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Number of Articles: 124Number of Proceeding pages: 254
Papers View: 49205
Fifth International Composite Conference
Fifth International Composite Conference In date 2016-12-20 by Iran University of Science and Technology,Iran Composites Association in City Tehran was held. please refer to the following link to download all the papers of conference proceedings: Proceedings Fifth International Composite Conference
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Accepted papers in Fifth International Composite Conference
Development of 3D Knitted Preform for Creating a Tjointmonolithic composite
High-Velocity Impact Response of Isogrid Stiffened Composite Panels
Evaluating the effect of multi-walled carbon nanotubes on the mechanical performance of anisogrid composite panels under transverse loading
Effects of functionalized graphene nanoplatelets on the flexural properties of basalt fiber/epoxy nanocomposite system
Microvascular-based self-healing E-glass fiber/epoxy composites under tensile testing condition
On the flexural strength of self-healing E-glass/epoxy composites containing micro-vascular channels
Flexural properties of basalt fiber/epoxy composites with nano-ZrO2 enhanced matrix
Special Apparatus for Simulation of Pre-stress on Filament Wound Composite Cylinders under Ballistic Impact Loading
Utilization of Agro-Waste Fibers in Plastic Composites; A Comparative Study
Dynamic mechanical thermal analysis of cured epoxy resin by capsulated 1-methylimidazole curing agent for making advanced composites
Magnetic TiO2/MWCNTs Nanocomposite: Synthesis, Characterization and Photocatalytic Degradation of Methyl Orange
Structural Characterization of MWCNTs/Co-TiO2Nanocomposite and Degradation of 2,4-Dichlorophenol
The Influence of Vacancy Defects on The Young’s Modulus of Graphene Sheets
Thermal buckling of FGM plates based on two variable refined plate theory using bubble finite strip method
Fabrication and bending characterization of Cu-Fe FGM produced by powder metallurgy method
Effect of Mixing Condition on Mechanical Properties of Compatibilized Polyamide 12/Nanoclay/Thermoplastic Elastomer Nanocomposites
A Study on Barrier Properties of Compatibilized Polyamide 12/Nanoclay/ Thermoplastic Elastomer Nanocomposites: A New Nanocomposite for Gas Tanks of Automobiles
Influence of Interface Fiber Orientation on Delamination Initiation and Growth of Laminated Composites under Mode II Loading
A Novel Analytical Model to Estimate Mode I Strain Energy Release Rate of an Adhesive-Interlayered DCB Specimen
Elastic Behavior of Self-Healing Composites using a Micromechanical Model
The Effect of Nano Modified Sizing Material on the Flexural Properties of Glass/Epoxy Laminated Composites
A Novel Analytical Solution of the Energy Absorption of Fiber Bridging Zone of Unidirectional Composites under Mixed Mode I/II loading
Creep and Recovery Behaviors of Hybrid Graphene/CNT/Epoxy Nanocomposites
Prediction of long term durability of polymeric composite materials exposed to the acid and high temperature environmental conditions
Prediction of Mechanical Properties of Highly Filled Polyurethane Composites by Quadratic Statistic Modeling
Optimization of the binder s network of a highly filled polyurethanebased composite using Taguchi experimental design
Metallic short fiber-reinforced adhesively bonded joints
The role of interface fiber orientation on the delamination growth of ADCB E-glass/epoxy laminated composite specimens
Experimental study on flexural and shear behavior of steel beams using carbon laminate
Role of reinforcement content on the fracture behavior of DRA under dynamic loading
Strengthening of RC Arch elements Using Fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) Composites
Preparation and characterization of amine/PMMA microcapsules for self-healing epoxy-based composites
Stiffness prediction of polymer concrete using micromechanical approach
Progressive damage analysis of composite cruciform specimen under biaxial loading
Burst modeling of type IV high pressure storage vessel
Enhancement of adhesive joint strength via metallic bars embedded in the adhesive fillet
The Toughened Nanocomposite Epoxy Adhesive
Morphological study of Magnetic Fibrous PLGA Biocomposites Produced by Electrospinning
Studying the Effects of Degassing Treatment and Adding Coupling Agent on Flexural Properties of Milled Fiber/Epoxy Composites
Wear Mechanisms of Milled Fiber Reinforced Epoxy Composites
Reinforcement of welded metal tubes joints using polymeric laminated composites
Experimental study on compressive strength of resin-epoxy composite reinforced with shape memory alloy fiber under static load and assessment of some effective parameters
Fabrication, Characterization and Photocatalytic application of sol-gel derived MWCNT-ZnO hybrid nanomaterial
Failure load prediction of steel-CFRP double strap joints under quasi-static tensile loading
Crashworthiness of composite and aluminum thin-walled boxes-A numerical study
TiO2/NiFe2O4/Graphene Nanocomposite and Photocatalytic Degradation of Basic Blue 9
TiO2/Fe3O4/Graphene Nanocomposite: Synthesis, Characterization and Photodegradation of Methylene Blue
Optimized manhole made of composite SMC using Taguchi method
Hyper-elastic and cyclic response of composite samples of NR/SBR reinforced by nylon short fibers
Experimental study on tensile, compressive and flexural properties of epoxy nanocomposite at low graphene contents
Tensile and hardness properties of commercially pure titanium processed by surface mechanical attrition treatment (SMAT)
Preparation of elastomeric foam having high cell pressure and foaming agent content-independent foam density
Optimization of Fiber-Reinforced Plastic (FRP) /Metal Joints using the Complex Method
Finite Element Analysis of Piping Composite Joints under Bending Load
Evaluating microstructural characteristics and mechanical properties of AA 5083/SiCnp nanocomposite material
Theoretical Framework for Evaluating the Mechanical Properties of Composite Bone Scaffolds
Finite Element Analysis of Pipe Rehabilitation with Polymeric Composites
Finite Element Modeling of Buried FRP Pipe Under Traffic Loads and Internal Pressure
Finite Element Modeling of the Free Vibration Behavior of Reinforced Polymers with Carbon Nanotubes
Micro-Hardness and Microstructure of Mg/SiC Metal Matrix nano-Composites
Fabrication of Aluminum Based Surface Composites using Hot Rolling Method
Fabrication of Magnesium/Hydroxyapatite Bio-composite Using Stir Casting Method
Effect of Rolling Temperature on Mechanical Properties of Aluminum/SiC Metal Matrix Composite
Experimental investigation of the influence of adding nanotubes on tensile mechanical properties of laminated composites
Experimental investigation of the influence of adding nanotubes on Mode I interlaminar fracture toughness of laminated composites
The mechanical properties of an asymmetric geometric structure for use in morphing wings
Numerical and analytical study on low velocity impact response of functionally graded carbon nanotube reinforced composite beams
A new damage model to predict orthotropic nonlinear behavior of woven glass-epoxy composite by experiment and iterative simulation
Experimental investigation on effects of addition of carbon nanotubes on QS-PS penetration in the glass/epoxy composite laminates
Experimental investigation on effects of the addition of carbon nanotubes on the mechanical properties of glass/epoxy composite laminates
Experimental investigation on effects of span ratios on QS-PST in glass/epoxy composite laminates
Comparing Mechanical Properties of Polymer Based Graded and non-Graded Materials Reinforced with Carbon Nano tubes
Novel Composites Using 3D Fabric by Vacuum Infusion Method
Comparison between the tensile strength and micro hardness of Nano adhesives
Strain rate effect on the bending properties of latania fiber-reinforced PP/EPDM composites
Buckling Behaviors of Variable Stiffness Composite Cylindrical Shell with Elliptical and Circular Cross Sections under External Hydrostatic Pressure
Multiple impact analysis of GLAss REinforced aluminum laminates (GLARE)
Finite element simulation of projectile nose effect on impact response of GLARE using LS-DYNA
Experimental investigation of nanofiber interleaving effect on impact response of GLARE
Analytical modeling for free vibration of functionally graded piezoelectric energy harvester with geometric nonlinearities
Supersonic Flutter Analysis of Curvilinear Fiber Variable Stiffness Composite Laminated Plates
The investigation of mechanical properties of TiB2 particles reinforced AZ80 composites fabricated by dynamic compaction
A Model to Assess Progressive Fatigue Damage in GFRP Composites with layup systems of [0/±45], [90/±45], and [0/±45/0] over StressCycles
Investigating the Effect of Moisture Diffusion on Composite Beam under Impact
Investigating the Response of Polymer based Composites to Unidirectional Tension using Thermal-moisture Analogy
Facile synthesis of Graphene Oxide-Fe3O4 Nanoparticle Composites
Free vibration analysis of composite beam with different boundary condition and considering the effect of Poisson s ratio
Interface element including the combination of damage and friction
Polypyrrole/Graphene oxide/Polymethyl methacrylate Composite as Sensor for Acetone Vapor Detection
Functionalization of linseed oil-filled microcapsules with PMMA shell by using HMDA for self healing application
Experimental investigation on the energy absorption of self-healing composites subjected to impact loading
Investigation of the Mechanical Properties of the Cylindrical Composite Shells in Experiment
Experimental study of the single strap hybrid joint under static load
Tensile properties of self-healing metal matrix composites reinforced with superelastic NiTi wires
Experimental study on the effect of stacking sequence of layers in the fiber metal laminates subjected to static and dynamic tests
Effect of thermal cycles on repairing the edge-cracked aluminum plates by using carbon/epoxy composite patches under tensile load
Development of a durable superhydrophobic PVDF nanocomposite coating
Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Sandwich Composite Beam under Flexural Bending
Shape recovery capability of the shape memory alloy wires embedded in the carbon/epoxy composite laminates
Interface effects on the load distribution in the hybrid SMAcarbon/ epoxy composites
Investigating of Effect of Chemical Surface Modification of SiC Particles on Mechanical and Tribological Properties of SiC-Epoxy Composite
Surface Characteristics and Thermodynamic Adsorption in Nanocellulose Reinforced Bagasse Fiber-Cement Composites
Synthesis and reduction of graphene oxide and studying the impact of synthesis method and reduction on graphene/P3HT nanocomposite properties
Interfacial Toughening of Glass Fiber-Epoxy Composites using Electrospun Nanofibers
Effect of Unsaturated Carboxylate and Nanoclay on Rheological and Morphological Properties of Composites Based on SBR
The Overview of the Development of Chinese Aramid Honeycomb and Applications
Natural Frequency Determination of Functionally Graded Thick Hollow Cylinders Using Galerkin Method
Using Lamb waves for health monitoring of composite plate-like structures based on wavelet transform
Hot Compression Behavior of Severe Plastic Deformed AA6061-SiC Nanostructured Composites
Free Vibration Behavior of Grid Stiffened Composite Plates with Various Boundary Conditions
Numerical and experimental static bending analysis of composite sandwich panels with grid stiffened core before and after transverse impact loading
Optimization of Lattice Composite Plates Under Uniformly Distributed Pressure Load Using GeneticAlgorithms
Thermal induced free vibration analysis of lattice FGM plates
Thermal buckling of lattice composite plates
Dynamic response of multilayered composite conical shells subjected to lateral impulsive pressure loads
Dynamic stability of grid stiffened composite cylindrical shells under harmonic exciting axial force
On the stability of water repellent nanocomposite coatings
Cohesive Zone Modeling of Delamination in Multilayer Composite Circuit Boards
Study of fiber surface treatment on mechanical properties of epoxy composites fabricated
Computational Fluids Dynamics Simulation to Predict Vacuum Infusion Process
Interfacial Properties between Carbon Nanomaterials and Polymer Matrices
Design of Particulate Materials and Engineering Application
Challenges and approaches towards specifying nanomaterials