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Number of Articles: 99Number of Proceeding pages: 246
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The 6th International Conference on Composites: Characterization, Fabrication and Application
The 6th International Conference on Composites: Characterization, Fabrication and Application In date 2018-12-11 by Iran University of Science and Technology,Iran Composites Association in City Tehran was held. please refer to the following link to download all the papers of conference proceedings: Proceedings The 6th International Conference on Composites: Characterization, Fabrication and Application
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Accepted papers in The 6th International Conference on Composites: Characterization, Fabrication and Application
The use of electrophoretic deposition (EPD) method to prepare graphene-based nanocomposites
The size effect of nanoparticles on the mechanical and electrical properties of cement–Fe3O4 nanocomposite
Effect of chemical composition on the intermetallic compound formations of cold-sprayed Ni-Ti composite coatings
Comparison investigation on photocatalytic efficiency of TiO2 nanosheets doped by cobalt and silver for tetracycline degradation under visible light
Numerical Modeling of Crack Propagation in Functionally Graded Materials (FGMs) using XFEM
Investigation of the Influence of Viscoelastic Material Injection in Faulted Zones on Segment Constructed Tunnels Behavior
The Simulation and optimization of carbon black/ PTFE composite as the gas diffusion layer of an electrolysis cell
Fracture behavior of Magnesium/Hydroxyapatite bio-composites
The study of interlaminar fracture resistance of NH2-CNT reinforced fiber metal laminates using modified asymmetric DCB geometry
Fabrication of NCM–graphene nanocomposite as the cathode material for use in Li-ion batteries
Axial crushing behavior of two-dimensional braided composite tubes-An experimental study
Effect of 3D printing process parameters on mechanical properties of PLA specimens
Analytical progressive damage analysis of laminated composites based on various material degradation models
Prediction of mechanical properties of CNT/epoxy nanocomposite-3D RVE-based approach
Electromagnetic properties of 70 wt. % Carbonyl iron/woven glass fiber/epoxy composite in X-band frequency
New synthesis of Zeolite Y/Palladium/Nickel ferrite nano composite by ultrasonic irradiation
Effect of Halloysite Nanotube Addition on Properties of Poly (lactic acid)-based Nanocomposites
Investigation of Mechanical and Morphological Properties of Silica Nanofiber Reinforced Epoxy Nanocomposites Prepared by a New Dispersion Method
Effect of Accelerator on Curing Behavior of Dicyandiamide-Cured Epoxy Resin
Numerical Analysis on Flexural Properties of Sandwich Panels with FML Face Sheets Reinforced by SMA Wires
A Finite Element Model for Controlling Static and Dynamic Response of Composite Laminates through Piezoelectric Layers
Increasing Osteoconduction and Osseointegration of Titanium surface by a Novel Surface Treatment Coated by Hydroxyapatite-Nanoclay Composite
Prediction of Temperature-Dependent Mechanical Properties of Epoxy
Micromechanical Modeling of Self-Healing Polymer Composites
Modeling the propagation of Torsional Ultrasonic Guided Wave in Composite Pipes
Strength Improvement of Composite-Steel Lap Joint by Reverse Step and Grading the Overlap with Fiber
Micromechanical finite element modeling of moisture diffusion in unidirectional composite materials
A numerical analysis of torsion load capacity in hybrid tubular joints between composite to metal under pure torsion
Preparation of Mesoporous Silica-Polymer Composites to Introduce Dual Porosity in Monolithic Silica
Study on Quantitative Predictors for Dispersion and Interfacial Interaction in Composites
The effect of foam morphology of carbon black reinforced poly (methyl methacrylate) nanocomposites on electrical conductivity
Effect of nanoclay on the extent of transesterification in PET/PEN nanocomposite
Influence of different number of aluminum sheets on energy absorption and damage modes of FMLs
Investigation of high velocity impact on hybrid structure consist of E-glass woven fabrics and Aluminum sheets with different thickness
Fe3O4 Nanoparticles/ Graphene Oxide Nanosheets/Carbon Cloth as an Electrochemical Sensing Platform
Thermal buckling analysis of FG-CNT reinforced composite cylindrical panels
Mechanical buckling analysis of FG-CNT reinforced composite cylindrical panels
Effect of YSZ and SiC Reinforcements on the Mechanical Properties of Cr2O3 Plasma-sprayed Nanocoatings
Numerical analysis of static axial load bearing capacity enhancement in FRP strengthened tubular T-joints
Buckling of Composite Submarine Body Structures under External Pressure
The Strength of Flax/Epoxy and Glass/Epoxy Composites: Fiber s Orientations
Axial impact of E-glass fiber/epoxy and carbon fiber/epoxy composite frusta with square and circular cross-sections
Evaluation of delamination and hole edge quality in drilling hemp fiber reinforced composites
Micro-scratch Behavior of Friction Stir Processed Al-SiC Nanostructured Composites
Prediction of matrix cracking density in laminated composites using micromechanics
Effects of layup on energy absorption in laminated composites under Charpy impact test
Stress Distribution in Horizontal Composite Cylindrical Vessels on the Saddle Supports
Numerical and Experimental Buckling of Composite Grid-Stiffened Conical Shells Before and After Transverse Low-Velocity Impact
Finite element simulation of 3D integrated weft-knitted sandwich composites with different cross sectional shape
The residual bending strength after impact of the 3D integrated weft-knitted sandwich composites in tensile and compression modes:The effect of geometrical cross sectional shape
Fracture in bimaterial systems containing interface crack
On the mixed mode fracture toughness of epoxy-based composites reinforced by cotton fibers
UV Treatment as a method for adhesion enhancement of polyethylene to E-glass/Epoxy composites
Effect of the conversion degree on the healing efficiency of a novel thermally remendable polymer
Efficiency determination in self-healing polymer matrix composites reinforced with shape memory wires
Effect of acid-thermal aging on flexural strength and modulus of unidirectional E-Glass/Vinyl ester composites
Investigation of harness effects on mechanical properties of woven composite materials
The experimental analysis on the effect of embedded pre-strained SMA short and long wires on the behavior of carbon/epoxy laminates subjected to low-velocity impact
Repeatability of the slitting method in measurement of residual stresses in laminated composites
Non-destructive evaluation of matrix cracking in composites using Lamb wave propagation
Residual stress measurement in composites using slitting method and digital image correlation technique
Effect of Pre-strain on Debond Initiation in Shape Memory Alloy Wire Reinforced Polymers
An investigation on impact strength of a thermoplastic composite made by hybrid fiber knitted preform
Frequency-dependent viscoelastic behavior of randomly-distributed-CNT/epoxy nanocomposites using a combined finite element-micromechanics method
Fatigue Life of Single-lap Composite Samples over Tightening Torque of Bolted Joints
Characterization of a fiber reinforced composite through use of ultrasonic scattering techniques
Buckling Optimization of Variable Stiffness Composite Cylindrical Shell with Cut-out under External Hydrostatic Pressure
Progressive damage analysis of open holed cross-ply laminate under static loading
Progressive damage analysis of unidirectional pseudo-ductile hybrid composite laminates under tension loading
NiB–Graphite and NiB–PTFE Composite Coatings Prepared by Dynamic Chemical Plating Method: Morphological studies
NiBP-graphite Composite Coatings: Corrosion Characterization
Prediction of the Young s modulus of SWCNTs/epoxy nanocomposites by considering SWCNTs curvature and local agglomeration
Pull-through Damage Simulation in Composite Bolted Joints Using Numerical and Experimental Methods
Electrical Conductivity Improvement of Epoxy Resin Using Expanded Graphite
Aeroelastic Energy Harvesting Analysis Using Unsteady Aerodynamics
Biomimetic synthesis of gelatin-hydroxyapatite composite scaffold for bone tissue engineering application
Novel synthesis of mesoporous silica/Fe3O4 nanocomposite with core-shell structure
Uniaxial tensile and compressive behavior of Mg/Al2O3 nanocomposite at ambient and elevated temperatures
Effect of Particle Distribution on Nano-indentation of Particle Reinforced Nano-composites
Free vibration analysis of piezoelectric laminated composite plate with improved zigzag theory
Energy Absorption Analysis of Empty and Foam-Filled Bi-tubular Composite Tube under Axial and Oblique Loading
Investigation on the debonding between different layers in a hybrid aluminum/glass-epoxy/rubber laminate under high velocity impact
Molecular dynamics investigation of interaction energy between polystyrene/polyethelen and SWCNT, functionalized SWCNT and DWCNT
Fracture Energy of CFRP Composite Lamina in Fiber Breakage Mode using Digital Image Correlation and Finite Element Methods
Experimental study on the plies adhesion of a novel hybrid laminate composed of aluminum, glass-epoxy composite and natural rubber layers under low velocity impact
Numerical Investigation on Honeycomb Foam Filling and Honeycomb Density Increasing in Ballistic Impact Behavior
Agar-zinc adsorbent synthesis with Nano cavities to absorb protein nanoparticles
Effect of Titanium Peroxide on Hydrogen Generation from Magnesium Hydride
Thermal Buckling Analysis of Open Circular Cylindrical Shells Reinforced with Single walled Carbon Nanotubes Best on Resting Elastic Foundation
Dimension Optimization of a Carbon/Epoxy Lunch Vehicle Adaptor in Order to Maximize the First Resonance Frequency
Shock Analysis of a Carbon/Epoxy Composite Satellite Adaptor
FEM Buckling Analysis of a Lattice Composite Adaptor in Order to find the Optimum Dimensions
Curvature changes and weight loss of GFRP composites under thermal fatigue
The role of thermal fatigue and open hole on the tensile performance of polymeric composites
Investigation of the effects of cooling temperature on the residual stresses of CFRP composite cylinders
Characterization and in vitro studies on the effect of SrO on nano-hydroxyapatite layer in bio-composites
Investigation the properties of synthesized copper based nano-composites with TiO_2 particles
Free Vibration Analysis of Functionally Graded Thin Pipes Conveying Fluid Using GDQM
The Effect of Fluid Flow on the Free Vibration of Functionally Graded tubes