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Number of Articles: 100Number of Proceeding pages: 328
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The 7th International Conference on Composites: Characterization, Fabrication and Application
The 7th International Conference on Composites: Characterization, Fabrication and Application In date 2020-12-23 by Sahand University of Technology,Iran Composites Association in City Tabriz was held. please refer to the following link to download all the papers of conference proceedings: Proceedings The 7th International Conference on Composites: Characterization, Fabrication and Application
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Accepted papers in The 7th International Conference on Composites: Characterization, Fabrication and Application
The sintering study of stainless steel ۳۱۶ metal injection molding for high density application purpose
Composite coating of HA-CNTs-Gelatin on Mg alloy as a potential bone implant: Microstructure evaluation
The optimum weight percentage of the nanoparticles composition to prevent surface cracks in nanocomposite with the base of silicone rubbers
Fatigue life prediction of off-axis unidirectional composites based on the damage-entropy model
A brief introduction to the auxetic materials
Detection of matrix cracking in composites using Lamb wave propagation and machine learning: numerical modelling and experimental validation
An experimental study on self-temperature rise phenomenon in polymeric laminated composites during fatigue loading
Numerical Analysis of the Deformation Behavior of Auxetic Metamaterials plate
Study of Auxetic Materials Behavior by Experimental Methods
Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of St-MMA Copolymer/Silica Nanocomposite Foams Prepared Using a High Pressure Supercritical CO۲ System
Chemical characteristics and mechanical properties of thermoplastic polyurethane nanocomposites containing organoclay and POSS nanoparticles
Effects of different porosity volume fractions on the mechanical properties and global orthotropic behavior of gelatin closed-cell bio-foams
Fouling mechanism of PVC/Al۲O۳ nanocomposite membrane in the filtration of humic acid with and without PAC coagulant
Effect of coagulation treatment on the antifouling properties of PVC/Al۲O۳ nanocomposite membrane for water treatment
Improved Mechanical and Biological Properties of Biodegradable Composites Based on Bioactive Glass and Tragacanth
Determination of a β- blocker by a simple modified electrochemical sensor
Study of the influence of non-symmetric geometry of convex curved ENF specimen on delamination of a composite material in mode II
Synthesis and Properties Comparing of the TiO۲ doped with CNT and Ag nanoparticles
Evaluation of the Effect of Polypropylene Synthetic Fibers on Thickness Design of Cement Concrete Composite Runway Considering Effective Flexural Strength and ۳D Finite Element Analysis
The bubble nucleation and growth of supercritical CO۲ in Polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) via visual observation apparatus
Retrofit Wall Insulation: Investigating the role of water-repellent Rockwool in improving the energy performance of Veneer brick walls
Development of a finite element model to study the impact behavior of nano-reinforced sandwich structures
Mechanical Properties of PP/PE/Clay Nanocomposites
Green synthesis and characterization Fe-Ni bimetallic nanocomposite using natural plant
Ultrasonic assisted fabrication and characterization of CuO/ Fe۲O۳ bio-nanocomposite using Quinoa plant
Fracture Mode of Opening for Annular Crack in Anisotropic Composites
Stress Based Criteria for Mixed Mode (I/II) Fracture of Composites: Micro Modeling Assessment
The impact of wrinkle behaviour on the Poisson’s ratio of woven composites: Geometrical study
Fabrication and Effective Factors Investigation in Nano porous Alumina (AAO) template Synthesis
Damage Analysis of Pultruded Fiber Reinforced Polymer Connections
Computational Study for Delamination Detection in Fiber-Metal Laminates Using Lamb Wave Propagation
Investigation the Creep Behavior Affected by FGM Constant in Pressure Vessels under Thermo-Mechanical Loads
Buckling and Post-Buckling Behavior of Tubular Columns Made of Shape Memory Alloys
Processing of High Ratio Wood Plastic Composites (WPC)from Recycled Polyethylene using Calendering Machine
Study of Mechanical Performance of Carbon Black Reinforced Thermosetting Nanocomposites
Mechanical Properties of Hollow Glass Microspheres (HGMS) Reinforced Polystyrene Based Thermosetting Micro-composites
Characterization of Poly Lactic Acid (PLA)/Poly Caprolactone (PCL)/Thermoplastic Polyurethane (TPU) Shape Memory Alloys Processed by Two Roller Calendering
Mixed-mode I/II fracture criterion for crack growth behavior of orthotropic materials
The Effect of Geometrical Parameters on the Impact Strength of Steel Wire Reinforced Sandwich Structures
Experimental Investigation of the Cooling Rate Effect on Final Shape of Asymmetric Composite Laminates
A novel synthesis of magnetic anatase TiO۲ loaded by graphene quantum dots with improved the application in methylene blue degradation
Novel and facile graphene quantum dots based on maltose: synthesis, characterization and application
Diminishing of the Electroendosmosis Flow in Gel Electromembrane Extraction for Quantification of Chromium Species in Environmental Samples
Parallel separation and quantification of acidic and basic dye specimens via a dual gel electro-membrane extraction from real environmental samples
Weld Nugget Zone Nanocomposite Formation of Al ۷۰۷۵-T۶/Al۲O۳ over Friction Stir Spot Welding Process and its Influence on Fatigue Response
Analytical, Numerical, and Experimental Study of the Flatwise Compression Properties of ۳D Integrated Woven Sandwich Composites
Application of polypyrrole/hydroxyapatite bilayer coatings on stainless steel (۳۱۶L) using electrodeposition method
Role of Interphase Region on Electrical Conductivity of Polymer Nanocomposites
Post-Buckling analysis of cracked axially functionally graded beams under compressive uniaxial load
Effect of Al۲O۳ content on mechanical properties of Al/Al۲O۳ functionally graded composite materials fabricated by powder metallurgy
Preparation of Novel Thermoplastic Polyurethane Elastomers (TPU)/Terpolyamide Poly-Blends as a Composite Matrix
Oxidation behavior of ZrC-SiC-HfB۲ composite under an oxyacetylene flame
Simulation of healing process in bio-composites: a case study of human skin
Improved Aromatic-Hydrocarbon Liquid Permeability of Thermoplastic Polyurethane/Closite-۳۰B Nanocomposites through Preferential Clay Intercalation Behavior
Thermal behavior of a Hollow Glass Microspheres Composite Coating
Long-term creep behavior prediction of composite pipes subjected to humid environments
Effect of reinforcement content on the properties of Ni-Fe/Al۲O۳-TiO۲ hybrid composite coatings
The influence of sintering temperature on the characteristics of the Cu-xAl۲O۳ composites
Facile synthesis of CuFe۲O۴/Sep as a new nanophotocatalyst and its application in dye degradation
Investigating the Application of ۳D Printers in the Manufacture of Reinforced Composites
Evaluation of Mechanical and Physical Properties of Luffa Cylindrica Reinforced Bio-composites
Characterization of Biodegradable Thermoplastic Starch/Poly LacticAcid/NanoClay Filaments Used in ۳D Printing
Conductive Inks: History and Future Prospects
Conductive Inks Based on Metallic Silver Nanoparticles with Enhanced Properties
Effect of cell structure on Solvent Absorption Capacity of Nitril rubber composite foams
Micromechanical modeling of textile-reinforced mortars under uniaxial tensile loading
Investigation of the effect of clamping force on the strength and failure of composite laminate bolted joints under dynamic loading
Poly(amidoamine) dendrimer-grafted carbon nanotube and polyurethane composites
Synthesis of Graphene nanoribbon- CdSe@CdS Quantum Dots Nanocomposite to Boost the Photocatalysis Performance for Hydrogen Generation
Magnetically Decorated Halloysite Nanotubes: The Halloysite Mass Content Assessment in Nanocomposite
Novel Magnetic Halloysite based-Molecularly Imprinted Polymer for Sunset Yellow Removal from Aqueous Solutions
CST modeling of Multilayer Polymeric Composites for Designing of Electromagnetic Absorber
The influence of inorganic Nano fillers on the mechanical properties and diffusion ratio of Ethylene propylene diene monomer
Synthesis and characterization of clay/chitosan incorporated cellulose/ NiO based on biorenewable resources for methanol oxidation
Biocomposites based on poly (lactic acid), chitosan and their blends used for food packaging films
Preparation and Characterization of Magnetoconductive Composite Scaffold for Neural Tissue Engineering
Modeling matrix cracking evolution in cross-ply laminated composites subjected to in-plane hygrothermal stresses
Determining the effect of graphene oxide on diameter distribution of PVP electrospun nanofibers
Effects of Alkyl Ammonium Chains on Thermomechanical Properties of MMT/Polypropylene Nanocomposite-MDS Simulation
Recycling of mixed plastic wastes containing PVC
Preparation of Novel Composite as Lubricant Additive for Tribological Properties
Preparation of random and graft copolymers of GMA and MMA using reactive melt mixing and solution polymerization
Improvement of rheological and mechanical properties of PLA by reactive blending with Poly(MMA-g-GMA)
Nanocomposites of Graphene Nanosheets Grafted with poly(۳-hexylthiophene) Chains and P۳HT Homopolymer as Well as Hydrophobic P۳HT-b-polystyrene Block Copolymers
Scaffolds Prepared by Nanocomposites of Polyaniline and Poly(۲-hydroxy ethyl methacrylate)-co-Poly(Nisopropylacrylamide)- co-Poly(ε-caprolactone) Terpolymers
Novel Nanocomposites of Various Grafted Graphenes and Poly(۳-hexylthiophene)
A Study on Fabrication of Hybrid Composite Based on Reduced Graphene Oxide and Polyaniline for Corrosion Protection
Effect of Carbon Black and Silica Fume on Mechanical and Thermal Properties of High-density Polyethylene Films Used for Water Transport Pipes
Super toughening of PLA through blending with SEBS and Nano-clay
Preparation and Characterization of Extrusion Injection Molded Bio-based Polylactic Acid (PLA)/Thermoplastic Polyurethane (TPU)/Ethylene Vinyl Acetate (EVA) Polymer Blends
Halloysite, a Dual Charge Nanotube, Effect on Polypropylene Nanocomposites Preparation via In situ Polymerization using Ziegler-Natta Catalyst
Effect of Chemical Structure of Epoxy Resin on Mechanical Properties of Cured Resin and its Composite
Study of Composites of Chitosan and its Significant Applications - A Review
Investigation mechanical properties and Interlaminar shear strength of epoxy / glass prepreg based on bi-component epoxy resins
Poly (Methyl methacrylate) /Poly (lactic acid) /Cellulose Nanocrystals Packaging Film. Part I: CNC Surface Modification, Nanocomposite Preparation and Characterization
On the wear behavior of nano-CaCO۳/E-glass fiber/epoxy composite
An experimental study on the effects of various drill types on drilling performance of UD and woven flax fiber reinforced composites
Elasto-plastic simulation of bullet penetration into Al۷۰۷۵-SiCp composites armor
Production of new generation Thermoplastic elastomer polyurethane (Rubber Imitation) by in-situ reaction molding
Theory of interaction of EM waves from Characterization of Biodegradable Thermoplastic Starch/Poly LacticAcid/NanoClay Filaments Used in ۳D Printing