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4th International Conference on Composites: Characterization, Fabrication, and Application (CCFA-4)
4th International Conference on Composites: Characterization, Fabrication, and Application (CCFA-4) In date 2014-12-16 by Iran University of Science and Technology,Iran Composites Association in City Tehran was held. please refer to the following link to download all the papers of conference proceedings: Proceedings 4th International Conference on Composites: Characterization, Fabrication, and Application (CCFA-4)
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Accepted papers in 4th International Conference on Composites: Characterization, Fabrication, and Application (CCFA-4)
Impact of Cement Type on the Mechanical Behavior ofFiber Treated Sand
Effect of fiber reinforcement on triaxial shear behavior of clayey sand
Evaluation of modulus of elasticity in polymer-based functionalgraded materials reinforced with carbon nano tubes
Mechanical Properties development of Nitrile-ButadieneRubber/Organoclay Nanocomposites by Hydrogen BondsIntercalation Method
An Experimental and Computational Investigation ofMixed-Mode Translaminar Fractureof Woven Glass/Epoxy Composite
Fracture toughness measurement of curved fiber reinforcedcomposites; experimental approach
Characterization of fiber reinforced composite materials propertiesusing micromechanical method
Verification of some models for simulating a coated fabric as ananisotropic hyperelastic continuum media with experimental data
Influence of FRP width on bond strength of FRP-to-concrete
Preparation and Structural Characterization of Silica/OrganoclayNanocomposite Aerogels
Buckling behavior of a New Type Sandwich Panel withComposite Skins and Trapezoidal Shape CorrugatedComposite-foam Core
Local and Global Approaches to Fracture Mechanics Using differentComputational Geometry Technologies in Isogeometric AnalysisMethod
Impact response of composite laminates interleaved byPCL nanofibers
Nonlinear mechanical response of carbon nanotube/rubbercomposites subject to various types of loadings
Experimental investigations on reinforced concrete slabs strengthened by GFRP sheets
Finite element simulation of thermal deformation in bi-stablecylindrical composite shells for morphing applications
Experimental Study of Repeated Loading on Elastomeric Foam Cores
Investigation on Sandwich Plates with Discontinuous Flexural Cores
Multiscale Matrix Cracking and Delamination Damage Analyses inQuasi-isotropic Glass/epoxy Composite Laminates with Hole
Identification of the dynamic characteristics ofan epoxy-glass composite plate
The Effect of PP Fiber and Textured Yarn on FlexuralProperties of Cement Based Composites
Finite element analysis of unidirectional fibrous polymer compositesby considering interfacial debonding
Micro-Thermal Residual Stress Concentration in Three-Phase Fiber-Reinforced Composites
Numerical investigation on modal characteristics of a delaminatedcomposite beam
Surface Characteristics of Magnetic NanocompositeReverse Osmosis Membrane
Most common non-destructive techniques for damage identification incomposite structures: a Review
Cyclic Behavior of Thick Walled FGM Cylinder Based on NonlinearKinematic Hardening Models
Simulation of long-term behavior in composite pipes
Optical, Structural and Surface Properties of Magnetite/PolycarbonateNanocomposite
Dynamic delamination growth analysis in buckledcomposite laminates using variational principle
Progressive delamination analysis of composite laminates underrepeated out of plane impact loading
Microstructural Characteristics and Mechanical Properties of A356-SiCp Composites Fabricated by Mechanical Stirring Process; Effect ofStirring Temperature
Impact Behavior of Kevlar/Carbon Hybrid Fiber-MetalLaminates
Dynamic Analysis of Functionally Graded Material (FGM) Thick-Walled Spheres Under Mechanical and Thermal Shocks by a Mesh-Free Method
A Study on Fabrication and Characterization of Polyvinyl Alcohol-Hydroxyapatite Composite Scaffolds
Nonlocal DQM for nonlinear vibration of functionally gradedSWCNTs reinforced piezoelectric plates
Evaluating the Effect of Ceramic Coating on Temperature Gradient ofEngine Pistons
A Novel and Efficient Scheme for Evaluating ComplexIntegrals of Meshless Methods
An improved Robust Mesh free Method for analyzing thevibrating behavior in Solid Mechanics
Flexural fatigue model for carbon nanofiber/choppedstrand mat/epoxy nanocomposites
A novel model to predict the fatigue life of hybrid carbonnanofiber/chopped strand mat/epoxy composites based on energymethod
A novel micromechanical constitutive model to predictthe shear behavior of neat and nano-phased epoxyunder dynamic loadings
The effect of sea water aging on quasi-static andfatigue behaviors of glass/epoxy composites
Progressive damage modeling of open-hole laminated composites
Influence of TiO2 Nano Particles on the Tensile Properties of DentalComposite included Bis-GMA
Pultrusion of kenaf fiber impregnated by starch and HDPE
Buckling analysis of cracked FGM plates undermechanical loadings
Buckling analysis, Crack plates, FGM plates
Finite Element Modeling of Thin Composite Plate with EmbeddedPiezoelectric Active Elements
Effect of Feeding Sequence of (PP/SBR/MWCNT) on theMorphology of Nanocomposite
Dispersion and Distributions of Organoclay in (Acryloitrile-Butadiene Rubber/Polyacrylate/Organoclay) Nanocomposite
Coupled Flexural-Torsional Vibration of LaminatedComposite Beams Subjected to Axial force and EndMoment – A Layerwise Discretization
Buckling of Compressively Loaded Orthotropic Edge ReinforcedPlates
Finite Element Simulation of Randomly Oriented DiscontinuousFiber Composite Rotor Blade with Variable Thickness
Sensitivity Static Analysis of Unidirectionally AlignedCarbon/Epoxy Discontinuous Fiber Composites Rotor
Numerical Analysis for Modeling the Variability inMechanical Behavior of Discontinuous CompositeMaterials
Factors affecting the damping of composite/honeycomb sandwichpanels
An Image Processing Technique to Quantify NanofillerLoading Accuracy in Nanocomposites
Elastic Properties of Single Walled Carbon Nanotube Bundle/PolymerComposites
Synthesis of Hybrid Aluminum/ Zirconia NanoparticlesAlumina Microparticles by Semi-Solid Method
Effects of fiber-matrix deboning matrix cracking on mechanicalproperties of composite laminates using micromechanicalapproach
Investigation of Mixed-Mode Interlaminar Fractureof Woven Glass Epoxy Composite
Analytical solution for functionally graded plate on elastic foundationusing Mindlin and Kirchhoff model based on a modified couple stresstheory
Hybrid Composites Utilizing Surface Grown Carbon Nanotubes
Analysis and optimization of tensile strength of PVC/fiberglasscomposite laminates
Simulation of shape memory polymer stent using FEM
Synthesis And Characterization of Magnetic NanocompositeMnFe2O4/Graphene oxide and its application in determination ofpb(II) In Real Sample
Optical Properties of Silver-Copper AlloyNanoparticles/Polystyrene Nanocomposite
Synthesis of AA356.0/(B4C@Ni) composite reinforced by B4C@Ninano-scale layer using stir casting
Vibrational analysis of curved sandwich panel with magnetorheologicalcore using improved high order sandwich panel theory
Optimization of curved sandwich panel with magneto-rheological coreusing genetic algorithm
Effect of Functionalized Graphene Oxide on theProperties of Epoxy/Carbon Fiber Nanocomposites
Non-linear study of base shear and moment of composite columns inMRFs
Synthesis and Characterization of Alkali Treated WheatStraw/Fe3O4 Nanocomposite and Its Application for Basic Blue 9Adsorption
An Investigation on the Effect of Adherent Thickness on FailureLoads in an Adhesive Joint
Mechanical and Physical properties of Chitosan/ Poly (vinyl alcohol)nanocomposite films reinforced with Montmorillonite
Analytical Investigation of Rectangular FGM Plateunder Thermostatic Loads based on First and Higherorder Shear Deformation Theories
Chemical Modification of Carbon Fiber to Improveits Performance in Carbon Fiber/ Epoxy Composites
Fabrication and Characterization of Vertically AlignedCarbon-nanotube and Alumina Nanocomposite
Experimental study of the mechanical and vibrational behaviors ofglass-reinforced aluminum laminates
Crashworthiness of Laterally Compressed CompositeTubes between V-shape Dies and V-shape Indenters
Influences of Discontinuity on Lateral and AxialCompression Progress of Circular Composite Open andClosed-Sections
Experimental investigation of a new natural sandwichpanel with oak cupules core under uniform out of planecompression
sandwich panel, oak tree, cup-like structures, energy absorption
Effect of alumina content on the properties of Al-Al2O3 compositesfabricated via flake powder metallurgy
Effect of sintering time on the microstructure and properties of Al-Al2Cu composites produced by powder metallurgy
Synthesis of polyanilin nanocomposit by HPC as a surfactant and theeffect of MgO on the characteristics of polymer
Determination of J-integral and crack mouth opening displacementusing the commercial FE software ABAQUS in AcrylonitrileButadiene Styrene (ABS) Polymeric Material
Applying self-healing coatings to the ceramic base Titania-Benzotriazole on 7075 aluminum surface by sol-gel method
Study on Physical and Mechanical Properties of BagasseFiber/Thermoplastic Starch Biocomposite
Study the influence of antimony trioxide on flammability andmechanical properties of polypropylene filled with chloroparaffin
Processing of Al/Mg/Ti Composite by Accumulative Roll Bonding(ARB)
Synthesis of Polythiophene/poly(vinyl chloride) Compositeand Nanocomposite by Using PVP and PVA as Surfactants inAqueose Media and Investigation the Characteristics ofProducts Such as Morphology and Chemical Structure
Evaluation of Fracture Properties of Acrylonitrile Butadiene StyrenePolymeric Material using Arcan Test Method under CombinedLoading Conditions
Tribological And Corrosion Behavior Of(Ti,Al)CN/DLC Coating
Effect of Microsphere Content on Thermal Diffusivity Behavior ofHollow PMMA Microspheres/Unsaturated Polyester Syntactic Foams
Effect of Clay Nanoparticles’ Addition on Hardness and ThermalBehavior of Hollow PMMA Microspheres/Unsaturated PolyesterSyntactic Foam
Finite Element Simulation of Damage Initiation and Propagationin SiC/Ti Composites Subjected to Combined Thermo-mechanicalLoadings
Facile photochemical growth of metallic nanoparticles for automobileexhaust catalysis
Pt /Graphene decorated on Nickel foams as a catalyst forcarbon monoxide degradation
Preparation and characterization ofPolyaniline/Polystyrene Composite and Nanocomposites usingvarious surfactants in aqueous media
Nonlinear Vibration of Composite Beams under CombinedIn-Plane and Lateral Loadings using Partial LayerwiseTheory
Experimental investigation into the effects of changing the variouscurve radiuses of composite laminar & angle between tool axisand normal vector of the surface on induced delamination indrilling Woven-GFRP
Experimental investigation into the effects of changing the variouscurves of step drill cutting edges & cutting parameter on induceddelamination in d rilling Woven-GFRP
Numerical Study of Single Point Incremental Bimetal Sheet Forming
Simulation of Fatigue Behavior of Nickel Plated CopperComposites Using Molecular Dynamics
Flexural Properties of Green Composites made of Latania Naturalfiber and PP/EPDM Composites
Active Control of Dynamic Response of SmartSandwich Beam with Soft Core
Low Velocity Impact Behavior of Hybrid Composites
Effect of nano diamonds on cure characteristics and network structureof NR/SBR vulcanizates
Experimental and Numerical Evaluation of composite-metal AdhesiveBonded Joints and Study on Effective Parameters
Experimental studies on the tensile and impact performances ofPA6/ABS/CaCO3Nanocomposites
Behavior Of Concrete Beams Reinforced In ShearWith Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer
The Effect of Using Composite Materials and Sandwich Structures inCar Body on Pedestrian Safety in Urban Traffic
Effect of Graphene Nanoplatelets on the Mechanical properties,Crystallization and Dynamic Mechanical Behavior of Poly (ethyleneg-maleic anhydride)
Analytical estimation of low velocity impact force history oncomposite laminates using different models
Mechanical and morphological properties of LDPE/Perlitenanocomposite films
Using liquid homogenization in order to produce Al-Gr compositewith SPS and cold pressed-sintered in furnace and investigation ofmicrostructure
Mechanical properties of Al-Gr composite produced by two ways:SPS and cold pressed and sintered in furnace
Wear properties of the Al-Gr composite homogenizedin the liquidproduced by two methods: SPS and cold pressed and sintered infurnace
Fracture surface study of the Al-Gr composite homogenized in theliquid produced by SPS
Tensile Properties of Epoxy Composite Reinforced With a LowFraction of Nanosilica Fillers
Reinforcing effect of nanoclay on mechanical properties of wovenglass epoxy composites
Preparation and Biological Evaluation of Glass Ionomer Cement-Diopside Nanocomposite
Inertia effects of Moving Load on Dynamic response ofSandwich Beam with Soft Core
Study of Moisture Diffusion and Cure behavior of Vinyl Ester Resin /Organoclay Nanocomposites
Application of Ultrasonic C-Scan Techniques for nondestructivetesting Laminated Composite Materials
Evaluation on Tensile Strength of Composite MaterialsContaining Palm Fiber as Reinforcing Materials
Preparation and Tribological Properties of ElectrolessNi-P-Graphene Nanocomposite Coating
Anticorrosion properties of nanocomposite coatings based onpolysulfon-epoxy belend/graphen
Investigation on Tensile Properties of Glass/Epoxy/NanosilicaHybrid Nanocomposites
Failure behavior of inserts in sandwich panels under pull-out loading
Fabrication Procedure and buckling Behavior of Composite LatticeCylindrical Shells Under Axial Loading
Experimental and micromechanics characterization ofshape memory alloy short wires reinforced epoxy resin
Thermal cycling and environmental effect on tensile impactbehavior of hybrid single lap joints for fiber metal laminate
Numerical analysis and manufacture of a simple carbon leg prosthesesfor runner
Sandwich Panel Fabrication with Auxetic Foam Core Made ofPolyurethane and glass fiber composite facesheet
Experimental Evaluation of Tensile impact properties of reinforced adhesively scarf joints for composite adherends
Mechanical properties of hybrid nano composite of polycarbonate reinforced by SiO2/AL2O3
An experimental study on free vibration of nanostructured laminated beams
Nonlinear Panel Flutter Analysis of FG Plates with Cutout in Supersonic Flow
The Effect of Glass-fiber Surface Modification(Coupling agent/Corona) on Response of Composite Structures towards High-Velocity Impact
Free Vibration Analysis of Rotating Composite Beam Using Dimensional Reduction Method
Quasi-Static Analysis of Composite Beam with SaturatedPorous Core by Dimensional Reduction Method
Material Characteristics Investigation of Composite Porous Beamwith Axial Diffusion Using FDM and Taguchi DOE
Studing the factors which affect on the chemical structures-morohology and thermal stability of polythiophene and composites
Studing the factors which affect on the chemical structures,morohology and thermal stability of poly pyrrole and composites
Multi-objective optimization of laminated plates under a non-uniformin-plane load for maximize buckling load
Multi-objective optimization of RC beams strengthened in shear with FRP
A study on nanocomposite beam response under low-velocity impactbased on an analytical model
3D Finite Element Modeling of Young’s modulus of nanoclay/polymer composites
Composite Coatings Self-cleaning TiO2- SiO2- Ag
Optimization of Composite Laminates for Minimum Weight and Delamination Fatigue Crack Growth Rate using NSGA-II
Nonlinear Optical Monitoring of Polyurethane via Cordierite Glass Ceramic doping by Z-Scan Technique
Synthesis of Mesoporous Silica/Nylon Nanocomposite Fibers via Electrospinning
The Effect of Volume Fractions on Hole Stress Concentration inComposite Lamina Subjected to Matrix Plasticity
The Effect of Fibers Hybridization on Hole Stress Concentration in aHybrid Composite Lamina Subjected to Matrix Plasticity
Analytical modeling of a novel FRP-encased steel–concrete composite column
Impact Response and Damage of Composite Sandwich Panels with Foam Filled Grid Stiffened Core
In Situ Fabrication of Multi Layers Al-Al2O3Functionally Graded Composite via Hot Press Method
Three-dimensional Bending Analysis of Thick Functionally Graded Rectangular Plates
Effect of Composite Wrapping on the Stress Intensity Factors for Repaired Circumferentially Cracked Pipes
Experimental and numerical investigation of a three point bending test on sandwich panel with CFRP skins and aluminum honeycomb core
Determination of pressure distribution on composite Trimarans during water entry
Simulation of fatigue crack propagation in insect cuticle
Investigation of fatigue behavior of polymeric composites manufactured by hand lay-up and vacuum infusion process (VIP)
Numerical investigation of fracture behavior of beetle elytra
Interface Characterization of Al/Cu/Al Tri-layer Composites after Explosive cladding and Rolling Process
The Effect of Hole Curvature on Stress Analysis of Unsymmetric Laminates with Triangular Hole
Stress resultant, Analytical solution, unsymmetric laminate, triangular cutout
Experimental study on the Mechanical behavior of PBT/ABS/CaCO3 Nanocomposites
Investigation of Impregnation Pultrusion GL/PP prepreg composites
Bending of a composite sandwich sector plate with viscoelastic core using Dynamic Relaxation method
Finite Element Assessment of the Buckling of Composite Grid Stiffened Cylinders Under Axial Compressive Force
Low-Velocity Impact Response and Damage in Composite Grid-Stiffened Cylindrical Shells
Critical buckling load prediction of composite cylinders by usingvarious shell theories and FEM under compressive loading
A 3D progressive failure analysis of mechanically fastened joints made of woven Glass-Epoxy composites
Transient heat conduction in three-dimensional glass/epoxy compositeplate
Pulsed Thermography Method for Delamination Detection of Glass Fiber Composites
Ratcheting Response of Particle-Reinforced Metal-Matrix CompositeUnder Asymmetric Stress Cycles
Influence of polymeric fibers on Engineered Cementitious Composites behavior under various strain rates
The use of polyethylene terephthalate nanofibers to improve the structure of polymer composite membranes
Nanofluid Composites: Preparation and Rheology behaviour for Vacuum Infusion Process
CFD Simulation to find Porous Multilayer Limitation of the Vacuum Infusion Process
Mechanical Properties of Natural Fibers Reinforced Polymer:Comparative Study
Mechanical Properties of Tri-axially Braided Composites: A Parametric Study
Low Weight Composite Proppant for Hydraulic Fracturing of Subterraneous Formation: Experimental Analysis
Influence of LF O2 plasma treatment on surface properties of PC-TiO2 nanocomposite film
Cost Optimization Analysis of Composite Beam
Effects of the copolymer structure on the properties of polypropylene/ethylene-octene copolymer/clay nanocomposites
Non-isothermal melting behavior of UHMWPE/SCF/SiO2 composites
Fabrication and in-vitro Evaluation of HA/UHMWPE composite as a Bone Substitute
Extended Finite Element Analysis of Fatigue Crack Growth for a Cracked Shell repaired by Composite Patch