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The first international conference and the fourth national conference on content education students in English
The first international conference and the fourth national conference on content education students in English In date 2022-10-18 by Farhangian University,دانشگاه فرهنگیان مازندران in City Sari was held. please refer to the following link to download all the papers of conference proceedings: Proceedings The first international conference and the fourth national conference on content education students in English
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Accepted papers in The first international conference and the fourth national conference on content education students in English
English Language Teacher Professional Identity: Exploring EFL Language Teachers and Teacher Educators’ Views
Pre-Service Teachers’ Knowledge and Perceptions of Teaching Collocations to EFL Learners
Exploring the Effects of Critical Thinking and Brainstorming on Iranian EFL Learners’ Writing Skills in Online Classes
Cultivating Iranian EFL Learners’ Inter-language Pragmatic Comprehension Competence through Online Peer-Assessment: A Mixed-methods Study
When Writing Goes Frustrating and Enthusiasm Turns Pale … Does Creativity Work for Ameliorating Learners’ Performances at Intermediate Level? : A Case Study
Foregrounding Teachers’ Voices through Action Research in Foreign Language Curriculum Development
Pre-service Teachers’ Beliefs about Their Imagined Identity: An Ethnographic Inquiry
Iranian EFL Teachers’ Percetions of Online Teaching: A Quantitative Research
The Predictive Power of Iranian EFL Learners’ Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge and Technostress for Their Narrative Writing Performance
A Distorted Image Of The Global Village: Revisiting Kachru’s Model In International EFL Textbooks
The Effects of Aural and Written Vocabulary Instruction on Second Language Listening Comprehension
Content Analysis of Prospect and Vision Series
Exploring EFL Teachers’ Perceptions of Enacted Curriculum in Iran: Integrating Curriculum Development with Teacher Education
Multicultural or Localized Curriculum: A Comparative Analysis for the High School TEFL Syllabus of Iran and Indonesia
Emphasizing Emotional Perspectives in Collaborative Strategic Reading to Increase Motivation to Read
Practical Recommendations for English Language Teachers’ Professional Development; Challenges to be Tackled
Collaborative Reflective Practice in Empowering EFL Beginning Teachers
Demotivational Factors Affecting Iranian EFL Learners’ Oral Performance
An Evaluation of English textbook “Vision ۳”: Based on an Eclectic Checklist
The effect of sleep quality on the Second Language Learning of the Middle School and Highschool students in the classroom
The role of teachers’ perception and experience in the mismatch between curriculum design and curriculum implementation; a case study of teaching writing in practical work
The Study of the Effectiveness of Smart Drugs on Language Learning: the Myth or Reality
The Relationships between Iranian EFL Teachers’ Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge (TPACK), Teaching Satisfaction, and Technostress
Iranian EFL Teachers’ attitude toward applying Flipped Teaching Model in English Language Institute
Iranian EFL Teachers’ Performance and Perspectives on the First Day of Class
The Effect of Machine Translation on EFL Learners’ Motivation, Vocabulary Learning and Retention
Examining Iranian EFL Students’ Attitudes and Learning Environment Perceptions Regarding Reality Pedagogy
A Corpus-Based Analysis of Lexical Bundles in Medical Research Articles with a View to Evaluating Editing Effects
Effects of Concurrent Group Dynamic Assessment on Iranian EFL Learners’ Pragmatic Competence: A Case of Requests and apologizes
The Relationship between Iranian EFL Teachers’ Critical Thinking and the Type and Frequency of Those Teachers’ Questions at the Intermediate Level
The Relationship Between Iranian EFL Learners’ Speaking Strategy Use and Their Motivation: A Correlational Study
The Effect of Computer-Based Scaffolding on Phonemic Awareness of Young EFL Learners
Students’ Perception of Utilizing WhatsApp as an E-Learning Tool in English Teaching
A Study of the Adequacy and Effectiveness of Persian Translations of Drug Leaflets According to House Model
EFL Learners’ Collocational Errors in Speaking across Proficiency Levels: The Role of L۱ Transfer Revisited
Iranian EFL Teachers’ Understanding of PCK: Voices from Pre-service and In-service Teachers
Reading Strategy Instruction and Vocabulary Pre-teaching: A Study on High School EFL Learners’ Reading and Vocabulary Development
Motivating Junior High School Students to Learn English Grammar through Games
A Conversation Analysis of an Online EFL Speaking Class: Learners’ Collaboration in Focus
The effects of L۱ Reading Strategies, L۲ Proficiency, and L۲ Reading Anxiety on L۲ Reading Comprehension
Analyzing the Readability Level of the Senior High School English Textbooks Used in Iran
The Effectiveness of the Four Communicative Tasks in Improving the English Speaking Proficiency: a Case of Farhangian University
Motivation for Reading English as a Foreign Language: A Psychometric Measurement Study with Iranian High School Students in Grades ۱۱ and ۱۲
The Effect of EFL Learners’ Exposure to Linguistic Landscape on English Language Learning: An Interview Study
Applying self-regulation in the flipped classroom to help enhance EFL learners’ knowledge of collocations
On the effectiveness of providing acquisition support to Iranian elementary EFL learners
On the Relationship between Interactive Virtual Assessment and Reading Fluency of Iranian EFL Learners
Heutagogy in EFL teaching: facilitating and hindering factors
Does the Order of Combining Structured Input and Output Tasks Make a Difference in the Interpretation and Production of Language Forms? The Case of English Causative Verbs
The Effect of Teaching by Flipped Learning on Reading Comprehension of Iranian High School Grade-۱۲ Students
Investigating the Significance of Syntactic and Semantic Knowledge in the Prediction of Reading Comprehension across Varying Proficiency Levels
Demystifying Perceptions of Teacher-trainers and Pre-Service Teachers Regarding Internship Modules of TEFL Program in Farhangian Teacher Education University
Preservice Teachers’ Motivations to Become Teachers: An Investigation and Scale Development within Self-Determination Theory
Beliefs about English Language Proficiency: A Quan-Qual Study in Iranian EFL Context
The Role of Pre-service English Teachers’ Reflection in their Pedagogical Practice: Lessons Learned from MA Students of TEFL
The Effect of Language Teachers’ Management Style on Students’ Self-confidence, L۲ Motivation, and Willingness to Communicate: Pedagogical Practice under Scrutiny
Impact of Flipped Instruction on Teaching Grammar
Investigating Iranian In-service and Pre-service EFL Teachers’ Immunity
Integrating Effective Writing and Speaking Strategies into Lesson Plan of Vision Series in Iranian High Schools: An Experimental Study
A Movement from Student-Teachers to Expert-Teachers through Procedural Knowledge: A Case Study among Iranian EFL Teachers