsthrough pepti de linkages: A density functio nal appr oach
Theoretical st udy of com plex for mation co nstant between ben zo-۱۵-cro wn-۵ and Mg۲+ cation at different temperatures
Effect of aniline substitutions o n polyaniline HOM O/LUM O band gap
Computatio nal mechanistic stu dy of met hanol and hydroperoxyl radi cal reaction
Evaluation of cyclic (am ino)(phosphino)-, and cyclic (alkyl)(a mino)carbene effects on the second generation of Grub bs' catalysts
Hydrolysis Reaction Me chanism of the Second Generation Anticancer D rug Carboplatin: An Ab-inito study
DFT study of C۱۶ nano cluster as a novel material for antioxidant carrier
C۷ Si۵ Ge۳ Nano cluster for vitamin C carrier and DFT study
A QM/MM study of catalytic mechanism of human Glyoxalase I
Quantitative structu re-activity relationship study ofdihydro pyridined erivatives bymetho ds topological descriptors and chemometrics
A comparative study of B۳LYP in predicting of stability of N'-benzylidene-۲,۴-dichlorobenzohydrazide
A comparative study of B۳P۸۶ in predicting of stability of N'-benzylid ene-۴-(dimethylam ino)benzo hydrazide
Inve stigation of substit uent effects phenyl on the intramolecular hydrogen bo nd of methyl ۳-oxo-۳-phenyl propanoa te (MOPP)
Investigation of intramolecularhydrogen b ond and study of conformers of methyl ۳-oxo-۳-phenyl propanoate ( MOPP)
Conform ational sta bility, mo lecular structure, and Intra molecular hydrogen B onding of (Z) -۴, ۶-d ioxo-۶-ph enylhex-۲ -enoic ac id [ZDPE A]
Density functional study of ternary B -C-N com pounds by NMR sp ectroscop y and NBO analysis
Evaluation of the Host-Guest In clusion Complex Formation of Cucur bit [۷, ۸]uril with trans-[{ PtCl(NH۳)۲}۲(ȝ-NH ۲ (CH۲)۸NH۲)]۲+) Anticancer Drug
Theoretical Calculations of the Host-Guest Inclusion Complex Formation of Cucurbit[n]urils w ith Multinuclear Platinum Anticancer Agent
pplication of linea r and nonlinear QSAR metho ds for pr ediction of antitrypanosomal drugs activities of some ۱, ۲-dihydroquinolin-۶-ols and their ester derivatives
QSAR study of p۳۸ MAP kinase in hibitors a ctivity of some pyridopyridazin-۶ -one derivatives using SR-A NN and GA-ANN
Simulation of N۲-CO mixture using an a b initio p otential an d study of thermodi ffusion phenomena
A quantum ch emical study on the structural and electronic properties o f ۴-Bromo-۲-[(۲, ۴-dichloro-phenyl imino)-me thyl]-phenol
Determination of Acidic Dissoci ation Con stants of ۵´-GMPand ۵´-AMP in Water usin g ab initio Methods
Vibration al Freque ncies of ha lo-derivatives of an iline: A D FT Study
DFT study on the mechanism of the For mation of Monoden tate Acetate Comple x of Pallad ium(II)
Use of ab initio m ethods to predict e xcess mol ar enthalpies by using therm odynamic s models for binary mixture of aceto nitrile + w ater
Binding energy calcula tion and complex formation constant prediction of so me aza-crown ethers with Cd +۲
Elect ron density analysis of noncovalent P… N interac tions
A comparison of some p roperties of C=S a nd C=Se bond
Structural an d energetic aspects of adsorb ed CH۴ on different single-wa lled carbon nanotubes, A DFT study
Theoretical Study of Cooper ative effects in Į-gl ycylglycine clusters
Interaction o f the Alk ali Metals with Graphene Sheet
Calculation of ۱۳C NMR parameters of ۳-anilino-۲-nitrobenzo[b]thioph enes and Comparison with experimental
A DFT study of Ga-doped in armchair and zigz ag models of boron phosphide nanotubes
A computatio nal NMR study of BN-doped SiCnanotubes
Molecular dy namics sim ulation study on t he interaction of metalated tetera sulp honated phthalocyanine wit h adenosi ne deaminase
The effect of cationic and anionic phthalocyanines on the adenosine deaminase structure, molecular dynamics and docking studies
Quantum mechani cal investigation of the catalytic mechanism and inhibition of the dinuclear zinc metallo -ȕ-lactamase by penicillin
A DFT stu dy of ۱۷O NMR pa rameters of Benzyl ethers Components
Configurational and conformational pro perties of ۱,۳,۷,۹-te trastanna - cycl ododeca-۱,۲,۷,۸-tetraene. A hybrid density functional study and natural bond orbital interp retation
NM R parameters of Boron and Nitrogen doped in nano-size of Fullerene (C۶۰)
Co mputational Study o n the interaction b etween B۱۲H۱۲۲- and Ca(C۶H۶ )۲۲+.
Complete Gas-Phase Proton Micr oaffinity Analysis o f Two Aliphatic Linear Pentaamine Ligands
Theoretical study on the mechanism of ure a hydroly sis catalyzed by Pd(II)
Effects of electron donating and electron withdrawing substit uents on the nature of C=N bond in Z and E isomers of R-CH= N-R com pounds: A computational study
A theoretical study on the Diels–Alder reaction of ۲-nitroindolizines
Ion-pairs for med in ([ Mim+][N(C N)۲í]) ion ic liquid: A quantu m chemistry Study
Cis-enol tautomerism of Ethyl-۲, ۴-dioxo-۴-phenyl butanoate: A theoret ical study
The conforma tional and vibrational assign ment stu dies of ethyl-۲, ۴-dio xo-۴-ph enyl butanoate
Determination of acidic Dissociation Constant of L-Alanyl-L -Alanine in w ater Usin g ab initi o Methods
Prediction of retentio n index of atmosphe ric volatile organic compoundsdataset using QSPR methods
El ectron Density Analysis of Un usual Oxygen-Oxygen Bonds in Benzo yl Peroxide
Ev aluation of Chemical and physical properties of copper ions in bor on nitride nanotube
Investigation NMR and N BO properties of B ۱۲N۱۲ nanotube
Interaction b etween selenium analogues of methimazole and Mz+ (Na+, Li+, K+, Be۲+, Ca۲+ and Mg۲+): A qua ntum chemical study
Taut omeric p ropertis o f a Schiff base drived from thiosemicarbazide and ۵-chloro salicylaldehy de : NBO and AIM analyses
Methoxy position effect s on donor and acceptor interactions in schiff b ases derive d from ۵- amino-thi adiazole-۲-thiol
Applicati on of a two-dimensional potential function for ca lculating tunneling frequency o f tropolo ne
Quantum stdy of effect of inhi bition som e Schiff base compounds in the mild steel corrosion in Sulfur ic acid en vironment
Computati onal Insights of Gas Phase Cluster Ion s: Chloride Ion w ith (CH۴-m Clm) (m=۰-۴)
DF T/B۳LYP Study of the Substituent and Solvent Effects on the Reaction Enthalpies of Homolytic and Heterolytic N– H Bond Cleavage in Melato nien Derivatives
The influence of aliphatic amino acid side g roups on the acidity of Lysine by density functional theory
DFT study of interactionof nitrousaminew ith single-walled BN nanotubes
Inve stigation o f the addition-cyclization reaction bet ween dialkylacetylenedicarboxyl ates and t hiourea: A theoretical study
A dsorptionof formam ide on si ngle-walled BN nanotubes: A DFT stud y
Interaction be tween different cations with tautomer ic forms of thiocytosine
A DFT stud y of the structure a nd electr onic prop erties of Benzoxazole
DFT study of the str ucture an d electronic properties of ۴-Bromo-۲-(۲ , ۵-dichloro-phen ylimino)-m ethyl]-ph enol
Investigation on the Ability of Di fferent Generations of Density Functionals to Pre dict the Structural Properties of VO(Salen) Co mplex
Theo retical Study of a D i-Copper(I) Macrocyclic Co mplex Bea ring Bro mide Bridges
A Reliable Simple Cor relation fo r prediction of the flash point of aliph atic amin es from molecular contributions
Elec tron don ating and electron w ithdrawi ng groups effects at ȕ-positio n of seve n membered ring C۶H۷MX ( M=C, Si , Ge , Sn , P b) using c omputational method
Steric effects on the Singlet–Triplet Energ y Gaps of Seven Membered R ing R۲C۶H۶ M (M=C, Si , Ge).
HOMO-L UMO Energy and NBO Analysis on Chemical R eactivity Description of Some Derivati ves of ۱-P yrazolines
Kinetic Is otope EffectsInvest igationon the Mech anism of Nitrogen Extr usion from ۳-Methyl-۱-Pyrazoline
A Density Functional Theory and QTAIM-Based Study of the Physical Propert ies of [M(dipic)(H۲ O)۳], (M=Fe, Co, Ni, Zn) Com plexes
S tudy Stab ility Nove l Complex of Diimine and B oron Triploids With DFT Calculation results
Appli cation of Transition Metal Su bstitution s in Biosensors
Intermolecular Forces inImidazolium-b ased Ionic liquids: QTAIM a nd NB O Analy sis
Tautomerism of new az o-azomethine ligand in the gas phase a nd in solution: TD -DFT study of the electronic spectra and therm odynamic paramete rs
Investigation of vibrational modes and intramolecular hy drogen bonding in Quinizari n
H-bon ded complexes of ur acil with ۱ nitrosop yrrolidin – ۲ ol
A De nsity Functional T heory (DFT) Study on the Tautomeris m of ۲-Am ino-۶-methyl Pyrimidine-۴-one: Solvation Effect and NBO A nalysis
Th eoretical Investigation of Solv ent Effect on Arom aticity of ۷-Azaindole
Interactio ns of Glutathione tripeptide with gold cluster: Influence o f intramolecular hydrogen bond on complex ation beha vior
Conform ational as pects of Glutathion e tripeptid e: electron density topological & natural bond orbital analyses
Stereoelectr onic interaction effects on the structural and configurational properties of radicals derived from thiacyclohexane ۱-oxide sele nacyclohexane ۱-oxide. A Hybrid density functional theory study and natural bond orbital in terpretation
Calc ulation of the pKb values of so me Anili ne derivatives in D MSO solution
Influence of Multiple & Cooper ative Hyd rogen Bon ding on the Acidity of Polyhydro xylated Piperidines : Electron Density T opologic al Analysis
A NMR stu dy of Ge and As-doping in (۴, ۴) Armc hair and (۸, ۰) Zigz ag form s of boro n phosphide nanotubes
H eavy metal (Co۲+, C r۳+, Ni۲+, Pb۲+, Zn۲ +) comple xation by Calixarene, supramolecular nano organic material: chem ometric analysis
Configurational beh avior of ۱,۲-diphenyldistiben e. A hybrid-density function al theory study and natural bond orbital interp retation
The role of L-histidine in the activation of carbonic anhydrase enzyme : A q uantum mechanica l approch
A QTAIM study on carbon-doping at different sites of (۸, ۰) BNNTs
Molecular dy namics simulation and free e nergy pe rturbation to calculate free ener gy of solvation for carbon nanotube
CHARM M General Force Field Parameterization for C urcumin
Theo retical investigation on Tautomerism and NBO Analysis of ۳-hydro xyl-l,۲,۵-thiadiazole Derivati ves: Solvent and Substitute Effects
A D FT Study of Solvati on Effects and NBO Analysis on the Ta utomerism of ۳-su bstituted ۱H-pyrazol-۵(۴H)-one
A computation al ۲۷Al and ۱۵N NMR Charac terization of AlnN n clusters with n= ۱۲, ۱۶, ۲۸, ۳۶ and ۴۸
A theoretica l study on the react ion mechanism of NH۳ with OH radic al.
Complexation of cryptand(۲۲۲) with Li+ a nd K+: AIM and NBO analyses
AIM, NBO and HOMO-L UMO Analysis of ۱ ,۱/-(Ethan e-۱,۲-diyl)dipyridinium b is(iodate) (EDB) by Density Functional Method
A C harge Density Anal ysis of Pro tein-Ligand Bindin g in the active site of FP PS enzyme
Investigat ion of vibrational spectrum and intra molecular hydrogen bonding in Danthron
Modeling o f vibratio nal spectr a for prim ary alcohols: DFTc alculatio ns
A theoretica l investigation on t he stability of several endohedral mixed-metal nitride cluster fuller enes using DFT
Mixed Micelliz ation of Gemini Surfactants and Conventional Surfactan ts: A Monte Carlo Simulation
Theoretical study of five different porph yrins as sensitized dyes on Ti O۲ nanostructure solar cells
Theoretical Study of Phe a, p he b and Phe a-Ph e b Chloro phyllous molecules for Dye sensitized solar cells (DSSCs)
DFT study on the electronic pr operties of the nanodiamond (C۲۴) with doxo rubicin d rug
Some ther modynam ic proper ties of fluid SF۶ using a new HFD-like p otential including th ree-body interactio ns: The i nversion method and m olecular dynamics simulation
Many-Body effects in some thermodynamic properti es of CF۴, CF۴-Ar, and CF۴-CH۴ using HFD-like potentials from molecular dynamic s simulation
Drastic influence of the intramolecular cat ion-ʌ interaction o n the basi city of selected amines: AIM a nd NBO analysis
Influence of boron atom on the acidity o f alcohol in both ga s phase an d solution phase, A DFT study
Q uantum mechanica l study of antioxida nt ability of rutin (vitamin p) ag ainst heme
Theoretical in vestigatio n of the i nteraction s between Li atom and eleme nts from first to fourth rows of periodi c table
A Density Functional Theory ( DFT/B۳L YP) Investigation o f Charged Thiophene Oligomers
Tautomeris m and Minimum Po larizability Princip le
QS PR Calculation of D ensity of Som Orga nic Comp ounds Use of Mult iple Lin ear Regression (MLR) Method
An Improved QSPR S tudy of ΔfG۰ of Som e Organic Molecules Based on AM۱ Calculation
A Theoretical Study on the C ۲H۲ + NO reaction
A qu antum chemical st udy on the structur al and ele ctronic properties of (۲, ۶-Dichloro-be nzylidene )-(۲, ۴-dic hloro-ph enyl) – am ine
NBO Analysis of Fe (III)-salen and Fe (III)-salen-li ke complexes as potent anticancer agents
Effe ct of Cu in sertion o n the stru cture and electronic properties of small Rh clusters: A DFT study
Stud y of Hyd rogen RD F on C۲۰, C۱۹B an d C۱۹Si F ullerene Nanocages at Different Tem peratures and Press ures
Dyn amic ۱H NMR and Theoretic al Study of Carbon -Carbon Double B ond Rotational En ergy Barrier in Sta ble Phosp horus Ylid e Drived from Trie thyl phosphate
th eoretical investigation of ۴-nitroacetanilide from the reaction between trialkyl phosp hite and dimethyl acetylened icarboxylate
Dyna mic ۱H NMR along Doub le Bond in the New with The oretical Study arou nd the C arbon-Ca rbon Stable P hosphoru s Ylide Derived fro m Hexam ethyl Phosphorous Triamid
Linear an d nonlinear optical propertie s of stilba zolium de rivatives
A b initio calculations of pyridi ne chloro derivatives and their ۳۵CI NQR parameters
Molecular dynamic simulation of Hum an Lysozyme: insig ht into the thermal s tability of enzyme
A compar tive stud y of chemical shifts in ۲-substitude pyrrole stable pho sphorus y lide: ۱۳C and ۱H N MR GIAO c.s meth ods
Theoretical Studies of Kineti cs and Mechanistic investigation of the Rea ction Between Trip henylphosphine, Dimethyl a cetylenedicarboxyla tes and ۳-chloroacetylacetone
C hlorine A dsorption on Fuller ene: A Density Functional Th eory Stud y
The effect of parallel e xternal el ectric field on the aromaticity by density functiona l theory a pproach
Tautomeris m of ۶-azauracil in the gas phase and i n methano l and water clusters: A theoretical study
Theoretical study on hydrated an d self-assisted proton transfe r mechanism in ۴-met hyl ۲-thioimidazole
A co mparative study of carbon, boron-nitride and silicon-carbide nanotubes based on surfac e electrostatic potential and Q TAIM an alysis
Study of Electronic and Dynamical Properties of Selenium Nanowires using Quantum Mechanic s Method
The modeling of intermolecular potential C S۲ - CS۲ dimer using neuro – fuzzy methods
The effect of acidic environment on the repair proces s of O۶ m ethyl guanine b y cysteine
Quantum chemical computat ional stud ies on ۲-[(۴Me thoxybenzyl)iminomethyl]ph enol
Comparing Anomeric Effects of halo[۱,۴]dioxane and halo[۱,۴]dithian in Solvent and Gas Phases
On the natu re of Mg -L interactions (L= BF, CO, N۲, NH۳ a nd H۲O): A sym metric-a dapted perturbatio n theory ( SAPT) stu dy
E ffect Br substitutio n on the s tructure and intra molecular hydrogen bonding streng th of naphthazarin: DFT an d NBO stu dies
A theoretical studyon the Gibbs free energyof t he solvatio n of C۶۰, H۲O@C۶۰, C l¯@C۶۰, K +@C۶۰in water, ac etonitrile, CCl۴ and chloroform solutions
A theoretic al study o n the inter action of HF@C۶۰ w ith [Al(H ۲O)۶]۳+ an d [Mg(H ۲O)۶]۲+ c ations
Rotation aroun d the C۳ sy mmetry axis in ʌ-cation-ʌ sy stems
The mutual relationship between H-bonding and cation…π in teractions in cation:(G...C) co mplexes
Coc rystallization of theophylline with carboxylic acids
The estimation of halobenzenes aroma ticity using NBO calculations
Molecular structure a nd frontier orbitals HOMO-L UMO stu dies of some unsy mmetrica l ۱,۴-dihydropyridine using density functional t heory method
De terminati on of Acidic Dissociation Constants of ۵´-IMPand ۵´-UMP in Water using DFT Methods
Nitrogen-Containing Heterocyclic Comp ounds Amination: DFT Energy Level alignment
Structures and Electronic Propertie s of Aluminium Na nowires E ncapsula ted in Sin gle-walled Boron N itride H-capped an d open en d Nanotube
Hy brid density functional theor y study and nuclear magnetic resonance a nalysis of the decom position reaction of but-۳-en-۱-ol and its analogs containingS and Se
A theory of mode of act ion of Glycyrrhizin and Glycyrrhetinic Acid as D NA and RNA binding agents using automated flexi ble ligand docking
Synthesis and molecular dynamic sim ulation of methyl o ctanoate a nd methy l perfluor ooctanoate
Stud y of the transverse electric field effect s on elastic modulu s of nanotubes by density function al theory
The A IM Anal ysis of Isomers of F OX-۷
On the effect of substituents on t he Natur e of the C ŁC Bond i n R۳E-CŁC-ER۳ (E=Pb; R =H, F, Cl) compounds
Conformational behaviors of ۲-m ethyl-۱,۳,۲-dioxaphosphorin ane. Ahy brid density func tional theory study and natural bond orbital interpretatio n
A physical properties a nd phase diagram investigation of clay-sand syste m
Boron-Substit uted C۲۰Cage and B owl Fullerene Structures;Can They be one of the options for C l۲ Adsorbent? A D FT Study
Qu antum mechanical study of a dsorption of CO on graphene; A Hybr id DF T calculation
A theoretical study on bonding and ener gy aspects of [Ln(D OTA)]- a nd [Ln(DOT A).H۲O]- complex es (Ln=Eu۳+, Ho۳+)
A DF T investigation on the spin–s pin couplings acro ss the hydrogen bon d in no n-steroidal anti-inflammator y propion ic acid derivatives: Iboprofen, Naproxen and Flur biprofen
A QSAR study on biolo gical activities of p olyamines as anti - alzheimer drugs
(E)-۳-X-Indoline- ۲-thiones in solution vs. gas phase at D FT levels
Stable heavier cyclonona-۳,۵,۷-t rienylidene congene rs and its halogenated derivatives, at DFT
A t heoretical predicti on of stabi lity of no vel carben es
The oretical Study of Free Activa tion Ener gies of Electron Transfer Process in Nano-co mplexesofmeta and para-Di-phenyl-met hyldene- Fluoresce nt withFulleren es
The oretical Study of Free Activa tion Ener gies of Electron Transfer Process in Nano-co mplexesofmeta and para-tetra Bis ۳,۴- tetra phenyl ethylen s withFulleren es
QS AR investigation on quinolizidinyl der ivatives i n Alzheimer’s disease
Configurational properties of ۱,۲-propadiene, ۱-ger ma-۱,۲-pr opadiene, ۱.۲-digerma-۱,۲-propadiene and ۱,۲,۳-trige rma-۱,۲-propadiene . A hybrid density func tional theory study and natural bond orbital interpretatio n
Theoretical Studies on Complete Gas-Pha se Proton Microaffinity Analysis of Three Linear Aliphatic Hexaamine Ligands
Th eoretical S tudy on the Nature of CŁC B ond in R ۳E-CŁC-ER۳ (E=C, Si; R=H, F, Cl) Compounds
The ano meric effect in Į-halo-O-oxime ethers; effects of different substitutio ns with different electronic p roperties
Comparing the anome ric effect in Į-halo ether and Į-halo-O-oxime eth er com pounds; DFT and NBO stud ies
Dy namic Beh avior of Boron Nit ride Nanotube and Surfactant Complexes Mediated Molec ular Dynamic Stim ulation
Sepera tion of C o۲,So۲ from Ch۴ in AIN ( Aluminium Nitride Nanotube )
A DFT stu dy on the fluorinated derivat ives of bo ron, alum inium, an d nitrogen substituted cyclic carbenes
A DFT stud y on the mechanis m of Gold -catalyzed methanolysis of ۱, ۵ enynes
A n ovel intera ction bet ween Protein Z and Z-depen dent Prote ase Inhibitor complex
Theoretical study on the mechanism of the reaction of ۱, ۵ enynes having a Si atom with nucleophiles catalyzed by Gold complexes
Relation between the substituent effect and arom aticity in imidazole derivatives: a compar ative stud y
Existence and characte rization of HO۳-CH۳OH Com plex: A computati onal study
A computational stud y of interaction between Acetylene & hypohalous acids
Effect of hydration on the mechanism of pro ton transfer in Oxozolidinethiones
Tautomeris m of hydr ated and d ehydrated barbitu ric acid: A theoreti cal study
Qua ntum mechanical study on t he mechanism of Le wis acid-catalyzed ene reactions of formaldehyde
Prediction of Microscopic Protonation Constants of Hematoxylin Vi a Computational M ethods
Solid-st ate struct ures of two conform ers of N-(nicotinyl) N,N'-bis(cy clopentinyl) phosphoric tria mide; insights from X-ray cr ystallography and D FT calcula tions
Investigation of Fullerene effect on reactivity of Methyldopa with NMR parameters
DFT/NBO A nalysis of Complexes between Nanotube s and Anti-HIV Dru gs
Thermodynamic Functions of Complexes between Nanotubes and Anti-Cancer Drug s: A Theo retical A pproach
Quantum mechan ical Inve stigation o n the Inte raction Between Nitrobenz ene and N anotube
Influence othe Stru ctural Properties of Swcnts in Phenol A dsorptio n: Density Fu nctinal Theory Stud y
F unctionalization of boron nitr ide nanotubes with NH۲CO and COO H functional groups
Molecular dynami c simulati on study o f structur e and dyn amics of asy mmetrical dicationi c ionic liq uids
Enzyme molecular mechanis m of O-GlcNAcase by small molecule inhibitors: A qua ntum mechanical a pproach
Enantiomerization energy profile of methyl propargyl ether and its analogs containing S and Se atoms. A H ybrid density functional theory study and natural bond orbital in terpretation
Donor-Acce ptor interactions between Be nzocryptand(۲۲۲) and Ca۲+ and Na+
Introducing th e Shannon – Fukui Index as a Measure of Stability in Nucleic Acida
Density functional theory (DFT) Based Study Of S olvent Effect On B۱ ۰N۱۱ And B۱۰N۱۱H۷ (Gly)۲ Nano Struct ures
Density func tional efficiency in the calculations of molecular N,Nƍ-bis(۴-hydro xy salicylidene)-diet hylenetriamine
Theoreti cal Study of Interaction of Schiff Base (Salpr) with Mg ۲+ Cation as a Corrosion Inhibitor
DF T study o f the ۱, ۳ dipolar cy cloaditio n reactions between alkyne a nd diazo compounds
Co mputational study of some s elected ۱,۳ dipolar c ycloaditi on reactions
AQSAR St udy on Bi ological Activities of Diketo C ompound s as HIV-۱ integrase inhibitors
Q SAR studies on some marine natural al kaloids a s anticancer agents in cancer leuke mia
Interaction en ergy investigation of some aromatic hydrocarbo ns on oxidized m ultiwalled carbon nanotube s
Ab initio calculation of intermolecular po tentials &predicti on of seco nd virial coefficients for van der W aals com plex CH۴-N۲
How the Struc ture of Interferon- Alpha, Responds to Temperature Cha nge? “A Molecular Dynamics Simulation Study”
Mechanism of Acti on of Anti-cancer drug with DNA: A th eoretical approach
Interacti on of CO with SiCnanocluster surface
A Theo retical Appruach to the Gibberellic Acid (GA) Effect on Monoterpene Distribution in Rubus Caesius
Experimental and theo retical study of a new diazap hospholane compound: (ClCH۲CH ۲)۲NPO[H N(CH۲)۲ NC(O)C۶H ۴(p-NO۲)]
Molecular dynamic simulation study o n native and glycate d form of myoglobin
Synthesis, physico-che mical prop erties an d theoreti cal calcula tion of [۱-(۲-chl orophenyl)-۳-(P-methyl phenyl)triazene] as a ne w asymme tric triaz ene
Structural characteristics of a damaged DNA
Determination of stable structure for Tr yptophan cage usin g Molecular dyna mics simulation
Elucidation of chemo- and regioselectivit y in the alkylation of ۶-methyl uracil usi ng GIAO/۱۳C NMR
Modeling the Molar D iamagnetic Susceptibility of Diverse Aliphatic Organic Compounds via Molecula r Descripto rs
Mole cular str ucture an d resonan ce interactions effects on NMR tensors and NQR frequencies of halluci nogenic a nalogues
Th eoretical S tudy of acetylene Adsorption Energy o n Nano M etal Crys tal
T heoretica l Study ( DFT) Of G as Adsorption On Nano Metal Crystal
Configura tional be haviors of ۱,۲-dihal osilaethene. A hybrid density functional theory study an d natural bond orbital interpretation
Synthesis, characterizatio n and theo retical st udy of som e new phos phohydrazides
Qu antum ch emistry studies on reactivity of the levo-dopa drug linked to to c۶۰
Mol ecular Dynamics Simulations Study of Two Single Mutati ons of Coil ۲B of Hu man Lamin A/C
St udy of the glassy temperature of dicationic ionic liquid by molecula r dyna mic simulation
T heoretical study of g eminal dicationic ionic liqui ds ۱ ,۳- bis[۳- methylimidazolium-۱-yl]butane halides
Monte Carlo Simulation of Na nostructu red Adamantane Self-assembly
Qua ntitative correlations between the vibrational frequencies and electron delocalizatio ns in ۲-D-۱,۳-dioxane, -dithi ane and –diselenan e. A hybrid-density func tional theory study and natural bond orbital interpretatio n
Conformation al behaviors of ۲-halo-۱,۲,۴, ۵-tetrahyd robenzo[d]oxepines. A hybrid-d ensity fu nctional t heory stud y and natural bond orbital interpretations
Stereoelectro nic intera ction effects on the conforma tional properties of cis-۵-tert-bu tyl-۲-phosphinoyl-۱,۳-dioxane, -dithian e and –diselenane
Study of Sing le and m ulti-walled Carbon Nanotubes as filter of vanadium by computational chem istry method
Study of Singleand multi-walled Carbon N anotubes as filter of vanadiu m by computatio nal chemis try meth od
Stud y of the solvent polarity impacts on the stability of Erythr omycin ethyl s uccinate by means o f hybrid density functional theory based metho d
Molecular Dyna mics Simulation of S ome Organic Compounds Solu bilization into the Nanometric Core of CTAB micelle
In vestigatio n and com pare of a ntioxidant properti es of some of phenolic compound by d ensity fu nctional th eory
DF T study o f antioxid ant prope rties and the reactivity of O H groups on saffron petals
Com putation al investigation of plausible s pecies in l inkage isomerization of nitro- and nitrito-pen taamminecobalt(III) complexes
HO MO-LUMO calculation of Novel ruthe nium mult icarboxylic acidfor dye s ensitized solar cell a pplicatio n
Theoretical studies on tautomeri sm of (N- N) ۶-Hydroxide ۵-Flourocytosine
Nicotine Ad sorption Capacitie s of Single-Walled Carbon N anotubes: a Ste ered Molecular Dyn amics Stu dy
Why bis (۱,۲,۴,۵-ben zentetracarboxylic) nitrato ruthenium (II) is not suitable case for dye sensitized soalr cell application?
MP۲ Study the Kinetics and Hardness Profile o f SN۲ Re action in Haloalkanes of Cl- and Br-:t he Effects of CH۳ Group Sub stitutions
Steered Mole cular Dynamics Sim ulation of Adriam ycin Dr ug Uptake by N-iso propylacrylamide Copolymers
Interaction of CO with B Nnanoclu ster surf ace(Corrected)
Interacti on of CO with BN nanocluster surface
Theore tical molecular structure and vibrational freque ncies of TlX۳( C۲H۶OS)۲ (X = Cl, B r, I) com plexes
Spectrophotometric determination of acidity constants of Tho rin in water, Water-Triton X-۱۰۰, water-Brij-۳۵ and water-C TAB micellar mediasol utions by chemometrics method
Investigation on Meta losalen C omplexes Binding to ct-DN A using UV/Vis spectroscopy
Viscometery a nd UV/Vis Spectra l Investig ation on Interaction of Bis ۵-Phenyl Azo Salicyl aldehyde E thylene d i imin C obalt (II) With Calf Thymus Deoxy Ri bonucleic Acid .
Viscosity Behavior of Glass-forming Liquids and Fluid ity Equation
Protonation Constants of ۵'-IM P in Diffe rent Aqueous Solutions of Methanol
Density calculation using an extended LJ potential-based equation of state for quantum light molecules at supercritical region
Study Of Ni(II)-G lycinamide Complex Formation By Spectrophotometric Method In Various Temperatures And pH=۴.۰ , I=۰.۵
Modelling the Vapor-Liquid Equilibria Using Modified van der Waals Family Equations of State
Excess Molar Enthalpies of isobutanol (۱) + ۱-alkanols (C۱–C۳) (۲) at ۲۹۸.۱۵ K and Correlated with NRTL model
Heat of mixing of binary mixtures consist of butylacetate (۱) + ۱-alkanols (C۱–C۳)(۲) at ۲۹۸.۱۵ K and ambient pressure
A systematic study on the salting effect of some kosmotropic salts on some aliphatic alcohols: study of the phase separation ability using cloud point titration method
Experimental and theoretical investigation of ATPSs composed of some aliphatic alcohols + disodium tartrate + water at T = ۲۹۸.۱۵ K
Phase Behavior for the Aqueous Two-Phase Systems Containing Tetrabutylammonium bromide and Kosmotropic Salts
Calculation of liquid densities for binary mixtures of n-butane and isobutane using by ISM equation of state
Solvent effects on protonation of trimetoprim in different aqueous solutions of methanol
Astudy of solvent effect on protonation constant of pyridine carbaldehyde in Different Aqueous Solutions of Methanol
Study of complexation of dioxouranium(VI) ion with Isoleucine
Investigation of Thermodynamic Properties of the Ternary Electrolyte System Based on Pitzer Model at T=۲۹۸.۱۵
Solvent Effects on Protonation and Complexation of Histidine with Molybdenum(VI) in Different Aqueous Solutions of Methanol
Thermodynamic study of molecular interactions in binary systems
Densities and derived thermodynamic properties study for the binary mixtures of (۱-hexyl-۳-methylimidazoliumtetrafluoroborate + Aminopropanol, or isobutanol) at different temperature with application of the PFP theory
Thermodynamic properties study for the binary mixtures of ۳-amino-۱-propanol+ isobutanol, ۲-propanol at temperature range of ۲۹۳.۱۵-۳۳۸.۱۵ K: Experimental results and application of the Prigogine–Flory–Patterson theory
Thermodynamics and excess properties of {trichloromethane + amines} at (۲۹۳.۱۵, ۲۹۸.۱۵, ۳۰۳.۱۵ and ۳۰۸.۱۵) K. Experimental results and application of the Flory theory.
Determination of macroscopic protonation constants of L-alanine in aqueous solutions of ۱,۴-dioxane
Solvent Effect on Tautomeric and Microscopic Protonation Constants of Glycine in Different Aqueous Solutions of ۱,۴-Dioxane
Bind ing and s pectral i nvestigati on on interaction of Cu(Pir ox)۲(DMF)۲ with ct-D NA : A T hermod ynamic a pproach
Investigation on ct-DNA thermal denaturation in interaction with Cu(Pirox)۲(DMF)۲
Experimental and correlated tie-line data for aqueous mixtures of Formic acid with ۲-ethyl-۱-hexanol at T=۲۹۸.۲ K.
(Liquid + liquid) equilibrium for ternary system of (water + phenol + cyclohexanone) at T=۲۹۸.۲ K
Solvent Effects on Protonation Constants of nicotinek acid in Different Aqueous Solutions of ۱- etanol
Solvent Effects on Protonation Constants of trimetoprim in Different Aqueous Solutions of ۱-propanol
Thermodynamic Stability of mouse Ribonucleotide Reductase R۲ Protein
Study of dielectric behaviour of binary mixtures of cyclohexanol with cyclohexanone at ۲۹۸.۲ K
Refractive indices for aqueous solutions of ethylene glycol, D-mannitol, D-fructose, sucrose and maltose at T = ۲۹۲.۱۵ K and atmospheric pressure
Study on the thermodynamic properties of binary systems of water + sodium thiocyanate, sodium bicarbonate, sodium acetate and sodium citrate at T = ۲۹۲.۱۵ K and atmospheric pressure
HSA-FCCP interaction: Aggregation behavior of HSA-FCCP complex
Excess molar volume of Binary mixtures of۲- Butanol , Cyclohexanon,Methylcyclohexane
Thermodynamic study of molecular interactions in binary systems
Thermal Stability of Hen egg white lysozyme (HEWL) with Ni(II)salen
Determination of thermodynamic and thermoacuatic parameter of binary mixtures {methyl acrylate + benzene, + toluene, + o-xylene, + m-xylene, and p-xylene} at different temperatures and application of the Flory theory
Complexation thermodynamics of dioxovanadium(V) by calix[۴]arene in solution
A DFT study of ۱۷O NMR parameters of Benzyl ethers Components
Thermodynamic study of heterogeneous interactions in the mixture of ۱,۲-Butanediol and ۲-ethyl-۱-hexanol through dielectric data at T = (۲۹۸.۲, ۳۰۸.۲ and ۳۱۸.۲) K
Thermodynamic analysis of single and two-step oxidative dehydrogenation of propane with carbon dioxide
Thermodynamic study of poly(vinyl alcohol) solutions by viscometry
The effect of poly(ethylene glycol) on the volumetric and acoustic properties of sodium dodecyl sulfate in aqueous solutions
Thermodynamic properties of surfactant Sodium ۱-hexanesulfonate in water and in Aqueous Solutions of Poly(ethylene glycol) at Different Temperatures
Thermodynamic study of molecular interactions in binary systems
(Liquid + liquid) equilibria for ternary mixtures of (water + butyric acid + organic solvent) at T= ۲۹۸.۲ K
Viscosities of Binary Mixtures of N, N -Dimethylacetamide with homologe series of ۲- Alkanols
Thermodynamic study of interactions between N, N-dimethylacetamide and homologe series of ۲- Alkanols
The study of osmotic coefficient and activity of ۱-buthyl-۳-methyl imidazolium chloride in lithium bromide aqueous solutions and their corresponding binary systems at ۲۹۸.۱۵ K.
Thermodynamic study of molecular interactions in binary systems
A New Perturbed Hard sphere Chain Equation of State for Binary Mixtures of Refrigerants
Volumetric properties of binary systems of benzylamin with methanol , ethanol and ۱-propanol at different temperatures
Density calculation for liquid alkali metals over the whole liquid range
Thermodynamic properties of three binary systems consist of diethylketone, ۲-butanol, ethylchloroacetate at temperatures (۲۹۸.۱۵, ۳۰۸.۱۵, ۳۱۸.۱۵) K
Investigation of volumetric properties of binary mixtures of benzylamine with ۲-propanol, ۱-butanol and ۲-butanol at different temperatures
Salt Effect on the Liquid-Liquid Equilibrium of (Water + Phosphoric acid + Dichloromethane or ۱, ۲-Dicholoroethane) Systems at T=۲۹۸.۱۵ K
Measurements and Modelling of Quaternary (Liquid + Liquid) Equilibria for Mixtures of (Water + Phosphoric acid + Dichloromethane + ۱, ۲-Dicholoroethane)
Modification of TM EOS and application to PPO-PS blend using glass transition data
Volumetric properties of PEG-PPG blend by equation of state using surface tension
Aggregation Behavior Modulation of Ionic Liquid ۱-Dodecyl-۳-methylimidazolium Bromide by Sodium Salts in Aqueous Solutions
Salt Effect on the Aggregation and Thermodynamic Properties of Ionic Liquid ۱-Dodecyl-۳-methylimidazolium Bromide in Aqueous Solutions
Equation of State for Alkaline Earth Metals: Prediction from Surface Tension
Equation of State and Volumetric Properties of Compressed Liquid Based on Surface Tension
Volumetric and Acoustic Studies of the Ionic Liquid ۱-Butyl-۳-Methylimidazolium Hydrogen Sulfate in Polyethylene Glycol Aqueous Solutions
The effect of polymer molar mass for the aqueous two-phase systems Containing Polyethylen glycol and Di-sodium hydrogen citrate
Phase Diagrams of Some Aliphatic Alcohols + Di-Sodium hydrogen Citrate + Water at T = ۲۹۸.۱۵ K.
Estimination of Ternary System (Water + Acetic acid + Cyclohexanol) under Ultrasonic Wave using GMDH-type Neural Network
Measurement of Densities, Speed of sounds, and Water Activities for ternary system PEG۴۰۰۰+KNa(Tartrate)+H۲O at different temperatures
Vapor–Liquid Equilibria, Density and Speed of Sound of Aqueous potassium sodium tartrate Solutions at different temperatures
Prediction of Quarternary System (Water + Acetic acid + Cyclohexane + Cyclohexanone) using GMDH-type Neural Network
Application of PHSC Equation of State to PEG and PPG Polymers
Binding of alkali metal cations by calix[۴]arene-crown-۶ in methanol a thermodynamic study
Conductometric study of the new reactive dye with cetylpridinium chloride surfactant
Investigating the behavior of the Imidazolium based ionic liquids using the Yukawa potential model
Effect of pH on the phase separation in aqueous solutions containing poly (propylene glycol) and the kosmotropic salt sodium citrate at T = ۲۹۸.۱۵ K
Dielectric Behavior and Thermodynamic Investigation of Some TernarySystems at Different Temperatures
Investigation of some physical properties of ۱,۲-Ethanediol+۱,۳-Propanediol binary mixtures
Density, Viscosity, Excess molar volume of Ethanol Amine with ۱,۳-Propanediol at Temperature of ۲۹۸.۱۵, ۳۰۳.۱۵, and ۳۰۸.۱۵ K
Density and apparent molar volume of ionic liquids ([PnMIm]Br) and [HMIm]Br) in the aqueous D-glucose solutions at different temperatures
Densities and Excess molar volumes for Binary Solutions of Water + Methanol and + Ethanol from (۲۸۳.۱۵ to ۳۱۳.۱۵) K
Densities and Excess molar volumes for Binary Solution of Water + Propanol from (۲۸۳.۱۵ to ۳۱۳.۱۵) K
Thermodynamic study of interactions between Dimethyl Carbonate and a homologous series of ۲- Alkanols
Study of ionic liquid solvation interactions and thermodynamic properties using gas–liquid chromatography
Solute-Solvent Interaction Effects on Protonation constants of Nicotinic Acid in Different Water-Methanol Mixtures
Solvent Effects on Protonation Constants of benzohydroxamic acid in Different Aqueous Solutions of ۱- etanol
Ionic Strength Dependence of Protonation Constants of Nicotinic Acid
Viscosity Prediction for Binary Mixtures by Using Different Models
n-octanol/water partition coefficient and solubility measurements of propranolol and atenolol at different temperatures
Investigation of some physical properties of Ethanol with diethylenetriamine (DETA) binary mixtures at T = (۲۹۸.۱۵, ۳۰۳.۱۵, and ۳۰۸.۱۵) K
Solvent Effects on Protonation Constants of caffeic acid in Different Aqueous Solutions of ۱- Metanol
Convexity and Thermodynamic Stability
Solvent effects on protonation constants of picolinic acid in different aqueous solutions of ethanol
Physical and electrochemical properties of metallic ionic liquids [ Bu۳N Bn] [MClm] (MClm = AlCl۴, FeCl۴, ZnCl۳, SnCl۵, CuCl۳)
Thermophysical properties of acidic ionic liquids based on tributylamine at various temperatures
Calculation of spinodal density in subcritical region for liquid argon
Densities, speed of sound and isentropic compressibilities of three binary mixtures Benzyl alcohol with tert-butanol, ۱,۲-butandiol and ۲-methyl-۱-butanol
Thermodynamic denaturation of Į-Lactalbumin presence of cetylpyridinium chloride and hexadecyl trimethyl ammonium bromide
Thermodynamic characterization of the betaine and sarcosin effect on Protein stability
Phase Equilibrium of Water + Formic Acid + ۱-Heptanol ternary Liquid Systems at T=۲۹۸.۱۵ K.
(Liquid + liquid) equilibria in ternary aqueous mixture of Formic acid with ۱-Hexanol at T = ۲۹۸.۲ K.
Liquid phase equilibria of (Water + Formic acid + ۱-Octanol) ternary systems at T= ۲۹۸.۲K and atmospheric pressure.
The Free Expansion of Har d Sphere Confined Fluid Using DDFT
On the C alculation of Surf ace Thickness of Electrolyte Solution s Using Inversion Method
App lication o f the GM A equation of stat e to predict the metal-non metal transitio n
Gaseous ion mobility of CO+ ions in He and Ne
Study o f Structu ral Behavior of H exylamin e at the Interface of Water/Oi l by Mol ecular Dy namics Simulatio n
Man y-body and quantum effect s in some thermod ynamic properties and infinite shear modulus of the HFD-like an d Lenna rd-Jones fluids using the radial di stribution function
Hydro gen bondi ng in na noconfined water
Size effect on z igzag spin couplin g interaction in pr esence o f magnetic field for ۱-D Ising model o f Nanosys tem
E quations of State for Density Predictions Based on Me lting Point Const ants
Calculation of internal energy o f Argon fluid with hard-core square-well potentia l at diffe rent ther modynam ic states
Prediction of compressibility fac tor of Argon fluid with hard-core sq uare-w ell potential at different thermodynamic states
Isothe rmal com pressibil ity predic tion for pure compounds
Comparison of bulk modulus as Benzene dense fluid using the perturbation theory and comparison with Peng-Robinson equation of state
Conforma tional di stribution of ternary complex of Sm +۳ with ۵, ۷-dichloroquinoline-۸-ol and ۴ -vinyl pyr idine [S m (VP)۲ ( DCQ)۳]+۳: A computational stat istical m echanical approach
Eval uation of thermod ynamic properties of polyethylene co polymer melts using GM A equation of state
Predi ction of t he parameters of the averag e effective pair potential in liquid alkali metals using a new equation of state
C alculation of the c ritical po int for th e Ising m odel ove r two-lay er tria ngular la ttice usin g Cellula r autom ata appro ach
The critical p oint of t he two-la yer ۳-state Potts m odel over squa re lattice (cellular automata approach)
Gen eralized modified SAFT-B ACK mo del for lo ng chain hydrocarbons
Stud y of Surf ace tension, Density and V iscosity o f Hexanoic acid by MD Simulat ion and E xperime ntal Meas urement
M olecular distribution in a binary solution wit h differen t radii o n a na noscale size
Study o f the Properties o f Pure Oil and Oil/Water I nterface by Molecular Dynamic Simulation
A symmetric critical behaviou r of binary mixtu res
Evaluatio n of Virial Coeffic ients at Wide Ran ge of Te mperature
A M onte Carlo simulation of the adsorpt ion of CO ۲ and SO ۲ gases in pure and functionalized si ngle walled carbon nanotubes
Adsorption and corrosion inhibition of spearmi nt (Menth a spicata L.) leaves extract on mild steel
E lectrochemical determinati on of acetaminophen in the presence of ascor bic acid and propranolol using meta lic Cu na noparticles- Schiff base modified ca rbon pas te electro de
Using the Peukert's equation for predicting the dischar ging time of primary silver/zinc battery a t any dis charge ra te
A Th ermodyn amic Study on the Binding of Huma n Serum Albumin with Beta Cyclodextrin
Application of Multiw all Carbon Nanotu bes and Rutin as a Mediat or for Glutathione A nalysis
Capacitive Tran sducer f or Pitting Corrosio n Monit oring of Carbon St eel
Thermodynamic i nvestigation of aci d green ۲ ۵ and cationic alky l ammoniu m bromid surfactants with different alkyl chain lengt h
The Study of Thermodyna mic Cons ant ΔGr , ΔSr and ΔHr ortho – Qui none and Azid ion by Cycli c Voltam metry me thod
N ano SBA۱ ۵ mesop orous: A porous m aterial fo r electrooxidation of metanol
Effe ct of org anic additives in el ectroless Ni-P and Ni-P-Al۲ O۳ composite coatings
Inhi bitive and adsorption beha viour of some N an d O dono r Schiff Bases on mild steel corrosio n in hydr ochloric acid solution
Syn thesis, electroche mical and theoretical studies of New Hydrazonics Schiff Bases as corrosion inhibitors
Sonoelectropolymerization of Po lypyrrole-SiC nan ocompos ite coatin gs on mil d steel and corrosion protec tion
Stud y the effe ct of car bon active as an ad ditve to the cataly st layer o f gas diffusion electr ode on th e ORR k inetic.
Ca racteriza tion of Nickel/Nan o-Porou s Carbon (Ni-NPC) Composite Structures as a new Material for Supercapacitor s by Elelctrochemical Impedanc e Spectro scopy in Aqueous and non aqueous Electroly te
Stud y of the c apacitance behav ior of Ni and Ni-Cg electrod es in aqu eous and non-aque ous electrolytes b y electrochemical impedance spectroscopy
Fabrication of a Potentiometric Magnesium Ion Selective Electrode Based on Nan o Conducting Polypyrrole Doped With Titan Yellow
Activity coefficients measureme nt of KCl +KNO۳ +Water +Proline system b y Pitzer model at T=۳۰۳.۲ K
Kinetic study of the oxidation of epinephrine by digital sim ulation of cyclic vol tammograms
Kin etic study of the oxidation of dopam ine in th e presence of arom atic amines
Conductiv e Polyme ric meso-t etra(p-ca rboxyphenyl)Por phyrin Film electrode for Trace Deter mination of Nickel
Kinetic study of electroch emical generation of diphenylamin e derivatives of catechol
Applica tion of Ozone-electrolysis method for treatm ent of Reactive Orange ۷ in aque ous med ia by usin g Ti/Sb- SnO۲ anode
Thermodynamic st udy of th e ternary (EMIm Cl+HCO NH۲+H۲O ) ele ctrolyte system ba sed on p otentiome tric meth od
Thermodynamic study o f ternary [NaCl+Na۲HPO۴ +H۲O] electrolyte s ystem
Potentiometric inv estigation of pyridine-۲,۶-dicarboxylic acid an d chelidamic acid - ۲,۹-Dimethyl- ۱,۱۰-Phen anthroli ne compl exes with some m etal ions and comparing w ith solid state results
Ni۲+ and UO ۲۲+ ions ,Potentiometric stud y of complexation between Zn۲+ with chel-a acr proton transfe r and com paring w ith solid state res ults
Tetra zole derivatives a s effective inhibitors for the corrosion of steel in ۰.۵ M H ۲SO۴ solution
Electrochemical investingation o f (۴-bromo-۳-(۲,۴dimethyl p henyl)iso xazol-۵-yl)methanol on the corrosion of Steel in ۱M H Cl.
Eff ect of hardness and softness of metals on the c orrosion inhibitor y of porphyrin compound
Electrochem ical beha viour of methylene blue dye on the g lassy carbon electro de (GC) in differe nt concentrations
Poly(۱-amino-۹,۱۰-anthra quinone) coating on stainless steel by electr opolymerization
Electroless nickel plating on A Z۶۱ magnesium alloy
Effect of tw o various tempera tures on the electr oless nick el platin g on AZ۶۱ magnesium alloy
Ele ctrochem ical synthesis of nanocomp osite of poly anilin e / polyvinyl a lcohol and study its corrosi on
Electropoly merization poly D DS / SiO۲ nanopar ticle and its corrosion
Ele ctrocatal ytic determination of penicillamine u sing multiwall car bon nanotub es paste electrode
Thi rd genera tion glucose biosensor using covalen tly immobilized glucose oxidase onto poly(Aminothiophenol)/ carbon nanotube s electro de
Electrocatalytic Oxidation of Dopamine, Ascorbic Acid and Uric Ac id at P oly-۴-Am inothiophenol on the Surfa ce of Ca rbon Nanotubes/GC Electrodes
Poten tiometric investig ation of glycine-۲- aminopyr imidine proton-transfer system and its Cu۲+complexes
Spec trophoto metric stu dy of the complexation of two new synthetic Schiff ba se with some transition and heavy m etal ions in aceton itril solvent
V oltammetric deter mination of cystea mine using multi wall carb on nanotubes pas te electro de in the presence of ۳,۴-dihydroxy cinnaminc acid as a homogeneous mediato r
H igh selective and sensitive voltamm etric sensor base on modifie d multi wall carbon nanot ubes paste electrod e and ۳,۴ -Dihydr oxycinamic acidfor determin ation of ascorbic acid
Potentiomet ric study of comp lexation b etween C o۲+ and pydc/۲-ap ym proton transfer and comprising with solid state re sults
Potentiom etric studies of four new mixed inorg anic-org anic hybr id mate rials-based preyssler and wells-dawson hetero polyoxo metallates someamino aci ds
Co-ad sorption effect of oleic imm idazolin e and thio urea on the corrosion of carbo n steel in CO۲-sat urated solution
Fabr ication of nickel and Pt-Ni particle/c arbon pa per electrocatalysts for el ectrooxi dation of methanol in alkaline medium
Th e inhibit ion effect of a new Schiff ba se on mild steel in ۲ M HCl . A complete study : Adsorp tion, temperature, duratio n and qua ntum ch emical aspects
Electrochemical study on the effect of a double Sc hiff base and its cobalt complex on the acid corrosion of ca rbon steel
Fe(II I) ion selective electrode ba sed on a new mac rocyclic ionophore as a ne utral car rier
Inve stigation of inhibition effect of ۳-(۲-C hloroph enyl)-۴-(۴ -nitroph enyl)-۱H-۱,۲,۴-triazole-۵(۴H) -thione against copper corr osion in ZnO nanofluid
Electrochemical oz one generation on the Ti/Sn-Sb-Ni as anode a nd improve ment of electrocatalytic pro perties vi a carbon nano tube
Ele ctrochemical Noise Analysi s of Pittin g Corrosion of Al uminum ۷۰۷۵
Ele ctrochemical remo val of am monium using ca rbon nanotube-car bon black-PTFE-coated cathode
Evaluation of mild carbon steel corrosion in coolin g systems in the presence of Fe۲O۳ Nanofluid and Comparison with the corr osion caused by different concentrations of eth ylene gly col
De gradation rate va riance quantity fr m the an ode to the cathode in polymer electrolyte layer in PEM fuel cells
The effect of P VP (Poly vinylpyrrolidone) on the electroche mical synthesis of Sn nanoparticl es for lit hium ion batteries
Study o f complex ation pro cess betw een ۱۵-crown-۵ w ith Mg۲+ cation in binary mixed non-aqueous solvents using conducto metric m ethod
A ne w cluster model based descr iptor for quantitative structure-inhibition relationship: S tudy of imidazole and its derivative s on copper corrosion in N aCl media
C luster model based descriptor for quantitativ e structur e-corrosion inhibiti on study of benzen ethiol and its derivatives o n copper
Er۳+-PVC Membra ne Sensor Based o n ۳-hydroxy-N'-((pyridin-۲ - yl)methy lene)naphthalene -۲-carboh ydrazide
Determinati on of ۴-hydroxybe nzoic acid with cy clic voltammetry and differential pulse method using the el ectrode m odified w ith carb on nanotubes
Study of complexation o f cesium( I) and cerium(III) metal ca tions with ۱,۱۳-bis(۸-quinolyl)-۱,۴,۷,۱۰,۱۳-penta oxatridecane in bi nary mix ed non-aq ueous solvents
Solvent infl uence upo n compl exation of kryptofix۵ with C e۳+ cation in bin ary mixed non-aqu eous solv ents
Electrochemical study of Catal ase Modi fied Electrode in t he Presence of Compatible and Non-Compati ble Osm olytes usi ng Carbon Nanotu bes
Stu dy of Poi nt of zero charge effect on oxygen re duction reaction at gas diffusionelectrode in PEMF Cs
Pr eparation of carbon paste electrode modified with m-t uloidine in prese nce surfactant containing Platinum nano part icles and its appli cation for electrocatalytic reduction of oxygen
Modific ation of electrode surface w ith sulfonated polyaniline
modificatio n of electrode surface with sulphon ated poly aniline and Electrosyn thesis of polyaniline
Electr ooxidati on of etha nol using synthesized zeoli te modifi ed carbon paste electrode
Investigation of electro chemical properties of hetr odimeric nanoparticles (F e۳O۴-Ag, Fe۲O۳-Ag and Fe OOH-Ag ) for determinatio n of gluco se
The use of chemically modified carbon p aste elect rode by deferiprone to dete rmine trace amou nt of copper in wa ter resou rces
Copper determ ination in drinkin g water by differe ntial pul se voltammetry at a modified carbon paste electrode with magnetic nanoparticles al mond shell
Nanostruct ure Cons truction of Au-M PA-Zr(IV )-[DTPA-Fe(III)] Based on E x-Situ Me thod Ch aracteriz ed by CV, DPV and EIS
Application of novel voltammetric nano-sensor bas ed on ca rbon nan otubes paste electrode det erminatio n of hydr oxylami ne
Influe nce of sodium dod ecyl sulf ate micelles on the Palladium Nanoparticle fo rmation on GNS f or oxygen reduction reacti on
The e ffects of electrodep osition m ethods on the pseudocapac itive properties of nanostructu red Manganese d ioxide
Preparation of modified electro des using multiwall carbon nanotube s and isop renaline mediator for cyste amine an alysis by voltamm etric me thod
Performanc e Prediction of Palladium N anoparticles on Anode of Solid Oxide Fuel ells
Ap plication of Au Nano Particles Modified Carbon Paste Electrod e for Simultaneous Determin ation of Tryptoph an, Uric Acid and Ascorbic Acid
Differential p ulse voltammetry and cycli c voltam metry detection of furan on platinum El ectrode in aprotic solvent
Screen Printed Ca rbon Electrode M odified by Ionic Liquid/ Ag Nanoparticle s for Dete rmination of Met ronidazole in Biolo gical Sa mples
Pre paration and Inve stigation of Hydrogen Stora ge Properties of Pd-Ni Nano-alloys for F uel Cells
Simultaneous determination of norepinephri ne and acetaminop hen using modified room temperatur e ionic liquid/multiwall car bon nan otubespaste electrode
Tet razolic de rivatives as effect ive inhibitors for the corrosion of steel in ۰.۵ M H۲SO۴ solution
Voltammetri c determination of L-cystei ne using modified electrode with multi-wall carbo n nanotu bes and ۳,۴-dihydroxycinnamic acid
A Comprehensive Study on the Mechanism of Diallyl D isulfide (All۲S۲) Thermal Deco mposition in the Gas Phase
Quantum Study of the Ga s Phase U nimolecular Elimi nation Ki netics of ۵-Substituted Groups of Allyl Sulfides
Solvent Effects on Proto nation an d Comple xation of Aspartic A cids with Molybden um(VI) i n Different Aqueous Solutions of Methanol
Phot ocatalytic activity o f Cu-doped ZnS pr epared by ultrasonic method
Effect of ultra sound on ۳-chlorop henol de gradation, compari son with Fenton's reagent effect
A Th eoretical Study on the Therm al Unimo lecular Reactions o f cis-۱,۲-Dimethylcyclopro pane and trans-۱,۲- Dimethylc ycloprop ane
Kin etic study of electr on detachment reaction for C l- by using of ion mobility s pectrometry
Qu antum Chemical and Theoretical Kinet ics Studie s on the H + CO۲ Re action
High efficien cy photor eduction o f Nitrobenzene to Aniline over CdS-TiO۲ /based photocatalys ts modifi ed with A mino acid under visible light
investigation of dye- surfactan t ion pair formation in aqueous solutio n
A dsorption kinetics of congo r ed on cellulose
Thermal degradation behavior of Polyvinyl alcohol/Sta rch/Carboxymethy l cellulose biocompo sites
M echanoc hemical a ctivation o f carboxy methyl cellulose a nd its thermoplastic polyviny l alcohol/starch bio composites with enhanced ph ysicoche mical prop erties
Intra molecular hydrogen bonding in enol fo rm of ɑ-su bstitution of (Z) -۴, ۶-dioxo-۶-phenylhe x-۲-enoic acid [ZDP EA]
Kinetic study of Pb۲+ a dsorption on the polypyrole/ HMS nano composite
Kineti c study of DPPH sc avenging i n the pre sence of Taxol as an anti can cer , Asc orbic Acid as an antioxidant and mixtu re of the m
Kin etic and Thermody namic stu dy of Mol ecule ۶-A mino-۳-H ydroxy-۳, ۴-Dimet hyl-۱-Phe nyl-۲,۳- D ihydropyrano[۳,۴-C]Pyrrole-۷-Carbonitri le in the gas phase
Kinetic study ofreaction of -nitro-۱H -benzo[d]imidazol e to produ ce۶-nitro-۱H-benzo[d]imidazole
Ultrasonic degradation of ۲-hydrox yethylcel lulose: Eff ect of molecular mass, concentration, volume an d power in put
Thermod ynamic an d kinetic study of a dsorption Direct red ۸۱ o n Chamo millaMatricaria
Acid hydrolysis of ion-complex Azidopentaamine Cobalt (III) in differe nt concentratio ns of Sulf uric acid
A ki netic stud y on melti ngof diphenylamine by therm ogravimetric analysis
Effect of poly-HE MA hydrophilic gel matrix on photo-ph ysical behavi or of Thionine
Solvent effects on the absorption spectra of Co(II)- tetrasul fonated phth alocyanin e
Thermodynamic and kine tic investi gation of Cationic dye removal from textile waste wa ter via C MK-۳
Thermodynamic and Kinetics inves tigation of adsorpti on of anionic surfactant sodium d odecyl sulfate using spent tea leaves
The role of Form ation Chemically Activated Intermediates on th e Mechan ism and Kinetics of the Reaction of M ethoxy Radical with Hydroxyl Radical
Interp lay between inter and intra molecular addition of n-methylaniline a nd side-chai n amine g roup of ne urotrans mitters
Investigation of t he Antibacterial activity of Cu, Ag, and Au-modifiednanocomp osites con tain a ma gnetic cor e-polymer ic shell
Kinetic study of reactive oxygen sp ecies pro duction u pon photoexcitation of sun care agents suc h as TiO۲, ZnO an d ZrO۲
Kine tic Study of Reactive Oxygen Species by Using ۲, ۷-dichlorofluoresce in Diacetate Assa y
Ab initio compu tations o n zigzag (۱ ۰,۰) carbon nanotu be-phosphoryl halides
Grafted zigzag (۱۰,۰) carbo n nanotu be with ph osphora mides
P hotodegradation of Acid Ora nge ۷ over AgBr/TiO۲ Nanoc omposite u nder UV Light Illu mination
A Theoretical Study on the S olvent Eff ects in per icyclic Re actions Part I: ۳,۴-Di methyl-۲, ۵-dihydrothiophen-۱,۱-dioxid e
Molecular Photochromic Sys tem: Experimental Investigation of Nickel(ll)Dithizonate in D ifferent S olvent by Diode Laser
Laser Induced Tunable Photochro mism of Dithizone v ia Metal Coordinat ion
Kinetic of Son ocatalytic degradati on of Met hylene blue
Kinetic stu dy of degradation of methyl ene blue by Fenton process
K inetically dimeriza tion of Į- methylstyr en by H۶ P۲W۱۸O۶۲ catalyst: Te mperatur e and time aspects
Macr oscopic an d Micros copic Prot onation C onstants of Alanin e in Aque ous solutions of ۱-pro panol
Mec hanism of Stable Phosphonate Ester Derived from ۲-fluro Anilin: a Kinetic Study
Solvent po larity, hydrogen-b onding and solvophobicity eff ects on the nucleophilic substituti on of benzenesulfonyl chloride with ani line in aqueous and non-aqueous solutions of methanol
Linear and Non-linear Free Energy R elationships in Nu cleophilic Substituti on Reactio n of ۲-Bromo-۵-Nitrothioph ene with Morpholin e
Kinetic investigation of ph otocatalytic decolorization of a metach romatic dye usin g nano-structure zinc oxide at buffer solution
DFT Study of kinetics and thermodyna mics of proton tra nsfer and proton-bo und dimer formation of methyl isobutyl ketone and ۲,۴- dimethyl p yridine
Electrochemical and morphological study on green nano-ceramic reinforce d convers ion coatin g
Theor etical Investigation of the Th ermal Unimolecular Decomp osition of Ethy lacetate
The st udy of pho to degrad ation kinetics of P VC-TiO۲ n ano-com posites and determination of their hydroph obicity under artific ial UV radiation
Equilibrium isotherms a nd kinetic for adsor ption of methylene blue from aqueo us solutio n on activated carb on prepared from w ood of kh injuk tre e
(Liquid + liquid) eq uilibria for phosph oric acid with dich lorometha ne and water using GMDH-t ype neural network
The photodegradation o f ۴-nitrop henol at presence o f Fe۲O۳ and Fe۲S۳ nanoparticles as photocatalyst
Humidity and scaning rate effects on the glass t ransition ( Tg) of ABS (acrylonitr ili butadiene styrene)
Soli d-state kin etics calculation of a new sy nthesized oxovanadium(IV) com plex using differential scanning calorimetry
Photodegradation of methylene bl ue using -doped nano structures prepared by microw ave irradiation method
Preparation and c haracteriz ation of S b-doped ZnO nanostructures by a simple and green r efluxing m ethod
Visible li ght degra dation of methylene blue using Sb-dop ed ZnO n anostructu res prepared under m icrowave irradiati on
Study of structural and magnetic prop erties of nanoparticles manganese ferr ite synthesized b y laser ab lation
Studies of Kinetic and Thermo dynamic of competitive adsorption Of Cu+۲ and Zn+۲ on modified multi-walled carbon nanotubes
Prepar ation and properti es of nanorotaxane from a-C yclodextrin and Poly (ethylene glycol) with Poly ( vinyl alco hol)
Novel microfibers of rotaxan es from the Inclusion Complex Reactions of a, β, ƴ-Cycl odextrins with copolymer of poly(thiou rethane)
Microwave-assiste d method for preparation of Sn-doped ZnS nano structures in water and their photocatalytic activity
Investig ation of K inetic isotope effects on reaction of me thane with radical of thrifluo romethane
Study on the ad sorption of caffeine on magne tic nanoparticle coupled wit h carbon prepared from almond nutshell
Thermodynamic investigation of the removal of titan yellow dye fr om aqueo us solution
Rheology and morp hology of Polyami de/Polyeth ylene ble nds filled with different clays
Kinetic of De composition of Hydrogen Peroxide Ove r MnO۲ a nd MnO۲ Suported on -Al۲O۳
Complete Gas-Phase Proton Microaffinity Analysis of Hematoxylin. A DFT Study
Studi es on the Adsorptio n Kinetics for the Removal of Methyl Orange using Modi fied Sawdust
Rem oval of bromo phen ol blue from aqueous solution on activated carbon prepared from w ood of astragalus b isulcatus tree: kinetics and is otherm st udy
Solvent p arameters effect on the rate constant of the solvolysis of ۲-chlor o, ۲-meth yl propan e in aqueous soluti on of alcohols
Modifi cation of sawdust a nd using for remova l of Pb : kinetic an d real sam ples studies
The effect of ligand subs titutions on catalytic activity of Heme – Imidazo le deriv atives – SDS complex as a nano artificial enzymes
Ther mokinetic s Modeling of Claus Furnace Unit in th e Presenc e of NH۳ for D etermining the Opti mum Op erating C onditions
Remov ing Crystallization Water of Holmium Nitrate: Drying vs. Degradation
Kine tics, Isoth erm and Thermod ynamic Studies of A dsorption of Blue ۵ ۶ From Aqueous Solution onto Sea shell Powder
Kine tics, Isoth erm and Thermod ynamic Studies of A dsorption of Blue ۵ ۶ From A queous Solution ont o Barley straw
Efficient rem oval of phenol using sonicate d MCM-۴۱
Preparatio n and cha racterization of Fe۳O۴/ZnO core/shell magnetic nanoparticle s
Effect of pH and ionic stre ngth on p hosphorus remova l from aqu eous solution by TiO۲ nan oparticale modified
Ads orption properties o f CO on (۴,۰), (۶,۰), and (۸,۰) zigzag si ngle-walle d carbon na notubes: a density functional study
The photocatalytic degradation of methylen e blue on the surface of sol-g el p repared n anostructured ZnT iO۳ and Zn۲TiO۴
sunflower seed hull adsorbent for removal of reactive red ۱۹۸: kinetics a nd isot herm study
MP۲ c ompariso n of the effect of Flu orine and Amine groups on kinetics th e of carbocation formation
Kineti c study of the cataly tic methane dry re forming t o synthesis gas over Fe-V۲O۵/Z rO۲ Catalyst
Li near corre lation between ther mal conductivity e nhancement and flu id adsorption in water nan ofluids at different temperatures
Growth and character ization ofnanocrys tallineCdS e thin fil ms depositedBy c hemical b ath depo sition method
Gro wth techn ology, X-ray and op tical prop erties of NanocrystallineCdS :Cu prepared by Chem ical Bath Depositio n Method
Adsorption k inetics models for Cd(II) re moval by Thiol-Nanosphere i n a single compone nt system: Error analysis
On the Bin ding of Mercaptop urine to Cucurbit[۷]uril Ho st: DensityFunctio nal Investigations
Adsorption behavior of ۶-Mercaptopur ine drug on the C۶۰ fullerene nanocage: a first-principles stu dy
Photocatalytic degrad ation of n onionic s urfactant from wast ewater us ing Zinc ox ide nanoparticles
Syn thesis an d investig ation the catalytic behavior o f Cr۲O۳ n anoparticles
Experiment al evaluat ion of silic a nanoco ntainers and smart coatings for active corrosion p rotection of alumin um alloy
Ben zotriazole Contained in the H olloysite Nanotube s Using Di fferent M etal Ions as Stoppers
Molecular Dynamics Simulation of th e Melting Behavior of Cs-Na Bimeta llic Nanop articles
Stud y of physical chemi stry properties of p olystyrene and car bon nanotube as phase change m aterials u sing mole cular dyn amics sim ulation
Ul trasonic-assisted m ethod for preparation nanop articles of Cu-dope d Zn S in water
The study effects of Ga and As-doping in Armchai r and Zig zag forms of boron ph osphide n anotubes
Preparation, Characterization and Contr ollable Sy nthesis o f Nano Zero Valent Iron Par ticles
Stabilization study of P hotodegra dation of acrylonitrile–butadiene–sty rene (ABS )/TiO۲ po lymeric nanocomp osite
A th ermodynamic study and characterizations on F e۳O۴ nanoparticles and coated with human and bovi ne serum albumins
Measurem ent and Modeling of Volum etric Properties of Nanofluid Containing Fe۳O۴ Nanoparticle, Poly( ethylene glycol) and Water
Inve stigation on Rheolo gical Properties of Nanofluid of ZnO Nanoparticles Di spersed in Poly(eth ylene glyc ol)
I nvestigati on of adsorption CO and O۲ gasses on i nside and outside of single-wall carbon ۲۳۴۴ano tube surfa ce Using DFT Calculations
A fa cile appr oach for t he synthes is of MnF e۲O۴ nan oflakes with low po wer ultras onic irradiation
The Effect of Polymer Conformations on the Heat Flow in Nanoconfined Polymers
Thermal P roperties and Kinetic Analy ses of Novel Highly Energetic Re active M aterials-Nano versus Micron Composites
Separation of CO۲, N۲ and CH۴ in Gases M ixtures by Single-w alled Silicon Carbide Nano tubes: a GCMC Study
O ptical and Structu ral Prope rties of Zn S Quantu m Dots Fabricated by Sonochemical Method
The e lectrical p roperties of GDE/ DGA/nan o-Al۲O۳ system
The nan o-Al۲O۳ e ffect on glass transition temp erature of a new na nocomposite based on glycerol diglyci dyle ether: An EIS and DMTA study
Mole cular dyn amics sim ulation of the melt ing proces s in Ag۲۷ Cu۱۳ core-shell nanoalloy
In vestigatio n on elect rochemica l behavior of poly (o-amino p henol/na no SiO۲) fil ms synth esized by cyclic voltametry
Synthesis a nd Chara cterization of Polyv inyl Acetate/Mont morillonite Na nocomposite
Ads orption of Ethane on Pristin e and Ni-d oped Sin gle Walle d Aluminium Nitride Nanotube
Th eoretical approach in the stu dy of the adsorption process e of Carb on monoxi de on Alu minium N itride nanotube
Synthesis and investi gation the catalytic b ehavior of ZnO nan oparticle
Correlatio n betwee n the theoretical ch emical co ncept of electrophilicity index for fu llerene de rivatives as accept ors and op en-circuit voltage inpolymer-f ullerene s olar cells
Ost eoinductio n of Mesenchymal Stem Cell in nano bioactive glass scaf fold implante d over rat Calvaria
Bioc ompatibility and Antibacter ial Activity of Nanosilver enhanced PLGA Cond uits for P eripheral Nerve Re pair
Pre paration and char acterisatio n of nicke l nanopa rticles grow on bee wax
Voltammetric Determination of Phenol Based on Ni-Cr-Al LDH Film Modified Glassy Carbon Electrode
Electrochemical detec tion of Gl ucose on a Ni/Cr L DH mod ified elect rode
SnSNa nocrystalline Thin F ilms:Com positiona l, Structuraland Opti calproper ties
Study of Elect rochemica l Properties and Fr ee Energ ies of Electron Tran sfer a nd Reduc tion Potential for f ullerenes of C۲۰–C۳۶
Coarse-grained computer simulati on of nano confined water
Com plexation of C۶۰ derivative as a carbo nic anhyd rase nan oscale enzyme inhibitor
Synthesis and charac terization of nano powders of Li(۱-y) Co(۰/۳) Ni(۰/۴-x)M n(۰/۳)Zn(x)M g(y)O۲ cathode materials via sol-gel and Freeze drying methods
Synthesis of n ano SBA- ۱۶ using extracted s ilica source of stem cane ash and its application for electr ocatalyti c oxidatio n of meth anol
Design an d Measure ment of novel Nanotube(۶,۶) and Cali x[n]arene derivatives Therm odynamic Functio n as drug delivery by DFT
Prepa ration and Investig ation of N anostructured Zir conia
Synthesis of mesoporou s SBA-۱۵ nanopar ticles using stem sweep ash silica for adsorptio n kinetics of the cationic dye, Azure B, from aqueous solut ion
Phosphatide adsorption from the neutraliz ed soybean oil by bleaching earth modifie d whit nanoclay
Effect of t he Au Catalyst on G rowth of Carbon N anostructures with Methanol via H FCVD
Ph otocatalytic degrad ation of co ngored under UV and Visible light using Mo and S codoped TiO۲ nanoparticles
Sy nthesis a nd characterization of polyaniline/HM S nanoco mposite an d study of its activiy for sorption of Ni۲+ fro m wastew ater
Stu dy of photocatalytic activity o f CoO nanoparticl es in phot odegradation of ۲- nitrophenol
Density Fu nctional T heory Stu dy of Sulfur Dioxid e Adsorption on the Internal and External of the Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes
Synthesis a nd chara cterizatio n of CdS quantum d ots cappe d with the different amino acids and thioglicolic ac id (TGA).
Preparation, cracteractise a nd compare thin film of nano particle Lanthanum yttrate with tem perature v ariations
A compar ative study on structure and microstructure of zinc ferrite nanopo wders prepared using different fuels
Investigation Effect of pH Va riation in preparation and c ontrolling of Zn spinel fer rite nanocrystallite s size
Treatment of carbon nanotubes by KOH fo r removal of fluoride from w aste water
Co۳S۴ Nanocrystals: Hydroth ermal Syn thesis, Ch aracterization, and Formation Mech anism
In vestigatio n of the interaction of carbon dioxide fl uid with internal a nd external single-wall carbon nanotubes by DFT
Sy nthesis of Ni-Al-Feternary layered double hyd roxides Prepared By Coprecipitation Method
Sy nthesis of Ni-Al la yered do uble hydr oxide as a nano-sor bent and its applic ation for extractio n of Para amino benzoic acid from pharmaceutica l and healthy prod ucts
Im provement of photocatalytic activity an d stabilit y by immo bilization of TiO۲ o n the hexagonal me soporous silicate
P hysical Chemistry Study of L nEmLn Block Copolymeric M icelles fo r Protein Delivery
Stu dy of ther mal decom position kinetics o f multi-wa lled carb on nanotu bes fun ctionalize d by acidic groups using the rmogravi metric ana lysis (TGA)
Preconcentr ation and speciation of chro mium spe cies in env ironmental water an d food samples usi ng a novel magnetic activated carbonnan ocomposite couple d with FAAS
Excitation of particl e plasmons in metal nanoallo y
Synthesis of ZnO nanoparticle and inv estigation of its influence on p hotodegradation of Rhodami ne B pigments in thin polyeth ylene film s
Inve stigation the density of states in presen ce of a magnetic field parallel to the nanotube axis
Medium cont ains metal nanopart icles as m eta-mater ials
Syn thesis an d Application of po lyaniline/ Multi walled Carbon nanotu be nanocomposite f or electro chemical determination of fol ic acid
Excited state of impurity binding energy i n symmetrical multiple quantum dots Ga N under electric and magnetic fields.
Eff ect of time dependent electric field on quantum dot in the presence of impurity and magnetic field
Th e role of i mpurities on the pr operties o f electron transport through the metal / Diamantane /metal system : Green’s function approach
Kinetic st udy on photocataly tic degradation of m ethyl orange using microwave- assisted synthesis o f ZnO nanoparticles
Physicoc hemical Study on a System Consisting Interp olymer com plex and Carbon Nanot ube and Its Applicatio n in Drug Delivery system
Influ ene of pH on Structural Pro perties of Mn Ferri te Nanopa rticles via Sol - Gel Combustion Method
Structural and Magnetic Proper ties of MnFe۲O۴ na noparticles Substitu ted by Co۲+
Tuning Localize d Surface Plasmon Resonan ce of Nano shells for Biolo gical App lications
The Adomian method for nano-sized mod el including Murrel- Mottram potential and Casim ir force
Effects of External Electric and Magn etic Fields on the Linear and Non linear Op tical Pro perties in a Quantu m Pseudodot
Corr osion stu dy of nan ocomposite epoxy / metal in an alkaline environment
Corrosion r ate of nan ocomposite epoxy / metal in an acid en vironment
H ydrogen adsorption of Single- Walled Nano-Cone s: a Gra nd Cano nical Monte Carlo Study
Study of quantum of absorpti on of toxic gases in the air by the open nanocone coup ling with the iron a tom
Th eoretical study of NO adsorption on the surface of Nanotube doped by Ga
Syn thesis an d Characterization of Co/Fe/ Sn Nanow ire array s in Alumi na Templates
Eff ect of annealing tem perature on magne tic properties of [C o۷۰Fe۳۰]۹۷ Sn۳ nanowire arrays
Removal of Organi c Pollutants from W ater by M ultiwalled Carbon Nanotub e/ Poly(ethylene gl ycol)/ β-C yclodextrin Nanocomposite
Physicochem ical stud y on a new drug na nocarrier made of chitosan a nd h ydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin
A Study upo n the modern Fabrication M ethod by means of TiO۲/PbO۲ N anofibers via Elect rospinnin g
Stud ying the e lectrical c onductivity of magnetite nan ofluid using SW model
Grand Canonical M onte-Carlo Simulation of M onomeric Alkaloids inside VO(bdc) Metal Organic Fram ework
Improving Benzene Storage Capacity of Al(O H)(bdc) M OF by F unctionalization of ۱,۴-benze nedicarboxylate with Lit hium usi ng GCMC Simulation
Gelatin/nano-bioactive glass as macroporous nanocomposite nerve con duit
Rem oval of P b۲+ by Magnetic Iron Oxide N anoparti cles Modi fied with Poly Thioph ene-۳-acetic Acid
Photo-physical Characteristics of ME-Capped CdSe Nanoprticles Syn thesized by Wet-Chemical Route
Enhancement of ferro magnetic and dielectric prop erties in barium an d lanthanum dop ed nano powedrs BiFeO۳ by sol-gel synthesis
Synthesis of multiferroic BiFeO۳ nanopowder by sol-gel process
Deposition O f Nanocrystalline Z nS:Cu T hin Films by Chemi cal Solution Method
The effect o f Mn sub stitution o n structural and magnetic pr operties o f strontium he xaferrite n anoparti cles
De termination of diff usion coefficient of chloride in reinforced concrete containing nano SiO۲
Th e influenc e of nano SiO۲ on the rate of corrosion of steel embedded in reinf orced concrete
Non –Pt nanoparticle s as catho de for passive dire ct methanol fuel cells
Syn thesis and characte rization o f LiFePO۴ nanopar ticles via h ydrothermal method
Synt hesis and Characte rization of LiFePO۴ Nanoparticles via Hydrothe rmal Method
Theoretical Studi es of the F ree Energ ies of Electron Transfer in Nanostructure Complexes of Cis- Unsaturated Thiocrown Ethers and A ۱۸-Membered Op en-Cage F ullerene [X-UT-Y][ ۱۸-MOC-C۶۰]
Interaction of Functional A mino Acid s with Go ld NanoParticles; Theoretical and E xperimen tal Invest igation
Inter action of Amine Co mpounds with Gold Nanoparticles; T heoretical and Experim ental Investigation
Effect of doping and defects on t he electro nic struct ure of graphane:A first principle study
Investigation of Adso rption of p ure Acet aminophen on carbon nanotube
Investigation of Ad sorption of pure N aproxen on carbon nanotube
Biogas Adsorption-B ased Sep aration by Metal O rganic Fr ameworks: a Gra nd Cano nical Monte Carlo S tudy
Hydrogen Physisorption of Cu-BTC and Zn-BT C metal-organic fra meworks: a Molecular Simulation Approach
Effect of calcination tempera ture on st ructural and morphological properties of cobalt ferrite na nocrystals prepared by co-precipitatio n method
A compar ative study on the s tructural, morphol ogical and magnetic properties of cob alt ferrite nanoparticles synt hesized by sol-gel autoco mbustion and microwave me thods
Nano-Hydroxyapatite S upported MoO۲(acac) : Structure Cha racteriza tion and Catalysis for Cyclooctene Epox idation
St atistical p roperties of Plasm a Enhance d Chemic al Vapor Deposition na noparticles
Poly terthiop hene Mn( II) is a ne w nano biosensor of bilirubin: A quantum mecha nical approach
Characteri zation of Cysteine C oated Ma gnetite Nanoparticles as MR I Co ntrast Ag ent
Preparation of ZnO nanostructure thin f ilm on the glass and study of its ability for adsorption of Cu۲+ f rom aque ous solutio n
Co pper iodid e nanopa rticles im mobilized onpoly(۴-vinyl pyri dine): a new and green catalyst for click synthesis of ۱,۴-disubstituted-۱,۲,۳-triazoles in water
Synthesis and Cha racterization of ma gnenic na nohollow spheres
Degradation of an orga nic dye at acidic, n eutral and basic buffer solutions by photocatalytic process in the presence of titaniu m dioxide nanoparticles
Bi ological Effects of Surfactants (SDSˬCT AB ˬTriton X-۱۰۰) Used in the Preparation of Na no Fluids
Study of th e Biocidal Effects of Nanotube Single W all, Nano tube Multi Wall, Fe and Al۲O۳ Nanoparticles by B iosensor
An Investig ation of g rowth time effect on morphological an d structural properties of SiO۲ na nowires d eposited by thermal evaporation method
Sy nthesis, Determination of phy sicochemical prope rties and cytotoxic ity study of Mit oxantrone loaded m agnetic nanoparticles
Im mobilization of cobalt over f unctionalized magnetic nono particles for liquid phase oxidation o f cyclohexene
DOS Spectr a and NBO Analysis of the N O۲Surface Interactions on th e Cyclic (WO۳)n (n=۲-۶) N ano-Clusters
Removal o f benzoic acid, p-ni tro phenol and resorcinol fro m aqueous solutions by modifi ed maghemite nano particles
Nan o Filtration for Wat er Treatm ent
Structural, magne tic, and f erroelectric properties of BiFeO۳ and BiFe۰.۹۶Co ۰.۰۴O۳multiferroics
Preparation of Co۳O۴ Nanopa rticles by Thrmolysis of Nove l Complex Containin g Bithiazole Rings
Synthesis and characte rization o f Cobalt Sulfide Nanostructures via Direct Thermal Decomposition
Spectroscopic Studies of Silver (A g) Nanocrystalls Using Biolo gical Process
E nhancement solubility of poo rly water soluble oxcarbazep ine drug b y nanoporous al umina as a nano carrier
Catalytic Epoxidati on of Cyclooctenew ith Vana dium-oxo- Sulphate Support ed on Am in Functio nalized Nano-Boehmite
Catalytic Application of Molybdenum Hexa-Car bonyl Sup ported on Functionalized Nano-Boehmite
Synthesis an d study m agnetic p roperties of NiFe۲ -xGaxO۴ (۰ x ۰.۳) ferrite nanoparticles
Enhance ment of Active Cor rosion Pro tection of epoxy coating via Com bination of Inhibitor-Loade d Halloysite Nanotu bes
Thermod ynamic p roperties of carbon chiral na notubes a nd their dep endence o n molecular diameter
Th e relations hip study of numbe r of carb on and m olecular diameter with quantum des criptors in some cha iral carb on nanotubes
Ultrasonic – assisted S ynthesis and Char acterizatio n of a New Bulk an d Micro Structure of Mixed – L igand Zi nc (II) Co ordination Polymer
Prep aration and evaluation of th ermally stable nano–structured self–do ped polythiop hene coating for an alysis of tr ace levels of phthalate esters
The Synthesis of TiO۲ N anopartic les in order to Ads orption of Hg (II)From Aqu eous Solutions
Corrosion study of nanocomposite epoxy / poly aniline on copper electrode surface
Co rrosion s tudy of na nocomposite epoxy / steel polyvinyl alc ohol on t he electrode surface
Electrochemi cal study of nano composite p oly DDS / SiO۲ nan oparticles on t he surface of coppe r electrode
Ele ctrochemical study of nanocomposite poly aniline / polyvi nyl alcohol in an acid environment
Ev aluation of corrosion rate of nanocomp osite epox y / polyvinyl alcoh ol - Poly aniline on t he electro de surface iron
M ethanol oxidation on the GC electrod e surface modified with nano- pa rticles Fe۲O۳
El ectrocatalytic oxid ation of L -cysteine at A nano -structured copper(II)– Schiff base c omplex multiwall carbon na notube modified glassy carb on electrode
Kinetics of Oxidation of Bio-et hanol in wastewater u sing nano CuO/ZnO Catalyst
Hy drogenic impurity effects on refractiv e index changes and absorpti on coefficients of a cylindrical quantum wire with a convex botto m in magn etic field
The oretical Study of El ectron Tr ansfer Pro cess Betw een La۲@C۷۲(Adaman tylidene Mono-Ad ducts) and Erythro mycines
S olid-state ion selective electr ode based on modified nano c onductiv e polymer
Application of a nan o sized TD -TiO۲ in a sono assisted phot o-catalytic process
Alignment In dependent ۳D-QSA R Modeli ng of Full erene (C۶۰) Solubility in Different Organic Solvents
The effect of process fac tors on p article siz e of nanostructured lipid car riers contain ing beta c arotene
Low temper ature pre paration of TiO۲/Activated ca rbon nanocomposi tes
S ynthesis of SO۴۲-/ TiO۲ and SO۴۲-/ TiO۲/SiO۲ as nano-catal ysts for O -acyla tion of ph enol
Template Extraction from Mesoporou s MCM-۴ ۱ Nano-Structredin Different Solvent in present of Ultraso und Wave
Elec trodeposition of silver on mu lti wall ca rbon nanotubes m odified gla ssy carbon electro de for sen sing and study of hydrogen peroxide d ecomposition
DFT Stud ies of Inte raction between Main Grou p Metals a nd B۹N۹ Nanocone using by Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR)
E ffect of Eu concentration on photoluminescent p roperties of sol gel - derived nanocrystalline SrZn۲Si۲O۷ as a p otential p hosphor f or solid statelighting
Molecular Dynamics Simulation Study of Thermal P roperties of the Au, Ni and AuNi۳ Nano wires
The effects of process p arameter s on the p hoto-phy sical properties of a nanocrystalline b lue-emitting phosphor
D ense coating of surface mounted CoW O۴ nanostr uctures on silk yar n, prepared by layer-by- layer method under sonicati ng
Sy nthesis and Characterization of Ag Na noparticle@Acrilic fiber Und er Ultraso und Irra diation
Electrosynthesis of polythiophen e nanowires on Anodic Alum inum Oxide Template
Tunnel m agnetores istance of the syste m of ferro magnetic electrode/ Diamanta ne/ferrom agnetic electrode: A Greens function approach
Eff ect of Magnetic Fie ld on the Liquid-Liquid Extr action with Magnetic N anofluid s
The kinetic Study of polyaniline-alumina nanocomposite to so rption te xtile azo dye from aqueo us media
sorption of React ive Red ۱۹۸ from aqueous so lutions by Al۲O۳ nanoparticles; A kinetic study.
Removal of reactive o range ۱۲ by copper sulfide na no particle loaded on activate d carbon: kinetic an d isother m study of removal process
The Evaluation of Research tools i nventions patentability in nanobiotechno logy
Intellect ual Prope rty of Nan otechnolo gy in Rel ated International D ocument s
Selective adsorption of asc orbic acid on molecularly im printed nano composit s of mesop orous silica SBA-۱ ۵/ polypyr role
Synthesis of Fe ۲O۳/polyaniline co nducting nanocom posites
Sim ple hydr othermal synthesis and chara cterization of high surface area niobia
Synthesis of i mmobilized molybdenum on carbon nanotubes supported and study of it s catalytic activity i n the oxidation of m ethylphe nyl sulfide
Preparation Functionalized Carbon na notubes supported Dioxobis (acetylacetonate) Molybdenum C omplexes and its c atalytic ap plication for the epoxidation of alkenes
Quantitative investi gation of structural paramete rs contri butions on anthraquinones sol ubility in SC-CO۲ by QSAR coupled to ANFIS
Application of modi¿ed nano-alumina as a solid phase extrac tion sorb ent for the preco ncentration and sim ultaneous separati on of Cu, Cd and Z n in water to flame atomic abs orption spectrometr y determ ination
Synthesis of m olecularly imprinted nanoco mposits mesoporou s silica S BA-۱۵/p olyaniline for ۲,۴-d initrophenol
I nteractions of Dox orobocin Anticancer Agent with Different Sites o f Graphene by Using Quantum Chemical Methods
D ensity Fun ctional St udy of Do xoroboci n Adsorption on Boron Nitri de N ano Sheet
Effect Impro ving nail and screw withdra wal strengths of ori ented strand bo ard (OSB) made fro m underu tilized lo w quality paulowni a (paulow nia fort unie) woo d employing nano-S iO۲
Eff ect of nan oclay on screw and nail withdrawal of strengths of oriented strand boa rd (OSB) made from underu tilized lo w quality paulownia (Paulow nia fortun ei) wood
Synthesis Nano sizeMeta stable tetragonal Zirconium Oxide
pH Affect on the Structural a nd Morphological Properties of Barium Hexaferrite Nanopa rticles Synthesized by Co-precipitatio n Method
Leaching of copper ۰xide nano parti cles from recycling sources
Sy nthesis and Characterization of Sol-gel derived S iO۲-CaO-P۲O۵-Zn O Bioglass
Investigating the effect of nanosilica partic les on mechanical properties of OCC fibe r-HDPE C omposite
Synt hesis of T iO۲ –y-Al ۲O۳/ SO۴۲- solid acid nanocatalyst with impregnation me thod and its catalytic property
U sing Gold nanoparticles as a solid carrier for lum inant molecules as a biocompatible label
Synthesis P latinum- Polymer N anocomp osite by using Microemulsio n System
Stu dy Contact angle of water d roplet wit h the surface of graphene oxide
Electropo lymerizat ion and characteri zation of poly (anil ine-co-N- met hylaniline)/ silver n anocompo site
Electroc hemical study and characterization of copolyaniline/Ag nanocompo sites as co nducting polymer in fuel cel ls
Hydrothermal and Sonochemical Synthesize of nano TiO ۲ by Acid Leaching
Adsorptio n Isotherm Study o f Ketotife n on Multi -Walle d Carbon Nanotube
A dsorptio n Isotherm Study of Loratadine on M ulti -Walle d Carbon Nanotube
Influence of O rganoclay on Compatibility of Different Ratio of Immiscible (S BR/NBR) Rubber Blend
Fab rication o f NanocrystallineLa ۰.۶Ca۰.۴M nO۳mang anitesby sol-gel method and stud y of Magnetocalori c effect from indire ct measu rements
De pendence of magnet ic properties of cob alt ferrite nanoparticles on b all m illing time
Selective acet ylation of alcohols a nd phenols with recoverable nanocatalyst
A ZnO-nanoparticle-promoted synt hesis of oxazole derivatives
Effect of nano zinc oxid e on the h ind limb bud NMR I mouse e mbryos at in vivo conditio ns
Advanced Isoconversional and Master Plot An alyses on Thermal Degradation Kineti cs of Nano camposite Reinfor ced with O ctasilane Polyh edral Oligomeric Silsesquiox anes
Oxidized multiwalled carbo n nanotubes as efficient adso rbent for ۲- (۴,۵-Diphenyl- ۱-H -Imidazol- ۲-yle)۴- N itrophen ol
Theoretical study of st ructural and electronic properties of single walled pure Silicon a nd Boron -Silicon n anotubes
Low tem perature solvother mal synth esis of TiO ۲nanocry stallite: Effect of precursor concentration on photoca talytic activity
E valuation of a Coupling Strategy to Obtain Biofunctional-Magneti c Nanoparticle for Bi odetection
XRD evaluation of nickel-phos phorus n anoparticles lattice tensions in vari ous thermal annealing conditions
Imp regnation of Porcel ain Pots with Silver Nanopar ticles via Pervapora tion and Study of the Effects on Pathogens (E scherichi a coli, Sta phylococc us aureus) in the Contacted Brot h
Synt hesis and Photoluminesc ence Properties of Silica Capped Z nO Quantum Dots
Fabricatio n of TiO۲ Nanofiber s via Electrospinni ng as Hig h Potential Ph otocatalyst
T he effect of differe nt concent rations of nano-alumina and operatin g p arameters on Ni-Al۲O۳ nano-composite coatings
Ana lysis of th e effect of chirality on stress intensity factor of e poxy/SWC NT based on multi-sca le method
Use of nanostructure phragmites australies for nitrate r emoval
Na noparticles assembly of y-Al۲ O۳ nanorods using y -AlOOH as precursor
The rule of basic pH in characterization of AlOOH nanoparticles an dna nostructu res
Study of Deposition Time and Concentr ation Eff ects on Properties of Nanocrystalline ZnS Thin Film s
Comparing Photocatalytic activity of In- V Photochemical co-doped TiO۲ sol-ge l and Hydrothermal Nanopar ticles
Ch emical syn thesis an d characte rization o f poly(۳- methylthio phene)/S iO۲ nanocom posites by inverted emulsion t echnique
Preparation and characteriz ation of po ly(۳- methylthiophene)/SiO۲ na nocomposites: Chemical oxi dative met hod in bi nary organic solvents
Enhanced photocatalytic and anti bacterial p erforman ce of nanosized Ag/ ZnO
Degradation of ۴-Nitrophenol (۴-NP) Us ing Novel Composites as Zn O Nanoparticles Supporte d on Zeol ites
Synthesis of V ertically Aligned C arbon Nanotubes U sing FC- CVD Method
Study of relationship quantitativ eenthalpy absorption: n anotube-anionicsurfactant system as a case model
Highly sele ctive extra ction and preconcentration of ultra-trace level o f mer cury ion i n water an d fish sa mples using Fe۳O۴-m agnetite-nanoparticles functionalized by t riazene compound prior to it s determi nation byinduc tively cou pled plas ma-optical emission spectrom etry
A no vel extra ction and preconcen tration o f ultra-trace level of uranium ion usi ng functionalized magnetic-nanoparticles prior to its deter mination by induc tively cou pled plasma-optical emission spectrom etry
Sy nthesis and characterization of mesopo rousPVP containing palladiu m nanoparticles using KIT-۶ as tem plateand it’sapplicationforc ross coupling reactions
Polyme r/KIT-۶ nanocompo site: synthesis, characterization and controlleddrug r elease
High Solar Photocatalytic Degrad ation of A zo Dye ( MB) by Bismuth Fe rrite Synthesized v ia Ultraso und Met hod
Kine tic and th ermodynamic study of Cr (III) Adsorption by Nano Organic-Ino rganic Adsorbent based on ۴ H-pyarn-۴-one (E۳) and TEO S by Sol-Gel Method.
Sy nthesis a nd usage Nano Org anic- Inorganic Ads orbent ba sed on ۴H - pyarn-۴-o ne (E۲) an d TEOS by Sol-Gel Method for Removal Ni(II)
Synthesis and antibacterial evaluation of n ano-bioactive-glass es (NBG) by a quick alkali-m ediated s ol–gel met hod
U sing of y-alumina porous nanoparticle s for loading and r eleasing of Mefenamic acid
Synthesis an d charac terization of y-alum ina porou s nanopa rticles from Sodium alu minat liquor with two type surfactants
Effect o f different acids to functionalization c arbon nan otubes
Gold nanopart icle prod uction optimization by a met al-toleran t bacterium as an effe ctive clean technol ogical approach
Th e electric field dep endence of hydrogen adsorption on silicon carbi de nanotube
PANHs ad sorptiono nto CMK- ۱/SDS-Fe carbon m odified nanoporous sorbentby SPE-UVtechniquefrom aqueous media
A Compa rative Stu dy for Re moval of Alizarin Red S from Aqueous Sam ples by M agnetic N anoparti cles of Fe۳O۴, CoFe۲O۴ and Fe ۳O۴ by Us ing Ionic Liquid as M odifier
Study the possibility of CuO an d ZnO n anoparticles for the removal of h eavy metals from waste water s
Heavy met als removal from aqueous so lutions using TiO۲, and Mg O nanoparticles
Comparison of remov al of bro mothymol blue from aqueous solution by r awMWCNT and Zn(OH)۲ n anopartic le loaded on activated carbon Zn (OH)۲-NP -AC: kinetic, isoth erm and thermodyn amic inv estigation of rem oval process
Sy nthesis of ۲-substitu ted benzimidazoles and ۲-aryl-۱H-ben zimidazo les using [Zn( bpdo)۲.۲ H۲O]۲+/M CM-۴۱ na nocatalyst under solvent-free c onditions
Antimicrob ial Finishing of Wo olen Fabr ic by TiO۲/Ag Nan ocomposite
S tudy on t he effect of nano-copper oxide particle s on mou se forelimb dev elopment under in v ivo condi tion
Preparation and characterization of polypyrrole/sil ver nanocomposites by in terfacial chemical polymerization tech nique using silver ion oxidant
Calculation of conducta nce in bilayer graphenenanoribbons under rotation
Syn thesis of magnetic nanoparticles Fe۳O۴-immobilized guanidine and its appli cation as nanocatal yst in cya nosilylation of aldeh ydes
Hydrogen Storage on Boron and Nitrogen doped SilconCarbi deNanotubes: A first principle study
Preparatio n of flowerlike copp er nanoparticles by chemical reduction
Study the effec ts of diffe rent meth ods for s upporting Fe on So dium Y zeolite on CNTs ch aracterist ics produc ed by CC VD meth od
The studies of Equilibrium Adsorption of ۴-Nitroanilin fro m Aqueou s Solution Onto Mul ti-Walled Carbon nanotubes
Nano-bentonite a s chemica l flocculantin papermaking process
Effect of su bstrate te mperature on Ag/C :H films prepared by PECVD devices
M agnetic N anopartic le Fe۳O۴ I mmobilized N-Pro pyl-Sulfa mic Acid a s Gr een and reusable N anocataly st
Synthesis and collation of NiO nanopa rticles by base and acid and nonstruc tural inve stigation via XRD, FTIR an d SEM tec hniques
Fa brication and Synthesizes of LSCO Na no composite via sol-gel method
Nano structural LSCO as a good d ielectric
Ma gnetic Nan oparticles Catalyze d N-Tert -Butoxyca rbonylation of Ami nes and A mine Deri vatives
Prod uction and investiga tion of fo ur phase semiconductor layer(Al/AgNO ۳/glass) b y PVD me thod
Fabricatio n and Ele ctrochemical Study of Silver and Copper Nanowires in A cidic and alkaline Environment
A new meth od for sy nthesis and charact erization of Pt nano colloid an d investigation of nonlinear optical properties of this sample
Synthesis and Functionalization o f porous nanosilica (SBA-۱۵) for remo val of bichromate from aqueous solut ions
Quantum analysis of drain source curr ent of Gate-All-Around CdSe Na nowire F ield-Effec t Transistor
A model rep resentati on for the temperature depen dence of t he gate-all-around Si-NW -FET threshold voltage
Electrocatalyti c oxidatio n of formaldehyde at the surface of bi metallic C u/Pt p articles m odified carbon nan otube paste electrod e
Nano-Ggenosensor fo r Point M otation De tection in Base of E LISA using nano- magnetic beads
Morphological investigation of NBR/ PVC blen ds reinforced with function alized sing le- walled carbon n anotube
Si multaneou s Determination of herbicides in Water Using M ulti-Walled Carbon N anotubes and chem ometrics Methods
Synthesis, Modification and Application of Carbon N anofiber s for Removal o f Lead from Aqueo us Solution
Acetonevap or sensing characte ristics of Ni-Zinc ferrite (Ni۰.۶ Zn۰.۴Fe۲O ۴) Nanoparticles prep ared by microwave method
Eff ect of nanoclay par ticles on t he water a bsorption of polyprop ylene/Ca nola straw flour co mposites
Effe ct of nan oclay particles on th e hardne ss strengt h of polyprop ylene/Ca nola straw flour co mposites
Synthe sis and Op timization Perform ance of M odified G lucose Biosens orwith Colloidal Go ld Nanoparticles
Prep aration and prope rties of bi odegradab le starch – ZnO nanocompo sites
Preparation and Prope rties of S tarch Bas ed-Natrolite Nanobiocomposi tes
Effect of Kaol inite’s cla ys on mec hanical properties and diele ctric const ant of medium v oltage ins ulating nanocompos ites based on polyvinyl chloride (PVC)
Decay resistance of Nano Zinc Oxide treated Cotton wood
The Effect of Som e Prameters on Photacatalyt ic Activity of TiO۲/M Nano Com posite
[Cu(bpdo)۲.۲ H۲O]۲+–supported SBA-۱۵ n anocataly st catalyze d synthesis of benzoxa nthenone and ۲-am ino-chro mene deri vatives efficiently
Pr eparation of polystyrene-Zn Onanoco mposite via solution mixingan d investigation its antibacterial prop erty
Lantha num oxide as a diele ctric for t he future of CMIS devices
Sol-Gel Synthesis and Investigation of (L a, Sr) CoO ۳ (LSCO ) Thin Fil ms
Nanotube as a n Anti-H IV Deliverer?
In vestigatio n of Inter action between Nanotubes and Anti-Ca ncer Drugs
A study on sy nthesis of magnetic iron oxid e core / Z nS shell n anopartic les
Inv estigation Thermodynamic Function o f Complex es between Nanotubes and Anti- HIV Dru gs: A The oretical Approach
CuO n anostruc ture-catalyzed oxidation of alcohol to ketone
Encapsulation Process in Synthesizing Polyurea Micro/nan ocapsules Containing Linseed Oil and it s Application in Self-Healing Coatings
Surface Area Enhance ment of M gO/Mg(O H)۲by Hy drotherm al process in the presence of Chiral Ionic Liquid
A tomistic S imulation of Meth ane adsor ption and diffusion in a model nanoporous carbon
E ffect of A l-substituted on particle size and magn etic properties of Ni۰.۶Co۰.۴Fe۲- xAlxO۴ (۰ x ۰.۳) ferrite nan oparticles
Application of Modifie d Sulfur Nanoparticles as a New Sorbent for Solid Phase Extraction a nd Determ ination of Linuron
Fun ctionalize d nano sil ica as an e fficient c atalyst for Synthesi s of chrom ene derivatives by m ulti-comp onent rea ctions
Func tionalize Nanopo rous Silica Gel as a New Sensor for Determinatio n of Metal Ions
Preparation and characterization of IR spectrum LiNbO۳ n anopowders
Fabrication an d characterization of a Nano- structured organic light emi tting diodeusing synth esis dye
Application of ruthe nium nan oparticle loaded on activated carbon for re moval of methyl or ange from aqueous solution: kinetics a nd isotherm study
Introduction of new na no composite in base of nano gold particles and poly L-methionin e for sim ultaneous determination of uric acid a nd xanthi ne
Aniline to Polyaniline/silver nanocomposites via em ulsion po lymerizati on in th e presence of p-phe nylenedia mine
Py rrole to polypyrrole/Ag nano composites via emu lsion pol ymerization
Molecular D ynamics, Monte C arlo and D FT Studies of B oron-Nitride nanocones: pro perties in vestigatin g of B۱۰N۱۱H۷(Thr) ۲ in Diffe rent Temperatures and Solvents
Effe ct of electrodeposition frequ ency on magnetic p roperties of Co۰.۹۳S n۰.۰۷ nanowire arrays
Opti cal and structural studying o f Molybdenum-dop ed Vanad ium oxid e by sol-gel method
Ads orption of Crystal V iolet Dye onto Carrageenan-Based Nanocompo sites Adsorbent
Synthesis an d Study o f Nanostr uctural Properties of ZrO۲-CrO۲ Com posite
Sorp tion processes of h eavy metals by natural and m odified b entonite using nano particles
On the th ermal conductivity in methan e-propane binary mixture in nanochannels: A n on-equilibrium molecular dy namics approach
Studying t he dispersion stability of surface treat ed nano silica particles in a U V-curable matrix
Co mparison of efficien t removal of methyl orange a nd sunse t yellow with Gold nanoparticle loade d on Activated Car bon: Kin etic and Is otherm st udy of removal pro cess
R emoval of sunset yellow fro m aqueou s solution on activa ted carbo n prepared from wo od of tam arik tree: kinetics and isother m study
Zinc hydroxide nanopa rticles lo aded on a ctivated c arbon as a dsorbent for re moval of s unset yell ow: kinetics and isotherm study
Cha racterizat ion of Zinc oxide na noparticle loaded o n activate d carbon and their efficient applicati on for re moval of muroxide from aqu eous solution
In situ synthesiz e of Cu۲O on cotton fabric
Th eoretical S tudy Rat e Constants and Photonic Radiation Wavelength of Electron Trans fer Endo hedral Me tallofulle renes C۸۰ _ C۸۸
Molecular dynamics si mulations of adsorp tion and separatio n of Meth ane an d Carbon dioxide g ases on single walle d Carbon and Silicon Carbi de nanotubes
P reparatio n and cha racteristics of poly imide/tita nia nano composite
The first chemical synthesis Pol ythiophene/Ag Nanocomposi te by AgNO۳
Syn thesis Polythiophe ne/Ag Nan ocomposites by use of Ag presynthesiz ed
Investigation of optical properties dep endence to deposition angle
Investiga tion of op tical properties dependence to deposition angle
Synt hesizing and Characterizing of Silver/C opper (II ) oxide N ano composite on Nylon fabric
C olored an d Functio nal Nylo n/Silver Nano composite: Synthesis and Characterizat ion
Effe ct of some operatio nal parameters on d iscoloration of Aci d Blue ۱۱۳ via nano TiO۲ stabilized on concrete be d in photocatalytic process
Synthesi s of Nanostructure MCM-۴۱ UsingStems of Phragmites A ustraliyA sh as Sili ca Source s
Eff ect of treatment pro cess parameters on the surface characteristic of a hydrop hilic nano -silica
Si mulation insights i nto the th ermal conductivity of carbon nanotube s bundles and carbon na nocomposites: A re verse non- equilibri um molec ular dyn amics stu dy
Acidic Nanomagnet as a Green Catal yst for the Synthesi s ۱,۲,۴,۵-Tetrasubstituted I midazole
Synthesis and application of mesoporo uspoly (N -vinyl-۲- p yrrolidon e) co ntaining palladium nanopart icles.
Remov al of Cu( II) from aqueous solution by adsorption onto Polyacrylamid e/KIT-۶ NanoComp osite
P roductio n and inve stigation about nan ostructur es of PbS thin films
Magnetic properties of zigzag an d ladder Ti nanochains under pressure: Anab-initio study
Effect of Polyaniline Nanoparticles on Thermal Be havior of Epoxy Ba sed Thermosets
Synthesis of well define d polymer nanocom posite by polymeri cally mod ified silica
Decolonization of indigo carmin e using sy nthesized nanocom posites zerov alent iron
Evaluation of Rheologi cal Prope rties of Or ganoclay as Water -base Drilling Fluid in Iran
Ab - initio i nvestigat ion of Tramadol adsorption o n the sing le - walled carb on nanotube
Study of morphology an d optical properties of PVD F films aft er additio n of Au nanoprtic les
Applying Ho mogeneo us Precipitation for Synthesis and Phys icochemi cal Ch aracterization of Cu O/CeO۲/ Al۲O۳ and CuO/ZrO ۲/Al۲O۳ N anopowders
Ultraso und Assis ted Urea-Nitrates Combusti on Synthesis and Physicochemical Ch aracterization of C uO/ZnO/Al۲O۳ Na nopowder
Ex perimenta l investigation on electrical conductivity of Fe۳O ۴ nanoflu ids
Ca F۲ Nanop articles: S ynthesis and Char acterizati on
Technical and Economical Eva luation Use of Nano Oil in Agricultur al Tractor Engines Co mpared w ith Conventional O il
Sono-synthesis of Nanocomposite (TiO۲- Cu۲O) and Their Ap plication in Degrad ation of S urfactants from Aqueous Sol ution by Sunlight
Synthesis and Ch aracterization of Tu ngsten O xide Intercalation Nanohybrid s
Selec tive Oxidation Cat alysts Based on Car bon Nano tubes with Coavale ntly Attached to Molybde num Oxides
Th e effect of multi wall carbon n ano tube s on NMR I mouse a nterior li mb bud develop ment in in vivo systems
Effect of Catalyst on Grows of Diomond-like Carbon by HFCVD
Calculati on of optic al properties of mu lti layers semiconductors by Kramers-Kronig method
Synthesis of Magn etite Anio n-exchange Nanoparticles an d Their Application for Sep aration an d Preonc entration of Methyl Phospho nicAcid
Str uctural Evolution of Nanocrystalline T i-Ni-Cu S hape Me mory Alloys Synthesized by Mechan ical Alloy ing
Evol ution ofPhase Tran sformatio n in Nan ocrystallin e/Amorp hous Ti-۴ ۱Ni-۹Cu Shape M emory Alloys Synt hesized by Ball Milling
Investigation of optical and s tructural propertie s of Mn d oped ZnO nanoparticl es, synthesized at ۰o C
Morphology Predictio n of Tern ary Blend s and Their Nanocomposites via Thermod ynamic A pproach
Developm ent of a N ew ChitosanNanofiber Mats Containing Silver Sulfadiazin e for Burn Dressing
Pre paration o f Chitosa n Based N anofibers as a Potential Bur n Dressing by Electrospinning
Synthesis, ch aracterization and photocat alytic activity of Mg /ZnO-Sn O۲ na noparticles
Finite temperature Casimir interaction etween a perfectly conductin g surface and a permea ble surfa ce
Na nosilica C ontaining Polypro pylene/Liq uid Cryst alline Polymer Blend
C atalytic p erforman ce and ch aracteriz ation of Fe-V/TiO۲-SiO۲ nano catalysts promoted with Zn
Elect rochemical Synthesis and Electrochem ical Char acteristic of Graphene-Supported P t Nanoparticles for Methano l Oxidati on
Ultrasonic irradiati on and m agnetic polymeric s orbent for complete removal of p-nitr ophenol
S tudy Effec tive Parameters onto Swellin g of Hydr ogel Nan ocomposite
St udy Effect ive Para meteres on to Swelling of Hydrogel Nan ocomposi te And Diagra ms
Sy nthesis of nanoparticles silica sulfuric acid (NPs SiO۲-OSO ۳H): a so lid phase acidic cat alyst for s ynthesis of biscoumarin deriv atives
Pr eparation and elect rochemica l capacitive behaviors of nan ostructured molybdenum oxide
One Pot Syn thesis of ۲-Amino-۲ -Chromene Derivatives with Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles as a Reus able Cata lyst
S ynthesis of siliceous MCM-۴۸ and NiO /SiO۲ mesoporous m aterial via Ultrasound a ssisted sol-gel meth od
Synthesis of silica nanocomposite MSN-polyMAA for oral d rug delivery
The effect of nanoclayparticles o nthemech anical pro perties ofalmond s hell po wder- pol ypropylen e composite
Rem oval amoxicillin fr om aqueous solutio ns by nanomagnetic s LaSrM No۳
Studies on Enzyma tic Bioma chining of Copper b y Glucos e Oxidase
The effect of n anoparti cles and e nzyme immobilization on the performa nce of biosensor Sulfite, b ased on glassy carbon electrode
The effect of operating param eters on t he photoc atalytic removal of a ntibiotic G entamici n at aqueo us solutio n using UV-C irrad iated TiO ۲ na noparticles
Synthesi s of NiO nanoparticles by precipitation method a nd their application as an effective adsorbent in the removal of Cr(VI) from aqueous solutions
Thermal Resistance M agnetic N ano Composites B ased on Silicon- Resin Epoxy
Removal and Separatio n of Calcon Dye from Wastew ater by Magnetic S olid P hase Extr action with Iron Ox ide Nano particles Modified with CTAB
S ynthesis of nano-zeo lite: modification o f carbon paste elec trode using nano-z eolite and its appli cation for determination of d opamine
Recovery and Synt hesis of N ano-Silver Particles from Medical W astes
Enh anced activity and selectivity of Au/Zn O catalysts contain ing low CuO conte nt for pre ferential o xidation of CO in H۲ rich streams
Effect of nano fluid on n atural convection fluid flow and heat t ransfer in an enclosure containin g a heated circular cylinder
Poly(۳-methylthiophene)/TiO۲ Nanocomposites via Inverted Emulsion
Su rface Plasmon Resonance of Silver Nan oparticles for dete rmination of ascorbic acid in food and Phar maceutical Samples
Prep aration and Magne tic Properties of N anostruct ured Mn۰. ۵Zn۰.۵Fe۲O ۴ in Silica Matr ix
So nochemically Synt hesis of NiMo/Al۲O۳ -ZrO۲ Nanocatalyst with Hig h ZrO ۲-Conten t for Hydr odesulphurization of Thiophene
Nano-Pero vskites of LaFe(۱.۰, ۱.۲, ۱.۵ or ۱.۷)O(۳+į) as Catalyst of C O and U HC
Effect of Ti O۲, Fe۳O۴ and Al۲O۳ nanoparticales on phosphor us removal from aqueous so lution
Cesium sorption stu dies on mesoporous MCM-۴۱ impregn ated with potassium zinc hexac yanoferrate
Sup porting of potassiu m lead hex acyanofe rrate on m esoporous MCM-۴۱ as strontium adsorben t: isotherm, kinetic and ther modynamic studies
Synthesis of zirconia n anoparti cles in presence of citric acid or starch as emulsifier
Synthesis of lanthanum oxide nanopartic les in presence of c itric acid or starch as emul sifier
On the chemi cal synth esis and drug delivery response of nap roxen-loa ded PAA/PEG interpolymer com plex-coa ted magne tite nano particles
Physical and mechanic al properties of pol yurethane/polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane ( PU/POSS) nanocom posite
Synthesis of N anozeolite NaA Using Barle y Husk Silica: Mercury Remo val f rom Babolrood River and In dustrial W astewate r
Cold Wall C hemical V apour D eposition Reactor Design for Synthesis of Carb on Nanotubes: Parametric Study
Study of Physicoc hemical Behavior o f Anneale d TiO۲ Na notubes
TiO۲/Fe: Ag nano composite: Synthesis and phot o catalytic activity
Simultaneous Synthesiz e of Nano -Silver an d Polyester Hydrol ysis in Alkali Media along with Nano TiO۲ Application
T hermal Stable and Self-Clean ing Hollow Fiber PET Nonwoven Usin g Nanoclay/Nano Ti O۲/Poly Siloxane Composites
Applying Non-Therma l Plasma to Synthesis of Nanostructured Ni/Al۲ O۳-M gO Cataly st for Syn gas Prod uction from CH۴/C O۲
Ultrasound Assisted S ynthesis and Char acterizati on of Nan ostructure d MnNiSA PO-۳۴ Catalyst Used in MTO Process
Catalytic Perf ormance o f Ni-Co/A l۲O۳-Mg O-ZrO۲ N anocataly st toward CO۲ Reforming of CH۴: Effect of ZrO۲ Precursor
Plasma Assisted Synthe sis of Nan ostructur ed Pt/Al۲ O۳-CeO۲ Catalyst U sed for Waste Gas Stream Treatment
Ionic liquid- assisted formation o f Co۳O۴ nanopartic les
Prepar ation and optical properties o f Porphy rin nanoparticles
Pre paration of MWC NT-Al۲O۳ hybrid for the production of nanoemulsion with the applicati on in enha nced oil recovery
Molecula r Dynami cs Simula tion of the Melting Process in Na۲۲ K۳۳ Nanoalloy
Molecular Dynamic s Simulation of the Melting Process in Au۱۵Ag۴۰ Nanoalloy
Optimization of bovine serum al bumin fibrillation: use of res ponse surf ace metho dology an d simple C ongored testing
Dye Adsorption isotherm modeling onto Functional ized Nanoporous Silica
Quantum scattering theory o f diatomic molecules with na nolayers
Three-pa rticle qua ntum scattering vi a separab le potenti als: Applic ation to statistical mechanic s
Determination and comp arison of formatio n constants of bis(۴- amino-۳-penten-۲-onato) c opper(II) and nickel(II)
Anion-ʌ Interaction inC۶H ۳X…M- (X = H, F, CN, CH۳,and NH۲;M=Au, A g, and Cu) Complex es
Ionization of Benzene, Toluene and Xylene via Charge or Proto n Transfer Re action
Reduced Density Gradien t along Bond Paths in Differ ent Chemical Bond s
Electronic Structure of Proto nated PA Hs: Acenaphthylene and Acenaphthene
Theoretical consider of proper ties of oligo (۳-met hyl thioph enes) terminated with for myl
ONIOM Ca lculation on the Int eraction between T TA Derivatives and Linear–De ndritic Co polymers
DFT Study stabilities and EPR of the Cop per(II)hydrogenm alonate dehydr ate complex
DF T Study o f Hydrogen-bondin g affects on ۱۷O and ۲H Electric Field Gradient Tensors of of the bis- -amino acid (S, S)-۱ molecule
Protonation of Caff eine; Theoretical and Experimental Study
C halcogen -Chalcogen Interaction; an Electron Density An alysis
Calcu lation of Rovibronic Transition Intens ities for D iatomic Molecules
Quantum m echanical study on the mechanism an d kinetics of the hydrolysis of Organ opalladiu m Complex [Pd(C NN)P(OMe)۳]+
Theoretical Approaches Of Structure and Conformation Of a., B and y Cyclodextrin
DFT study on the mechanism for formation of olefin complexes in the re action between pall adium(II) and maleic acid
Experimental an d Theoretical Study of Valen ce Photoe lectron Spectrum o f Proline Amino Ac id
Intramole cular Hy drogen Bo nding in ۵-Nitrosalicylaldeh yde: Infrared Spectrum and Qu antum Chemical C alculatio ns
Meta -stable excited stat es of Cl۲۲ -
Spectroscopi c constants and molecular properties of Obr- and OCl-
Prediction of gas chromat ography retention of alcohols based on quantum chemica l parameters
Interaction of Potassium ion with A mino Acids(alanine) as Buil ding block of Proteins: A DFTand HF study
Inter action of Potassium ion with Amino Ac idsand the net char ge on the carbonyl of the fr ee bases: A DFT stu dy
Infl uence of structural features o n ion mo bility spectra of Sub stituted Benzaldehyde is omers at atmospheric pressu re and different te mperature
Three-pa rticle qua ntum scattering vi a separab le potenti als: Applic ation to statistical mechanics
The effect of phenyl subst itutions on the structure and metal- li gand bond stre ngth of c opper acetylacetona te. A DFT study.
DFT study on the mecha nism of t he Forma tion of Mo nodentate Acetate C omplex of Palladium(II)
Considering the one-elect ron density of hydr ogen ion molecule within the context of the Ho oke – Cal ogero model
Interaction b etween stretching a nd bendi ng modes in Napht hazarin hydro gen bond
Hydrophilic gel compo sition eff ect on the molecula r association and spectros copic beh avior of M ethylen blue
Proton Transfer in X-Anil ide–HF: Can the S ubstituent s in Para Position o f Anilde ion Influ ence the N - ...H–F N–H ...F- Switchin g
Theor etical investigation of phenyl group effect as an end-substitution o n electronic propert ies of oligothiophenes
A DF T study on structu ral proper ties of phenyl-capped oligoth iophenes
Absor ption Spec trum of S O۲ Molecule: Including S۱–S۲ Vibroni c Coupling
Conformational analysis of Cystein e side chain for HC O-L-Cys- L-Ala-NH۲ protected dipe ptide. A DFT study
Conformational analysi s of Cysteine side ch ain for HCO-D-Cys-D-Ala-NH۲ pr otected dipeptide. A DFT study
Potential ene rgy curve s of the ۳ Σ+ and ۱Δ states of the HCl ۲+ dication
Deter mination o f the pote ntial ener gy curves of diatom ic bound electroni c states usi ng the energy- consistent method
Self-association of thiazine dyes i n aqueous and aqueous urea solutions
Ana lysis of vi ronic str ucture in electronic spectra of large polyatomic molecules
Excite d state electric dipole moment of thiazine dyes: A compar ative stud y
Altere d Lumines cence Efficiency of Cadmium Sulphide Quantu m Particle s via co-dopi ng NixZny ions
Quantum mech anical stu dy on the mechanism of nucl eophilic su bstitutio n reaction o f Į-Chlorododecyl Carboxylate with t rimethylamin
Nucleus-independent ch emical shift (NICS ) profiles in aromaticity and reactivity patterns of Ferroce ne complexes
Molecular structure and Specteroscopic a nalysis (F T-IR, UV-VIS, ۱H NMR) of Ciproflox acin via Quantum liquid DFT calculat ion
DFT pr ediction on pKa of L-dopa in an aqueo us solution
Laser Mass Spectrometry of Alkali-Earth Halides
Calculation of D ecay Rate Constan ts of ۲۱Ag ۱۱ Ag Internal Conversion in trans, trans-۱, ۳, ۵,۷-Oct atetraene
Dyn amic NM R of Ranit idine: An Empirica l and Co mputational Study
Influence of C u+۲:Mn+۲ c o-doping ZnS Nan oparticles on Light Emission Efficiency
Spectrophotometery stud ies on the interaction of new complex, tribromo phenantridin e aurum (III), with calf thymus DNA
Vibr ational Assignment and Density Functional The ory Calcu lations of N-salicyl ideneaniline
Simulation of photoelect ron spectrum of CH ۳CH۲OO-
R ed-shiftin g and Blu e-shifting Halogen Bonds; a QTAIM Study
S chrödinger Equation under a q-Deformed Mors e plus Coulomb Inte raction
The Exponential Potential within a Semi-relativistic Tw o-Body formulation via N ikiforov- Uvarov T echnique
Spe ctral stud ies on the binding of cationic Zn(II)tet rapyridin oporphyr azine to ca lf thymus DNA an d oligonuc leotide
Study of multi-nucleon syste ms in the hyper central approach
Study of two-body systems in the Yukawa potential
DFT Investig ation of t automerism in ۶-fl ourothymine: Com parison betw een gas p hase and solution
DFT I nvestigati on of transition state of tauto merism i n ۶-flourothymine in chlorof orm solvent
Photoelectron spectra of Oxyacids of Nitrogen in Gas phase an d Solution
A no vel view of the interaction b etween PL GA-PEG-PLGA with HSA sy nchronou s fluoresc ence spectroscopy m ethod
Quantum mechanical study on th e mechanism of coordination of indole derivatives to Palladium (II) Ions in Complexes
Novel furandica rboxylate derivativ es as exce llent fluorescence standards: spectroscopical and electroc hemical study
Vib rational a ssignment and structure of V anadyl a cetylacetonate: A density function al theore tical study
M olecular structure and intramolecular hydroge n bonding of ۴-phenylamino -۳-penten -۲-one an d its para substituti ons. A DFT study
Struct ural and S pectroscopic (NMR , IR, and UV) analysis of Le mofloxacin via D FT quantu m chemi cal studies
Tautome rization in imide co mpounds; DFT and NBO studies
St ructure, tautomerism and intramolecu lar hydro gen bonding of ȕ-ketosulfo xide compounds
Determination of Dunha m constan ts and potential en ergy curv es for InH from co mbined an alysis of UV/visible and infr ared spect ra
The study of mixed micellization of Hyamine and Trit on X-۱۰۰ in water-buthanol mixtur es
Equ ilibrium biosorptio n isother m for neutral red o n persimm on leaf
Stu dy of surf ace molar area of co mponent in organic binary mixtures
Applying a new correc tion in Jouyban-Ac ree model to predi ction of organic binary mixtures su rface tensi on
Study of therm odynamic dye removal from solutions by using b iosorbent
Kinet ic survey and therm odynami c modeling of reduc tion COD sewer by adsorbents: in methanol unit of Fanavaran petrochemical company
The rmodyna mic of the Co (II) ad sorption onto silica aerogel-a ctivated car bon nano composites from aqueous solutions
Thermody namic and kinetic study of adsorption Direct red ۸۱ on sonc hus arvensis
Prep aration of Poly Pho sphoric A cid Impregnated on Silica Gel (PPA-SiO۲) and study of its activity for t he Synthe sis of ۱,۲,۴ ,۵-Tetrasubstituted Imidazoles
Ane xperimental study o n the surf ace prope rties of a queous so lutions of cyclic a mino acid s
Calculation of surface tension, s urface entropy, surfaceenthalpy, and surfac e excess co ncentration of org nic binary mixtures
Application of the UNIFAC mo del for Es timation o f Relative Gibbs Ad sorption and thickness of the surface la yer in the binary m ixtures
Self – Assembly in System of Leciyhin and Nonionic Am phiphile f rom NMR Studies
Phase Behavior and Phase Strutu re for Catanionic S urfactant Mixture: Dodecyltrimet hlammonium Chloride-Sodium Nonan oate-Wate r System
The Kinetics &Termod ymic Study on adsorption of ascorbic acid using SiO۲ and PPy/S iO۲ nanoc omposite
Rel ationships between surface tension and bulk properties of organic liquids
Surface ten sion prediction for binary solutions
Adsorp tion of Ba sic Violet ۱۶ from Aqueous Solutions by Waste Sugar Be et Pulp: Kinetic and T hermodynamic Studies
Surface Tensi on Predict ion for P ure Compounds by Using of Different Methods
The use of Scale d Particle Theory and Develo ped Scaled Particle Theory in Predicting the Surface T ension of Pure Co mpounds
A Study Upon The Role of A B-Reducer Co ntained S olution In A Direct Elec trodeposition of Ultrasoft and High Magnetic Moment NiFe films
Determ ined the Lyophobicity for Binary Mixture with Extended Langmuir Model
Surface Tension Prediction for Liq uid Organic Solvents
Adsorption of Sulfur Compou nds from Liquid Fuel by Carbon Na noparticles Dispers ed in Aqu eous Phase: Kinetic and equilibriumS tudies
FT-IR study on the int erfacial interaction of novel N eutral Polymeric Bon ding Agent contain ing NCO group wi th RDX
Investigating Synergis m in Critical Micelle Concen tration (CMC) of cationic-nonioni c surfactantmixtures
Prediction and Correlation of Surfa ce Tensio n Data for Binary System at Vario s Tempe ratures: D MSO - L ong Chain alcohols
Fixing of nickel nanopar ticle on a rtificial ve rmicolite substrate in acidic media and study their catalytic pr operties in vegetable oil hydrogenation
Application of Shereshefsky Model to Binary Mixtures:Surfac e Analysis for Calculating Su rface Ten sion and Surface Parameters
Simultaneous I nfluence of SDS Sur factant a nd Uni-Un ivalent S alts on the Inter facial Tension of To luene-Wa ter: A New Insight
Inh ibition by cetyltrim ethyl am monium bromide of the corro sion of stainless steel in NaCl solution
Removal of Red S-DS W (a disperse dye) from Aqueous Solution by a ctivated carbon: A study of equilibrium adsorption isoth erms
Synthe sis of Mo/ZSM-۵/H MS bipor ous catal ysts with t he high st ability fo r dehy droarom atization and cataly tic conver sion of methane to benzene
Invest igation of isotherms for Ads orption of Methyle n Blue dy e (MB) by nano layer of electroactive polymer
Surface tensio n measurement of Pure Ioni c Liquid, ۱- hexyl-۳- methyl imidazolium Bromide [HMIM][Br] in different temperature
Ads orption of phenol o n bentonit e: A stud y of equilibrium adsorption isotherms
An experimental study on surfa ce propert ies of amino acid so lutions
Na no silica phosphoric acid as an efficien t eco-frie ndly catalyst for synthesis of ar yl ۱۴H-dib enzo[a,j] xanthene s in therm al and solvent-free con ditions
Half -metallic Ferromag netism in the Zinc-blende MS(M=Li, Na & K) u nder Pressure and Stress
An inv estigation on interfa cial interaction of AP and T ris-(۲-hydroxyethyl)-isocyan uratevia F T-IR and FT-Ram an
FT-Raman and FT-IR study on interfacial interac tion of T ris-(۲-hydroxyethyl)-is ocyanuratewith AND
Adsorp tion of Eo sin Y usi ng polyaniline-beach sand nanocompos ite: kinet ic and thermo dynamic s tudies
Predict ion of surface properties of b inary ref rigerant m ixtures w ith density (volume) based mo del
Boron d opeddiam ond like carbon na nocrystalby HFCVD
The s ynergism between nanostruc tured Cd S and Cd O in photo catalytic degradation of methyle ne blue
Ultraso und-treate d TiO۲ for removal of anionic surfacta nt
Kinetics and thermodyna mic stud y of aniline adsorpt ion by SBA-۱۵ with non -ionic sub strate (P۱ ۲۳) from aqueous s olution
Water proofing material fo r inhibition of am monium n itrate hygroscopicity by micro encapsulation