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The 21st Chemical Physics Conference of Iran Chemistry Association
The 21st Chemical Physics Conference of Iran Chemistry Association In date 2018-09-06 by Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University,دانشگاه شهيد مدني آذربايجان in City Tabriz was held. please refer to the following link to download all the papers of conference proceedings: Proceedings The 21st Chemical Physics Conference of Iran Chemistry Association
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Accepted papers in The 21st Chemical Physics Conference of Iran Chemistry Association
Ultrasound and Electrochemistry in Synthesis of New Thin Films: VisibleLight Photocatalytic Activities
Prediction of carbon dioxide hydrate formation conditions in the presence of cyclopentane using the CPA equation of state
Molecular Mechanism of Insulin Fibrillation in the Presence of a Cationic Gemini Surfactant: Spectroscopic and Conductometric Studies
Monitoring of Protein- protein interactions in cell death using split luciferase assay: a thermodynamic perspective
An Investigation on the Entropy Relation in Experimental Sciences: A Quranic Perspective
Atomic Scale Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Glycine Receptor in a Mixed Lipid Bilayer
Ion Separation and Molecular Sieve Process Using Functionalized Nanostructured Membranes
Soluting-out/in Effects in Aqueous Ionic Liquid +Polymer Solutions
Predicting flammability limits via constancy of limit adiabatic flame temperature and limit expansion ratio
The Use of Glycols as Solvents for Desulfurization of Fuels
Thermophysical Properties Study for the Binary Mixtures of (Acetonitrile+ Trichloroethylene, or Tetrachloroethylene) at Different Temperature
Giant Onsite Electronic Entropy Enhances the Performance of Ceria for Water Splitting
Computational Medicinal Chemistry for Drug Design and Discovery
Influence of Cu, Zn, Ni and Fe Sulphate Adsorption on Structural, Electronic and Optical Properties of B12N12 Nanocage
Investigation on the Simultaneous Reduction and Carburization of Mixture Powder of Tungsten and Nickel Oxides by Pure CO: II=DTA and the Effect of C Precipitation
Investigation of Vapor – Liquid Equilibrium, Volumetric, Compressibility and Transport Properties of Some Aqueous Saccharides in Presence of Ionic Liquids
Structure and Vibrational Analysis of Zinc (II) Heptane-3,5-Dione
Theoretical study of Structure and Electronic Properties of Adamantane and its Ge-doped structures
Design and Characterization of Efficient Semiconductor for Use in Organic Field Effect Transistors
Theoretical predict the electrochemical oxidation behaviour of some para diamine species using results of the electrochemical oxidation of 4- aminodiphenylamine
Electrocatalytic activity of sulfonated graphene oxide/conductive polymer nanocomposite film: Electrochemical and theoretical study
Electromotive force in non-collinear magnetic structures
The Study of Distortion of High Symmetry Configurations of Si2F4(2+), Si2F4 and Si2F4(2-)2-
Removal of Methyl Violet from Aqueous Solutions Using Algae/ Fe3O4 Magnetic Composite
The Effect of Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate on the Properties of Magnetic Graphene Nanocomposites
Study of new generation batteries
Quantum transport
Efficient Organic Light-Emitting Diodes from Delayed Fluorescence
Simulation Of Carbon Nano Tubes Capacitor With Boron Nitride Dielectric
Stereochemical Aspects of the Soluting-out Capability of Carbohydrates
Volumetric studies of acetaminophen in aqueous solution of ChCl / ethylene glycol deep eutectic solvent at T= (288.15to 318.15) K
Molecular Dynamic Simulation of α-synuclein Aggregation and Investigation of it,s Effective Factors
The Interaction of CO Gas Molecules with TiO2/WSe2 Nanocomposites: Towards Superior Gas Sensors
Density Functional Theory Study of the Interactions between Triatomic Gas Molecules and Faceted TiO2 Anatase Nanostructures
The theoretical study of nitrate ion adsorption on the surface of the pristine and N-doped beryllium oxide nanotube
The NBO, RDG and Quantum Study of Interaction of Mercaptopyridine Molecule with Be12O12
BN Substituted Non-Classical Fullerenes
Molecular Interactions in [PhMT][X] Ionic Liquid: Structures, Binding Energies and Topological Properties
Computational Study on the Synthesis of 3,5- Disubstituted Isoxazoles from Nitrile Oxide and Therminal Acetylenes
Intermolecular Interactions between Gold Clusters And Sugar-Based Surfactant: A Dft Study
Effect of B, Al and Ga Impurities on Structural, Electrical and Optical Properties of BeO Nanotube
The Strain Effect on Electronic Structure of Phosphorene
Adsorption of NH2NO2 molecule on the surface of pristine and Pt functionalized (6, 0) zigzag GaNNTs: A NMR study
Electronic and optic properties of Ni functionalized Gallium nitride nanotube upon NH2NO2 molecular adsorption :A first principle study
The Electrical and Structural Study of Adsorption Cd+2 on the Surface of Pristine and C&P-Doped BNNTs
The Effects of Cadmium Ion Adsorption on the HOMO-LUMO, NMR, ESP, and NBO Parameters of Pristine and Doped Boron Nitride Nano Plate: By DFT
Production of Fresh Water by Means of Humidification and Dehumidification of Air Using Solar Energy
DFT Study of the Structural Properties of Various Stacked Bilayer Graphdiyne and HCN Adsorption
Investigation of Thermodynamics Properties of the Complex Crown Ether-Containing N -Salicylidene Aniline Derivatives with Zn: A DFT Study
Investigation of Vibrational Frequency of Crown Ether-Containing N -Salicylidene Aniline Derivatives
The Analysis of the Electronic Structure of Linear and Cyclic Strcutures of GLY-PRO-PRO Trimer
The Effect of GLY to SER Mutation on the Interaction of Hexa-Cyclio Peptides with Water: A Molecular Dynamics Simulation Study
Density Functional Study of Inhibitor Effect of Benzoxazepin Derivatives on Phosphoinositide-3-Kinase Delta (PIK3δ)
Ion Distribution in an Isolated Charged Nano Spherical Cavity: A DFT Study
Thermodynamic Properties Study for the Binary Mixtures of Acetonitryle+ Dichloroethane, Trichlorethan at Temperature Range of 293.15-303.15 K: Experimental Results and Application of the Prigogine–Flory–Patterson Theory
Isopiestic Determination of Water Activity and Vapor Pressure for Binary (choline bi-tartrate + water) and Ternary (choline bi-tartrate + diphenhydramine + water) Solutions at 298.15 K
Effect of Cholinium Bi-Tartrate as a Biocompatible Salt on the Volumetric, Acoustic and Viscometric Properties of Aqueous Diphenhydramine Solutions
Theoretical Predict the Electrochemical Oxidation Behaviour of Some Para Diamine Species Using Results of the Electrochemical Oxidation of 4-Aminodiphenylamine
Electrochemical Oxidation a Series of Ortho Diamines and Predict of Thermodynamic and Kinetic Results Using Density Functional Theory (DFT)
Interaction of Glycine with BC2N Nanotubes: Dative Covalent and Hydrogen Bonding
Investigation of Some Inhibitors of Alzheimer Associated Amyloid Beta Aggregation by Quantum Optimization and Molecular Docking Simulation
Quantum Mechanical Study of Interaction between Phenolic Compounds as Inhibitor with Active Site of Human Carbonic Aanhydrase (II) Enzyme
Jahn-Teller effect study of structural deformetion of OF2,OCl2 , OBr2, OI2
Investigation of 5,5′-(Pyridine- 2,6-diyl)bis(4-phenyl-4H-1,2,4-triazole-3-thiol) as corrosion inhibitors for mild steel in acidic media
Investigation and Conformational Analysis of Trans-2,3-difluoro-1,4-dioxane
A Simple Hydrogen Peroxide Biosensor Based on a Novel Electro Magnetic Polymer@Fe3O4 Nanocomposite
External Field Effect on Graphene-like Molecular Nanoelectronic System
QSPR Study of the Complex Formation Constants between β-cyclodextrin and Some Organic Compounds
Computational Analysis on all Di-Fluorobenzenethiol: a DFT-B3LYP Study
A DFT Study on all Mono-Fluorobenzenethiol
Interaction between CO2 and Organic-Metal Frameworks
Interaction of CO2 with Metal Trap MIL-47 (V)
Calculation of Proton and Electron Affinities Gas Phase Basicities and Ionization Energies of Barbituric acid
DFT and G4MP2 calculation of proton and electron affinities gas phase basicities and ionization ener gies of sulfinamides
The study of the salvation of paclitaxel in ionic liquids in the presence of biocompatible nano-particles using the molecular dynaimic simulation
QM Study on the Mechanism of Carbonic Anhydrase XII Inhibition with Glycosyl Coumarin as Non-Zinc Mediated Inhibitors
Cycloaddition Reaction of Azides with Di-Alkynes: a Quantum Chemistry Study
The Biophysical Chemistry Studies of the Structure Chloroperoxidase in Present of Ionic Liquids; Molecular Dynamics Simulation Approach
Determination of Proton Transfer and the Corresponding Structures of 2,3- Diamino Pyridine with Benzoeic Acid Using Combined Experimental and Theoretical Approaches
Theoretical Study of Interactions between Drugs and Zeolitic Imidazolate Frameworks
Simulation Studies of Anti Cancer Drugs Adsorption on Zeolitic Imidazolate Frameworks
Theoretical Study of Some Elimination and Addition Reactions Using Density Functional Theory
A Theoretical Study on Silicene Sheet Doped with N, B and F Atoms
Effect of Electric Field on Defected Silicene Sheet: DFT Study
Inter/Intramolecular Hydrogen Bond Strength in {N-[(3-BOROMO) PHENYL]-5 Methylisoxazole 4-Carboxamide}: DFT and AIM Calculations
Study of the Effects of Alcohols as Co-Solvents on the Interaction of Drugs with Carbon Dioxide in Supercritical Conditions by Molecular Dynamics
Co-Solvent Effects on Self-Diffusion Coefficient of Drugs in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide: a Molecular Dynamics Viewpoint
Vibrational Assignment and Structure of Some Derivatives of Chloro-Salysilideneanilin
A QTAIM Study of Intramolecular Hydrogen Bond of Chloro-Salysilideneanilin Derivatives
A Density Functional Theory Study on all Di-Bromophenol
A Computational Study of all mono-bromophenol
Absorption of Ethane on 3-Time Al-Doped Boron Nitride Nanotubes
Absorption of decomposed ethane on two-time Al-doped boron nitride nanotubes
Density Functional Theory (DFT) Studies of the adsorption of NO and CO on Mo-doped WSe2 Monolayer
Effects of Al and Ga doping of B12N12 nanocage on sensitivity and adsorption of amantadine drug in gas phase and water media
A computational study of aniline adsorption on pure and doped surfaces of B40 borospherene
Computational Study of Thermochemistry of Triazolium-Based Dicationic Ionic Liquids
Predicting Enthalpies of Formation of Geminal Dicationic Ionic Liquids Using High Level Quantum Chemistry Calculations
Theoretical Investigations of some New Azo Dyes
The Effect of a Co(II) Ion on the Electronic Properties of some New Salophen Type Ligands by Theoretical Study
A DFT Study of Hydroxyurea Adsorption on the BNNT-Ga and BNNT-Ge Nanotubes
Local Magnetic Field Induced by Circular Motion of Ions and Molecules in a Nanotorus under Gigahertz Rotating Electric Fields
Modelling of Density of Organic Compounds Using QSPR Approach
A new GA-ANN model for density prediction of organic compounds
Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Natural Gas Sweetening Using the Ionic liquids Based on 1-Hexyl-3-Methyl Imidazolium
A DFT Theoretical Study on the Structure Stability and Electronic Properties of Pristine and Al-doped B80 Buckyball as a Potentially Suitable Candidate for HCN Sensor
Design of a Bio-Compatible Drug Delivery System Based on Gold Nanoparticles for RNA Aptamer as an Anti HIV-1 Drug: Molecular DynamicsSimulation
A Periodic Density Functional Theory Investigation of Interaction of Photoactive 5-Amino Tetrazol with TiO2 Anatase (101) Surface
Calculation of Proton and Electron Affinity, Gas Phase Basicity and Ionization En ergy of N-Aminophethalimide
Study of Carbon Dioxide, Methane and Nitrogen Adsorption on NUM-3a Using the Monte Carlo Simulation Method
Molecular simulations of adsorption and separation of hydrogen sulphide and methane on NUM-3a
Theoretical Study of Cation-Anion Interactions in Ammonium-Based Ionic Liquids: The Effect of Functionalization and Alkyl Chain Length
Investigation of pure and Al-doped boron nitride nanotubes as an adsorption candidate for CH4 molecule
Photoswitching in 9-Hydroxybenzo[4,5]Thieno [3,2-b]Pyridine5-5-Dioxide: a Quantum Chemical Approach
Novel Delivery System for Novel Therapeutic Agent: Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Interaction of Non-Coding RNA Aptamer with Boron-Nitride Nanotube
Novel Aptamer Immobilization on Boron-Nitride Nanotube: Molecular Dynamics Study of Novel Drug Delivery System
Study of γ-AA Peptide Conformations in Solution Using Molecular Dynamics Simulation
Quantum Capacitance of Sc-doped CNTs as Supercapacitor Electrodes: a DFT Study
Monte Carlo Simulation of Deep Eutectic Solvents Based on Choline Chloride and Phenyl propionic Acids
Theoretical Investigation of the Sensing of CH2O Molecule Using Pristine, B and Ga Doped AlN Nanosheets
Hydrogen bonding interactions on 3-Nitro Benzoeic Acid based crystals: Featuring experimental and theoretical analysis
A TD- DFT Study: The Origin of Instability of Planar Structures of ClNO+ and ClNO
Theoretical Investigation of the Sensing of Fluorouracil Using Graphene Nano-Oxide
Comparing the reactivity of SO2-amine and CO2-amine compounds
Comparison of SO2 and CO2 absorption by diamines
A Computational Theoretical Study of the Stability of Distorted Structures in Multi-Mode Problem
Pseudo Jahn-Teller Origin of Instability of Planar Configuration in C2H4 Radical Anion: JT Vibronic Coupling
Two Carbon-Doped BN Nanosheet as Metal-Free Electrocatalysts for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction
Molecular Insights into Tumor Marker Detection via Aptasensor Screening
Theoretical Study of the Three Dimensional Potential Energy Surface of Valine
Prediction of Electrical Conductivity of Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) in Gas-phase at the Temperature Range of 50-400 °K
Density Functional Study of New Synthesized 1,2,3-triazole Compounds: Vibrational Frequencies and NMR Properties
First Principle Studies of Acidities of Some Amino Acids and Dipeptides
The Electronic Structure and Spectra Ru(bpy)2/3(+) of Using the Time Dependent Density Functional Theory Computations
Interactions of Curcumin with Parkinson s Disease Agent Protein: Molecular Dynamics Simulation
Theoretical Study on the Biodegradable Aliphatic Choline Based Naphthenic Acid Ionic Liquids
A Quantum Chmistry Study on Structures and Interactions of Biodegradable Aromatic CBNILS
Investigation of Some Nano Structures as an Absorbent for Sarin: A DFT Study
Investigation of Graphene as an absorbent for some gases: A DFT Study
Formation of NxO(x=1,2) in the gas phase. Theoretical study of methylenimine and Nitroxyl reaction
Modeling of NaF in (glucose/sucrose + water) Mixture; Binary and Ternary Mixing Ion-Nonelectrolyte Interaction Parameters
Adsorption Isotherm Studies of Cd (II) Ions from Aqueous Solution Using Nanoscale Zero-Valent Iron Supported onto Zeolite
Determination and Modeling of Activity Coefficients of Sodium Bromide in (Water +N,N dimethylformamide) Mixed Solvent System at 298.2 K
Extraction of Carboxylic Acids from Aqueous Solutions by Esters
Excess Volume and Isentropic Compressibility of Binary Mixtures of Diethanolamine or Triethanolamine with Aniline from (303.15 to 318.15) K
Graphene Quantum Dot doping with B3- F3- N3 and H6: DFT Study
H2O Reaction Over Defective Graphene Quantum Dot Doping with B3 - N3 and H6: A Comparative DFT Study
Intermolecular hydrogen bond in [ 2-(2-methyl-1H-indol-3-yl)acetic acid] dimer, DFT and NBO studies
Vapor-liquid equilibrium (VLE) for binary mixtures of 1-Propanol + Poly (Propylene Glycol) 400, 725 and 1025
Measurements of Density and Speed of Sound for Nonaqueous Solutions of Ionic Liquid, 1-Ethyl-3-Methylimidazolium Ethyl Sulfate in Dilute Region at Various Temperatures
EPC-SAFT Modelling of Density for Aqueous Ionic Liduids [RMIM] SCN Solutions
Effect of Lithium Bromide Salt on Thermodynamic Properties of Aqueous and Non-aqueous Solutions of 1-Butyl-3-Methylimidazolium Thiocyanate
Study of Volumetric and Electromagnetic Properties of Binary and Ternary Mixtures of {2-propanol (1) + 1, 3-diaminopropane (2) + 2, 5- dimethoxytetrahydrofuran(3) } at (298.15-328.15) K at 81.5 kPa-Prediction with Geometrical Models
Nonextensive Statistical Mechanics and its Effect on the Electronegative Plasma Sheath Characteristics
Thermo-acoustical and Taste Behavior Studies on Interionic Interactions of Lhistidine in Aqueous Maltose Solutions at Varying Mass Percentages and Different Temperatures
Excess Molar Enthalpies of Binary Mixtures Containing Butyl Acetate (1) + 1- Alkanols (C1-C6) (2) and Their Correlations at 298.15 K
Densities and Derived Thermodynamic Properties Study for the Binary Mixtures of (1,2-Propandiol + Ethyl methyl ketone, or N,NDimethylbenzylamine) at Different Temperature
Floating Potential of Electrodes Results from Nonextensive Statistical Mechanics
Ion Distribution in an Isolated Charged NanoSpherical Cavity: A DFT Study
Investigation of the Corrosion Resistance of Ni-W/PTFE Nanocomposite Coatings in 3.5wt.% NaCl Solution
Synthesis of Modified Nickel-Cobalt Electrodes on Reduced Graphene Oxide and its Characterization by Scanning Electron Mmicroscopy and Voltammetric Techniques
The Performance of Polymer Binders in Lithium Ion Batteries
Optimization of Dispersing of SiC Particles in Aqueous Electrolytes Using Surfactants for the Application in Composite Coatings
Synthesis of Superparamagnetic Graphene-Iron Oxide Nanocomposites by Electrochemical Exfoliation Method
Characterization and Corrosion Resistance of Electrodeposited Ni–Mo–Coating on Stainless Steel Substrates with an Alkaline Electrolytic Bath
Interaction Different Anticancer Drugs with Nano Particle Au: A Theoretical Study
Study of ortho-Phenylene Foldamers using Molecular Dynamics Simulation
Theoretical Study of Some Dield-Alder Reactions Using Density Functional Theory
Investigation of Acetaldehyde interaction on the zigzag (6,0) boron nitride nanotubes; DFT
Synthesis, FT-IR Spectra and DFT calculations of indazolo phthalazinetrione derivatives
Nature of Halogen Bonds: An Interacting Quantum Atoms (IQA) and Relative Energy Gradient (REG) Study
Study on the Adsorption the Argon and krypton by the C20 Fullerene, the Graphene Sheets, and the N4B4 Cluster Using DFT Calculations
Effect of cathode materials on morphology and quality of electrodeposited magnetic graphene nanocomposite
Theoretical Study of Geometries and Energetics of Adsorption of Benzyl Alcohol, Benzaldehyde and Benzoic Acid on CdS and CdSe Nanostructures
The Effect of Side-Chain Polarity and Solvation Layers on the Interaction of Amino Acids with ZnS Surface: Adsorption Free Energies from Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Monte Carlo Simulation and Quantum Calculation in Prediction the Properties of Single Carbon Nanotubes (SWNTs) with Mitotane
An Experimental and Theoretical Study on The S-doped g-C3N4 Nanosheets
Synthesis Nitrogen-Containing Heterocyclic Compoundsand the Investigation of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes (SWNTs) Using Molecular Mechanic and Monte Carlo Simulation
Cd (II) removal from aqueous solution using Nanocomposite
Phototautomerization in 9-hydroxy-5H-indeno[1,2-b]pyridin-5-one a Quantum Chemical Approach
Investigation of structural properties and density of states of the cubic phase of Sr2NiWO6
Interaction of Boron Clusters with Aantisite Defective BNNTs: A DFT Study
Tautomerism, molecular structure, intramolecular hydrogen bond of α- methyl and ethyl substituted Acetylacetone; A theoretical study
A Density-Functional Study of Adsorption of H, and CO, on Li-Doped Single-Walled (8,0) Boron Nitride Nanotubes Containing Stone-Wales (SW) Defect
The Interaction of Pyrazinamide Molecule with B12P12 Nano Cluster: by Computational Approach
Interaction of Fluoride Ion with Aluminum Nitride Nanotubes: A DFT Study
New Derived Perturbation‒Theory‒Based Regularity Using Yukawa Potential
Experimental, DFT Study and Molecular Dynamics Simulation of the Structural and Thermodynamic Properties of the Binary Mixtures of Morpholine and Isobutanol
Geometry Optimization and Electronic Structure of Trigeminal Tricationic Ionic Liquids: A Density Functional Theory Study
Thermodynamics Behavior of Transmembrane Protein
Theoretical Investigation of the Defect Position Effect on Optical Functionality of N and B Doped Graphene
Theoretical Investigation of the Defect Position Effect on the Aromaticity of N and B Doped Graphene
The Structure and Quantum-Mechanical Framework for a Series of Hydroxamic Acid Derivatives as Strong Inhibitors Against Anthrax Lethal Factor
Theoretical Investigation of the Ring Flipping and Conformational Properties of 2-Methoxy-2-Oxo-1,3,2-Dioxaphosphorinane and its Analogous Containing S and Se Atoms
A Comparative Study of Thiocyanate Anion (SCN-) Adsorption on the Al12N12, Al12P12, Nano-Cages
The Adsorption Investigation of Benzene and Toluene Molecules on Pure and M-doped (M= Zn, Cu, Ni, Co) Cadmium Oxide Nanosheets
The Adsorption Study of Ethyl Benzene and Xylene Isomers on Pure and Doped Cadmium Oxide Nanosheets by DFT
Ultrafast Luminescence Decay and Intersystem Crossings in rhenium (I) complexes: DFT Method
A Theoretical Study of Interaction Tyrosine with Al12N12 Nanocage
DFT Study on the electronic and nonlinear optical characteristics of clososupercarboranes C2Bn-2Hn (n= 13-20)
The Quantum and Reduced Density Gradient Investigation of Drug Adsorption on the Surface AlN Nanocluster
The Theoretical Study of Interaction CO Gas with Pristine and As&N doped AlNNTs
Study of Methane Adsorption on Nanoporous Carbon Model by GCMC
A Theoretical Study of Adsorption Behavior of Nitroamide Molecule on the Surface of Pristine and Pt Functionalized(6, 0) Zigzag GaNNTs
The NMR Parameters of the C-Doped BN Nanotubes: A DFT Study
Protonation states of the active site glutamates of β-galactosidase; a molecular dynamics study
Density, Speed of Sound, Isentropic Compressibility, and Excess Volume of Binary Mixtures of 1-propanol or 1-butanol with N-methylcyclohexylamine from (298.15 to 318.15) K
Removing of Some Errors for Measuring the Specific Latent Heat of Vaporization of Water in the Lab
Study of Solvent Effect on the Thermodynamic Properties of 2-Halo tetrahydro-pyran and Analogs Containing F, Cl, Br Atoms Using NBO Analysis and Ab Initio
Thermodynamical and Structural Properties of Imidazolium Based Ionic Liquids
The Study of Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium of Binary System of Tert-Butylamine – Water and Its Thermodynamic Analysis at 84.2 kPa Pressure
The Measurements of Acid Dissociation Constant and Thermodynamic Properties of Betanin in aqueous solution at different Temperatures
The Theoretical Calculations of Acid Dissociation Constant and Thermodynamic Properties of Glaysyl Aspartic Acid in aqueous solution at different Temperatures
Determination of Activity Coefficients of Major Ions in Caspian Sea Water
Investigation of ZIF-derived Fe-N co-doped Carbon in Metal−Organic Frameworks
Thermodynamic Studies on the Phase Equilibria of Ternary {choline chloride + Glucose + water} Systems at 298.15 K
Vapor-liquid and liquid-liquid equilibrium for aqueous solutions containing of Choline-based Deep Eutectic Solvent and PPG400 at 298.15 K
The Effect of Polymer Molar Mass on the Aqueous Two-Phase System Containing Poly Ethylene Glycol Dimethyl Ether and Ammonium Sulphate at 298.15 K and Its Application of This System in Partitioning of Iodine
Liquid–liquid equilibria of aqueous two phase system containing of PEGDME 2000 and (NH4)2 SO4 at different temperatures and its application in partitioning of lactic acid
Study of Aqueous Biphasic sSystems Composed of Biocompatible Cholinium Aminoate Ionic Liquids as Novel Extractants and Polyethylene Glycol Di-Methyl Ether for Separation of Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA)
Study of Interactions between Cholinium L-alaninate as a Green Entrianer and Bovine Serum aAlbumin in Water Medium by Measuring of VolumetricProperties and UV-Visible Spectra
Solubility of Galactose in Aqueous Ionic Liquids, 1-Butyl-3-Methyl Imidazolium Bromide, 1-Hexyl-3-Methyl Imidazolium Bromide and 1-Butyl-3-Methylimidazolium Chloride at T = (298.15 and 308.15) K: Measurement and Modeling
Liquid – Liquid Equilibrium Study of Benzene Extraction with Nformylmorpholine from Aliphatic Mixture at T = (303.15 – 343.15) K and Atmospheric Pressure
Liquid-Liquid Equilibria for the Aqueous Mixture of C5 Carboxylic Acid and Esteric Solvent at T = (298.15, 308.15, and 318.15) K
Thermodynamic Study of Temperature and Dimethyl Formamide on the Micellization of Hexadecyltrimethylammonium Bromide
Densities and Derived Thermodynamic Properties Study for the Binary Mixture of (Dibutylamine+Ethylene glycol monomethyl ether) at Different Temperature
High power Vanadium redox flow battery based on Bismuth-tungsten oxide modified carbon felt negative electrode
The effect of carboxylated multiwall carbon nanotubes on the performance of camphor sulfonic acid doped polyaniline –WO3 nanocomposite as photoanode for solar photo electrochemical water splitting
Valeriana officinalis root extract as a green corrosion inhibitor for carbon steel in 1.0 M hydrochloric acid solution
Use of Equisetum arvense extract as a novel green corrosion inhibitor for low carbon steel in 0.5M H2SO4
A High Surface Area Ni–Fe Layered Double Hydroxide for Electrocatalytic Water Oxidation Reaction
Investigate of the Electrochemical Behavior and Measurement of Promethazine Hydrochloride Using Carbon Nanoparticles Modified with Nickel Oxide Nanoparticles
Investigation of Electrocatalytic Behavior of Ni- M (M = Pd, and Ir) nanoparticles supported on vulcan carbon (XC-72R) as oxygen reduction reaction catalysts
Studying of Electron Transfer Kinetics of Azurin Immobilized on New Phenolic Terminated Self Assembled Monolayer by Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy
Vapor Pressures and Isopiestic Molalities of the Ternary LiNO3+Urea + H2O System at 298.15 K
A Novel Voltammetry Sensor Based on Ni-Co Multilayer Nanowire Modified Carbon Past Electrode for Determination of Valganiclovir, an Antiviral Drug, in Human Plasma and Tablet Formulation
Activity Coefficient Determination of the Ternary System: NH4NO3+ Fructose+ H2O by Potentiometric Method
Determination and Thermodynamic Modeling of the Ternary ([BMIm]Br + LiBr + H2O) System at T=298.2 and 308.2K
Electrocatalytic Oxidation of Methanol Employing Ni-Al LDH Nanoparticles Decorated polymer Film on a Glassy Carbon Electrode
Polymer Thin Films Embedded with Nickel-Copper Nanoparticles for Electrocatalytic Water Oxidation
Comparison of cathode behavior of lithium and sodium batteries and properties related to voltage and density
poly(aniline-co-p-phenylenediamine)- Ag /platinum-modified pencil graphite electrode for the electorocatalytic oxidation of methanol
Investigating the influence of copper (I) thiocyanate as a hole transport layer in efficiency of methylammonium lead iodide perovskite solar cells
The effect of strontium doping on the performance of organic-inorganic lead based perovskite solar cell
Evaluation of Polymer Nano Pigments Performance as Corrosion Inhibitor
Preparation and Kinetic Study of CoFe2O4@silica@ROL Nanobiocatalyst
Ultrasound-assisted extraction of anthocyanins from red onion skin, and determination antioxidant activities in red onion
Observation of Solvatochromic Fluorescent in Environmental Friendly Carbon Dots Prepared by Hydrothermal Treatment
Works of Various Types of Chemical Hair on the Scalp and Hair
Facile synthesis of g-C3N4 nanosheets anchored with AgCl and CDs and its efficient activity in reduction of Cr(VI)
Mechanistic and kinetic study on the reaction of hydrazine with hydroxyl radical
Theoretical study on the gas phase rate constants of NO+ HO2 reaction
Integration of narrow band gap semiconductors with TiO2: Enhanced photocatalytic activity for removal of various pollutants under visible light
Surveying the Adhesive Interaction on the Laminated Particleboard
Investigation of Reaction between Epoxy and 4-Phenyl 1-2, 6-Bis (4- Aminophenyl) Pyridine by Using FTIR and DSC Tools
Molecular Dynamics Simulation of the Inhibition of HIV-1 Protease by RNA Aptamer: Effect of Mutation
Study of Differences and Similarities between Polymeric and Ionic Liquid Aqueous Solutions in Respect to Salt Effect and Liquid – Liquid Equilibrium
Measurement and Modeling the Volumetric Properties of Aqueous Solutions of Guaifenesin Drug in the Presence of NaCl
Effect of KCl on Volumetric Properties of Aqueous Solutions of Guaifenesin Drug
Preferential Solvation of Sunitinib Malate in Binary Mixtures of DMSO + Water at 298.15 K
Solvatochromic and Preferential Solvation of Sunitinib Maleate s in some Water-Alcoholic Mixed Solvents
Evaluation of UNIFAC Model in Predicting of Naproxen Solubility in Some Aqueous Solutions of Choline Chloride Based Deep Eutectic Solvent
Ionic Association and Solvation of the Tetrapropyl Ammonium Bromide in Molecular Solvents
Optimization of the Process Parameters in the Preparation of Molybdenum Disulfide Nanopowder Using the Taguchi Method
Corrosion study of Ni-W/PTFE nanocomposite coatings in 1N Sulfuric acid medium
Effect of Solution pH on Magnetization of Graphene/Cobalt Nanocomposite Synthesized via Electrodeposition/Exfoliation Technique
Prediction of Thermophysical Properties of Ionic Liquids (ILs) by Implementation of Hole Theory
Numerical Study of the Influence of Geometric Factors on Heat Transfer Using Water-Al2O3 Nanofluid in Microchannels
Ag Nanoparticles Loaded on Porous Graphitic Carbon Nitride Nanosheets with Enhanced Photocatalytic Activity for Degradation of an Azo dye, RB5Under Visible Ight Irradiation
The Study of Stability and Volumetric Properties for ZrO2 Nanoparticles Dispersed in Polypropylene Glycol (PPG) and Aqueous solutions of PPG
Preparation of Scarlet GN –Zn–Al layered double hydroxide nanohybrid and study its optical properties
Magnetic and Toxicity Investigations of Omega-3/Cobalt Ferrite Nanoparticles
ZnO Nanoparticles Assisted for CO2 Gas Sensing; Prepared by Solvothermal and Sonochemical Methods
The Use of Graphene Quantum Dot Nanocatalysts with Acidic Functional Groups to Synthesize Xanthene Derivatives under Microwave Radiation conditions
Synthesize of Zirconium Silicate Nanofibers by Aid of Alectrospinning Technique
Nanoemulsions; preparation, characterization and applications
The Fabrication of Cobalt- Molybdenum Nanowire Alloy in Alumina Template
Modification of Zn-Al Layered Double Hydroxide with a Anionic Food Dyes and Its Adsorption Behavior for Cd from Aqueous Solution
The Study of Graphene Dispersion by Aid of Cationic Surfactants in Aqueous Media
Investigation of Adsorption of Arsenic (V) Ions from Aqueous Solution Using Natural Clay/Fe-Mn Composite
Fast Adsorption of Chromium (VI) Ion from Synthetic Sewage Using Bentonite/ Bio-coal Composite
La1-xZnxMnO3 (x = 0 to 0.6) perovskite catalysts used in plasma-catalytic oxidation of volatile organic compounds
Application of plasma technology with different voltage in the removal of BTX using treated used battery powder as nano-catalyst
Optimization of Biodiesel Synthesis from Solid Wastes of Oil-refining Factories
Supply of steam saturated superheated steam
Thermodynamic modeling of pharmaceutical substance solubility: A review of various models
Thermodynamic and Kinetic Effects of Methanol in the Formation of Tetrahydrofuran Hydrate